25 mind blowing things likely to happen if dems succeed in removing Trump from office

"21) Progressives will calls for all baby boys to have their genitals mutilated to halt “male privilege” and end masculinity once and for all. It will become mandatory to chemically abuse male children in order to destroy testosterone and “medicate the evil male gender” out of them." LMAO! At least Infowars makes for a good laugh. I can't believe folks read and believe this shit.
Alex Jones has made a fortune off of the gullible
"21) Progressives will calls for all baby boys to have their genitals mutilated to halt “male privilege” and end masculinity once and for all. It will become mandatory to chemically abuse male children in order to destroy testosterone and “medicate the evil male gender” out of them." LMAO! At least Infowars makes for a good laugh. I can't believe folks read and believe this shit.
Alex Jones has made a fortune off of the gullible

He should just call his show "Gullible's Travels".
no your just missing how it's the other way around , stupidity does make you quite stupid. Keep getting those vaccines.

And mental illness makes you quite mentally ill. Keep getting those shock treatments, Crazy Train

That's what you see in yourself!

Nope. Everyone here knows you're nuts except you.

OH U MEAN U AND your two bitches------- who agreed......lmfao omfg u stooped to their c..t level

"21) Progressives will calls for all baby boys to have their genitals mutilated to halt “male privilege” and end masculinity once and for all. It will become mandatory to chemically abuse male children in order to destroy testosterone and “medicate the evil male gender” out of them." LMAO! At least Infowars makes for a good laugh. I can't believe folks read and believe this shit.
Alex Jones has made a fortune off of the gullible

InfoWars is so funny

3) Once Nancy Pelosi becomes President, she will immediately push to nominate and have Hillary Clinton confirmed as Vice President. This will require confirmation from the Senate, but if Senate Republicans have already lost any backbone to prevent the conviction of Trump, they will have no resistance whatsoever to Democrats shoving Hillary Clinton down America’s throat.
A coordinated, deep state attempt to remove Trump from office at any cost is now gaining steam. With the collusion of the deep state media, CIA operatives and anti-Trump tech giants that censor all truth, the deep state is hoping to crush democracy, destroy Trump and install Hillary Clinton as President of the United States in just the next few months.
25 Mind-Blowing Things Likely to Happen If Dems Succeed in Removing Trump From Office

For all the leftist retards who can't think all on their own..........

Does your doctor know you’re off your meds again?

That's your issue not mine dumb fk. TOld you we are not dumb enough to help big pharma get rich of our health stupid assssssss. so fk off.


Oh, so you just enjoy constantly being made fun of because your brain is made from cat shit?

"21) Progressives will calls for all baby boys to have their genitals mutilated to halt “male privilege” and end masculinity once and for all. It will become mandatory to chemically abuse male children in order to destroy testosterone and “medicate the evil male gender” out of them." LMAO! At least Infowars makes for a good laugh. I can't believe folks read and believe this shit.
Alex Jones has made a fortune off of the gullible

Damn Boi....you sure are gullible
Will Republicans come out and vote for Mike Pence if Trump is removed?

and u don't know why your a retread....... THE RESEARCH PROVES THE POINT STUPID MTHER FKR SEARCH ALL THE TITELS OF THE 25 DUFIS........


#3) Once Nancy Pelosi becomes President, she will immediately push to nominate and have Hillary Clinton confirmed as Vice President. This will require confirmation from the Senate, but if Senate Republicans have already lost any backbone to prevent the conviction of Trump, they will have no resistance whatsoever to Democrats shoving Hillary Clinton down America’s throat.

25 mind-blowing things that are likely to happen if the Dems succeed in removing Trump from office
View attachment 287986
Retread? Like a retread tire?

Retread - Wikipedia
22) Orgy training in public schools, involving live LGBT pedophiles performing sex acts in classrooms while progressive parents cheer. Way beyond “sex ed,” public schools will actually host anal sex orgies, complete with on-site instruction and demonstrations involving pedophile teachers. Classrooms will become orgy theaters, with live video streaming sold online to raise money to fund “public education.” (It’s really more like pubic education, in case you haven’t noticed.)

22) Orgy training in public schools, involving live LGBT pedophiles performing sex acts in classrooms while progressive parents cheer. Way beyond “sex ed,” public schools will actually host anal sex orgies, complete with on-site instruction and demonstrations involving pedophile teachers. Classrooms will become orgy theaters, with live video streaming sold online to raise money to fund “public education.” (It’s really more like pubic education, in case you haven’t noticed.)


Reminds me of the good ole days when I was in school

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