257k Jobs Added in January

Obama is the McJobs president. Want fries with that?

Dont worry,McD's will soon be paying twenty bucks an hour and there'll be no more poor people.
Want some cheese to go with that whine?

It just kills you when the economy improves, doesn't it.

The economy doesnt effect me one way or another.
Although I do laugh at all you liberals who are suffering under the messiah.
It's like a moron hitting his thumb with a hammer yet cant figure out why his thumb hurts.
What is this weird disease from which you suffer which thinks everyone who is happy about a growing economy is a liberal?

You are just confirming to everyone that conservatives hate when things get better.

I am a conservative who is VERY happy when things improve for the country. Asshole.
The economy is not improving lol.

The economy is not improving lol.

U.S. employers hired steadily last month and workers’ wages picked up, suggesting the labor market is moving closer to full health more than five years after the recession.
Jobs Report U.S. Adds 257 000 Jobs - WSJ
Obama is the McJobs president. Want fries with that?

Dont worry,McD's will soon be paying twenty bucks an hour and there'll be no more poor people.
Want some cheese to go with that whine?

It just kills you when the economy improves, doesn't it.

The economy doesnt effect me one way or another.
Although I do laugh at all you liberals who are suffering under the messiah.
It's like a moron hitting his thumb with a hammer yet cant figure out why his thumb hurts.
What is this weird disease from which you suffer which thinks everyone who is happy about a growing economy is a liberal?

You are just confirming to everyone that conservatives hate when things get better.

I am a conservative who is VERY happy when things improve for the country. Asshole.

You're obviously fond of having smoke blown up your ass.
There is one piece of data that conservatives will be happy with, government jobs decreased by 10k last month.
That fucking liberal rag Wall Street Journal says the economy looks like it is moving toward full health. But we willfully blind monkeys know better. Ook! Ook! Eek-eek-eek!
LACKEY: Sir, a whole lot of jobs were created. The ISM index is up. Wages are up. Gasoline is cheap. Labor force participation is up. The Wall Street Journal is even saying it looks like we are getting back to full economic health.

PARTISAN HACK: The economy is not improving lol
Did The BLS Forget To Count Thousands Of Energy Job Losses?
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015 - 09:52
According to corporations themselves, there were at least 18,000 terminations in the high-paying energy sector. According to the January payrolls report, the number of Oil and Gas Extraction workers declined to 199.5K in January from 201.4K in December, a virtually non-exstant drop of 1,900 workers (and even the not seasonally adjusted, raw data shows a tiny drop of just 3.1K workers). So did the BLS choose to ignore for these thousands of jobs losses, or did it simply forget?
The notion of the dems getting credit for the economy and the elections in 16 are the scariest thing imaginable for the gop.

And we really have no one but ourselves to blame. The reality is that our econ is improving is more that the Bernank refused to go along with the austerity pushed by the gop and Europe. Obama and Chairwomen Pelosi did relatively little beyond a bandaid, which mainstream republicans agreed 75% with. But, the policy the Bernak followed was classical Milton Friedman ... who was the intellectual or the Reagan econ policy. In short, we bought a spout of tea party bs.
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Where The Jobs Were In January: Education, Health And Retail
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015 - 10:41

As already observed, when it comes to tracking the job losses in the energy space, the BLS had some rather significant "seasonally-adjusted" or otherwise issues in January, reporting just 1.9K job losses in the oil and energy exploration space, when the reality was orders of magnitude higher. But while the Bureau of Labor Services may have failed to notice the collapse of the highest-paying US jobs (after Wall Street of course), it determined that over 250K jobs were created in other sectors. Where were

Canadian FinMin Blows The Narrative: US Economic Leadership "Is Simply Not Sustainable"
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 02/06/2015 - 10:21

Happily ignoring the 'fact' that the unemployment rate rose in the US today, talking-heads continue to proclaim the US economy will be the economic engine of the world going forward... cleanest dirty shirt... where else are you going to invest. Of course this ignores the fact that US Macro data has been a disaster over the last 2-3 months. But there is one dissident voice who dares to speak up... Canadian Finance Minister Joe Oliver said on Friday, although the United States is carrying the world economy at the moment, "that is simply not sustainable." Blasphemy!!
The unemployment rate has ticked up because more of the people who dropped out of the workforce and stopped looking for jobs have started again. This means though that those who said the economy was in fact not improving when the unemployment rate was dropping were correct.
FLACK: The economy is improving, sir. We can't have that!

HACK: We are going to have to work harder now. We need to find something wrong so as to throw a wet blanket on the good news.

FLACK: How about this, sir..."The economy is not the best it can be, therefore this latest news is really bad news."

HACK: I like it!
Oil services job cuts reach 25,000

Houston Chronicle ^
Another 8,000 oil jobs are about to evaporate, a major oil-tool supplier said Thursday, deepening the industry's wounds even as U.S. crude has regained some ground from its steep price slump. Weatherford International's 15 percent job cut brings the tally of layoffs by the world's four biggest oil field services companies to 25,000 in recent weeks - a bigger number in a shorter time than in oil downturns of the past. More are expected if oil remains cheap at $50 a barrel. Weatherford CEO Bernard Duroc-Danner promised investors that the company, incorporated in Ireland with its main U.S. offices in...
The economy is improving. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. Can't have that!

We are going to work hard to find something wrong so as to throw a wet blanket on the good news.

Not hard at all when there is SO MUCH that you assholes don't want to acknowledge...and you have a subversive press to back up false promises.
Oil services job cuts reach 25,000

Houston Chronicle ^
Another 8,000 oil jobs are about to evaporate, a major oil-tool supplier said Thursday, deepening the industry's wounds even as U.S. crude has regained some ground from its steep price slump. Weatherford International's 15 percent job cut brings the tally of layoffs by the world's four biggest oil field services companies to 25,000 in recent weeks - a bigger number in a shorter time than in oil downturns of the past. More are expected if oil remains cheap at $50 a barrel. Weatherford CEO Bernard Duroc-Danner promised investors that the company, incorporated in Ireland with its main U.S. offices in...
That's because Obama has brought down the price of Obamagas.

You guys were bitching when gas prices were high and now you're bitching when gas prices are low. Make up your fucking minds already.

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