288k new jobs stunner, UE at 6.3%. Pubs study new phony crisis lol...

And how come, before the BLS news hit this morning the Dow surged up to 16620 but closed down, to 16512?

You gotta be a special kind of stupid to be a dimocrap

That was not so good. Seriously. You were doing good there up until that one.

Trust me, poindexter. The only entity on earth that seeks your approval is that dog in your avatar.
Of the ALLEGED 288K, how many are illegal aliens ? How many are legal aliens, on work visas ? (while Americans still watch from the unemployment sidelines)

How many are contrived stats (like construction workers returning back to work after an unseasonably snowy & icy winter) ?

How many are strikers simply returning back to work ?

And how many don't exist at all, except in the imaginations of Obama Labor Dept cronies ?

Are there folks around who just blindly accept a number tossed out by Obama's boys ? (in an election year) If so, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn (on sale, cheap)
Of the ALLEGED 288K, how many are illegal aliens ? How many are legal aliens, on work visas ? (while Americans still watch from the unemployment sidelines)

How many are contrived stats (like construction workers returning back to work after an unseasonably snowy & icy winter) ?

How many are strikers simply returning back to work ?

And how many don't exist at all, except in the imaginations of Obama Labor Dept cronies ?

Are there folks around who just blindly accept a number tossed out by Obama's boys ? (in an election year) If so, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn (on sale, cheap)

The number could very well be real. If it is, it's because Republicans aren't moving on the EMERGENCY Unemployment extension dimocraps want.


Funny how when a person's Unemployment runs out...... Funny how they often manage to find a job. :dunno:

288,000 burger flippers? Just what the Country needs; more dumbass, needy, dependent dimocraps.

It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.
It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

the loser Left; trying to put themselves on a high moral horse; because some of us arent willing to be useful idiots, and pretend news that really isnt so good is the best thing ever


libs are losers who lie to themselves
It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

I agree. Anybody who would say that this news isn't as great as was implied by the OP, and not just accept that it means that Democrat fiscal policy is the most beneficial to our economy, is totally not a patriot.

Also, people who criticize a war effort after we've been terrorized, and don't just accept that dropping bombs on brown people is gonna make us safer in general, they're not patriots either.

If you don't love this country (by which I mean agree with the party in power) then you can get out!

Did my redneck accent come through in that text? Oh, I hope so.
It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

I agree. Anybody who would say that this news isn't as great as was implied by the OP, and not just accept that it means that Democrat fiscal policy is the most beneficial to our economy, is totally not a patriot.

Also, people who criticize a war effort after we've been terrorized, and don't just accept that dropping bombs on brown people is gonna make us safer in general, they're not patriots either.

If you don't love this country (by which I mean agree with the party in power) then you can get out!

Did my redneck accent come through in that text? Oh, I hope so.

oh th "brown-skinned people" thingy again

lol no your red-neck accent didnt come out; but your idiotic, progressive smug arrogant stupidity did

what a complete idiot
which "Democrat fiscal policy" has us doing so well left-wing moron?

do the obama Stimulus jobs sill exist/
if i had a pile of Bush and Republican policies Dems in Congress voted to keep funding, extend...etc; and a pile of ones Dems DIDNT vote to keep extending, funding, etc

which pile would be larger?

so what Democrat fiscal policy created jobs?

taxing the rich? cuz that is the only truly dem fiscal policy i see

ur a joke
drone attacks on brown-skinned people have TRIPLED under obama

damn that mean ol Tea Party for making obama do that!!
are we safer yet leftard?

it's always somebody elses fault huh"? even when the brown-skinned guy is in charge?:


you're a damn fool
It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

I agree. Anybody who would say that this news isn't as great as was implied by the OP, and not just accept that it means that Democrat fiscal policy is the most beneficial to our economy, is totally not a patriot.

Also, people who criticize a war effort after we've been terrorized, and don't just accept that dropping bombs on brown people is gonna make us safer in general, they're not patriots either.

If you don't love this country (by which I mean agree with the party in power) then you can get out!

Did my redneck accent come through in that text? Oh, I hope so.

oh th "brown-skinned people" thingy again

lol no your red-neck accent didnt come out; but your idiotic, progressive smug arrogant stupidity did

what a complete idiot

LMFAO. Progressive?

I'm libertarian. The point I was trying to make is that these jackasses sound exactly like what they despised back in 2002, when the same argument was directed against them (i.e. if you express disagreement with how the regime in power is acting during this "crisis", you're un-American).

Try to exercise a little reading comprehension before you accuse people of silly shit.

Progressive. . . LMFAO.
I agree. Anybody who would say that this news isn't as great as was implied by the OP, and not just accept that it means that Democrat fiscal policy is the most beneficial to our economy, is totally not a patriot.

Also, people who criticize a war effort after we've been terrorized, and don't just accept that dropping bombs on brown people is gonna make us safer in general, they're not patriots either.

If you don't love this country (by which I mean agree with the party in power) then you can get out!

Did my redneck accent come through in that text? Oh, I hope so.

oh th "brown-skinned people" thingy again

lol no your red-neck accent didnt come out; but your idiotic, progressive smug arrogant stupidity did

what a complete idiot

LMFAO. Progressive?

I'm libertarian. The point I was trying to make is that these jackasses sound exactly like what they despised back in 2002, when the same argument was directed against them (i.e. if you express disagreement with how the regime in power is acting during this "crisis", you're un-American).

Try to exercise a little reading comprehension before you accuse people of silly shit.

Progressive. . . LMFAO.

libertarian; a loser who doesnt like anybody; unliked by everybody
oh th "brown-skinned people" thingy again

lol no your red-neck accent didnt come out; but your idiotic, progressive smug arrogant stupidity did

what a complete idiot

LMFAO. Progressive?

I'm libertarian. The point I was trying to make is that these jackasses sound exactly like what they despised back in 2002, when the same argument was directed against them (i.e. if you express disagreement with how the regime in power is acting during this "crisis", you're un-American).

Try to exercise a little reading comprehension before you accuse people of silly shit.

Progressive. . . LMFAO.

libertarian; a loser who doesnt like anybody; unliked by everybody

Lol. You go ahead and call me what you will.

With your misdirected accusations that I support Democrat fiscal policy and that I think Obama is any more constrained that Bush, you've just demonstrated that you have a hard time understanding the meaning of things said in plain English.

As you're obviously someone who's slow to comprehend and quick to anger, I find your opinion of me significantly less than significant :)
obama's lemming Horde are desperate to spin his economic failures

says the guy who is so desperately trying to spin any good news into bad.
Too funny
There's nothing good about the RULE of this administration. It's an utter failure. The first rule of govt should be "do no harm". I'm saying to you, plainly, that based on his actions over the last 5 years, Obama's intention is to harm this nation and make it totally dependent on govt.

He doesn't love this country, he wasn't really raised here, wasn't rooted in the traditions and love of America, has no loyalty to it, his roots are Marxist, he's got an ant-colonialist bent learned from the ideology of his father, and he's got a massive ant-white chip on his shoulder. He's a globalist and he'll never put America first. Abroad, he apologizes for America and insults us.

Since you support him, you're also part of the problem; you and all those who support him.
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It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

This is not ideology, it is merely fact.

Despite the unemployment rate plummeting, more than 92 million Americans remain out of the labor force.

The unemployment rate dropped to 6.3 percent in April from 6.7 percent in March, the lowest it has been since September 2008 when it was 6.1 percent. The sharp drop, though, occurred because the number of people working or seeking work fell. The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not count people not looking for a job as unemployed.

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