288k new jobs stunner, UE at 6.3%. Pubs study new phony crisis lol...

Goddammit. 288,000 jobs? There has GOT to be a way to turn this into awful news.

I bet most of them were FAG jobs! Yeah...that's it. Fag jobs.

They must be seasonal jobs
Most are probably part time
Minimum wage
What about the number of people out of the workforce

Goddammit. 288,000 jobs? There has GOT to be a way to turn this into awful news.

I bet most of them were FAG jobs! Yeah...that's it. Fag jobs.

They must be seasonal jobs
Most are probably part time
Minimum wage
What about the number of people out of the workforce


Rottenwinger must have copied the truth by mistake! :badgrin::badgrin:
288K is an undereported amount

85K left the market

several hundred thousand retired during the reporting period
Someday soon the UE rate will hit 2%. That doen'st mean anything about jobs except there are No more jobs left and all but 2% have given up. The sketchy way this regime reports the numbers it's all down hill from here. There is no Growth.
If there were jobs with UE going down we wouldn't be hearing so much about income inequality, extended UE benefits and skyrocketing foodstamp users.
It's all smoke and mirrors :lol::lol::lol::lol: And libs will defend it until the end because their guy is in office while we slip further down the drain.
806K people dropped out of the labor force and we have the lowest participation rate since 1978.

White male unemployment is 5.9%
Black male unemployment is 11.9%

Where is the Progressive Outrage?
806K people dropped out of the labor force and we have the lowest participation rate since 1978.

White male unemployment is 5.9%
Black male unemployment is 11.9%

Where is the Progressive Outrage?
Facts just don't fit into the liberal narrative much like the Lie of the Year..
You can keep your doctor if you like your doctor....
As long as there's a D after anyone's name they will defend until the end.
The liberal mantra "the end justifies the means" is how they roll.
No free birth control = Outrage
It's obvious that good news benefits our economy and our people, and bad news has the opposite effect. Those above who spin the news negatively are not patriots, nor truth tellers. In fact they put their ideology and selfish best interests first, before the people. Most 'carry the cross and wrap themselves in our flag' and thus are anything but patriots.

I agree. Anybody who would say that this news isn't as great as was implied by the OP, and not just accept that it means that Democrat fiscal policy is the most beneficial to our economy, is totally not a patriot.

Also, people who criticize a war effort after we've been terrorized, and don't just accept that dropping bombs on brown people is gonna make us safer in general, they're not patriots either.

If you don't love this country (by which I mean agree with the party in power) then you can get out!

Did my redneck accent come through in that text? Oh, I hope so.

No but your sarcasm did. The fact is the economy has little impact on the number of corpses being put in the ground at Arlington and other National Cemeteries, as well as little to do with the number of arms and legs removed from the formerly healthy bodies of young Americans.

Ohhh, gotcha. So the rednecks are still worse than you guys, cuz when -you- tell people to love your leader or leave your country, it's not regarding war. Only economics.

Divisive rhetoric is only divisive when it comes on the heels of something a Democrat finds immoral.

Definitions updated. Thank you, this has been ultra informative.
Chicago Sun-Times
Spring stunner: Jobs report blows past forecasts
USA TODAY - *1 hour ago*
The labor market roared ahead in April as milder weather helped employers add 288,000 jobs - the most in more than two years. The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% - the lowest since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

funny how as soon as republicans get enough control of congress to stop wasteful liberal spending and senseless legislation that stifles business, the economy starts to normalize
Chicago Sun-Times
Spring stunner: Jobs report blows past forecasts
USA TODAY - *1 hour ago*
The labor market roared ahead in April as milder weather helped employers add 288,000 jobs - the most in more than two years. The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% - the lowest since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

What's so funny about this is had the extended UE benefits not expired all those folks would still be counted against the UE rate. Instead they were part of the 800K that was counted as having dropped out. Then you wouldn't be smiling, but think about it the next time you bitch about the extended UE benefits, as soon as they are reinstated the UE rate will go up.
Chicago Sun-Times
Spring stunner: Jobs report blows past forecasts
USA TODAY - *1 hour ago*
The labor market roared ahead in April as milder weather helped employers add 288,000 jobs - the most in more than two years. The unemployment rate fell to 6.3% from 6.7% - the lowest since September 2008, the Labor Department said Friday.

What's so funny about this is had the extended UE benefits not expired all those folks would still be counted against the UE rate. Instead they were part of the 800K that was counted as having dropped out. Then you wouldn't be smiling, but think about it the next time you bitch about the extended UE benefits, as soon as they are reinstated the UE rate will go up.
806K people dropped out of the labor force and we have the lowest participation rate since 1978.

White male unemployment is 5.9%
Black male unemployment is 11.9%

Where is the Progressive Outrage?

Of the employed, the drop was two tenths of one per cent.

How may retired, or moved to other jobs?

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