2nd Largest City In Ukraine, Falling.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
Per the say so of the Ukrainians themselves. Refreshing honesty out of the Ukes for a change.Though it is difficult to spin this as anything other than what it's shaping up to be. A disaster...

Per the say so of the Ukrainians themselves. Refreshing honesty out of the Ukes for a change.Though it is difficult to spin this as anything other than what it's shaping up to be. A disaster...

Quick, send them another couple billion dollars.

Or better yet, don't.
Per the say so of the Ukrainians themselves. Refreshing honesty out of the Ukes for a change.Though it is difficult to spin this as anything other than what it's shaping up to be. A disaster...

Happy days for you!
Hell, the way desertions are rising on both sides it won't be long before they just call it a day.

The Fakeness of that assertion is that Russia is

caring for around 20000 Ukeys whereas the comparable Russia figure is still under 1000 .
Per the say so of the Ukrainians themselves. Refreshing honesty out of the Ukes for a change.Though it is difficult to spin this as anything other than what it's shaping up to be. A disaster...

Ukrainian family that I grew up with. They talked with relatives just a month ago. The Ukranian losses are far greater than being reported.
Quick, send them another couple billion dollars.

Or better yet, don't.
We just rushed them an emergency $400MM aid package to support Kharkov. It’s likely that Ukraine overpaid Biden and Congress in the $61B and they asked us to make the shortfall
We just rushed them an emergency $400MM aid package to support Kharkov. It’s likely that Ukraine overpaid Biden and Congress in the $61B and they asked us to make the shortfall
Oh?....geez I wonder how much personal wealth has gone up in DC with the passage of the AID bill? 400 million emergency funds eh? Sounds like someone needed a new swimming pool.
All the Billions of dollars and military equipment going to a lost cause.

Joe Biden is the best friend a Russian arms dealer could ever have. First he left behind billions of dollars worth of equipment in Afghanistan, now he's setting us up to do the same thing in Ukraine.
All the Billions of dollars and military equipment going to a lost cause.
Well not totally lost. Zelensky is now a billionaire, his mother in law has a nice Villa in ...Cyprus I think it is. Annnnnd our own congress critters have made a good fortune off of the boomerang bucks. 200,000 dead Ukranians? Who cares?
If Ukraine falls, e en if Zelensky is replaced; it will.not.gain media coverage before the election of 2024. The.irony ofthis is that while.the West sanctioned Russia,.they wisely just furned to.China knowing the West would NEVER shut out or confront China. So, here we are. The costs to Europe.and perhaps more will be far more if Ukraine falls, both in money and lives All so that Apple can continue to make iphones at low costs and we can all experience the privilege of the next Chinese EV car dump. Amazing.. Simply amazing.
Well not totally lost. Zelensky is now a billionaire, his mother in law has a nice Villa in ...Cyprus I think it is. Annnnnd our own congress critters have made a good fortune off of the boomerang bucks. 200,000 dead Ukranians? Who cares?
They have been losing at least 1200 a day recently . Let alone those maimed , injured . those running away and those that have surrendered .
They have been losing at least 1200 a day recently . Let alone those maimed , injured . those running away and those that have surrendered .
In the mean time Russia is training two new replacement Armies of 100,000 each.
Sad to see, but I think it's inevitable.
Sure wish Putin were assassinated. Probably the only thing that might put an end to the war.

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