2nd nurse infected with EBOLA is now EBOLA-free.


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
2nd infected nurse Amber Vinson now Ebola-free - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

A Dallas nurse who was being treated for Ebola will attend a Tuesday news conference discussing her discharge from an Atlanta hospital after tests showed she’s virus-free.

Amber Vinson, 29, was to be present at the news conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and would make a statement, a news release from Emory University Hospital said.

Vinson worked as a nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas and cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man who died of Ebola at the hospital on Oct. 8.

Vinson’s family announced Oct. 22 that doctors could no longer detect the deadly virus in her body, a step toward recovery her mother described as an answered prayer.

Vinson was one of two nurses who became infected while caring for Duncan. The other infected nurse, Nina Pham, was released Oct. 24 from a hospital attached to the National Institutes of Health near Washington.

Good news.
Yes, very good news.

I thought we were all going to die from Ebola.

How long before we hear that people who have been found disease free are actually being turned loose by President Obama in order to infect us all?

Far fetched?

The RW nutters are already saying he wants the disease to spread through the US.

Meanwhile, he just keeps on doing what needs to be done and we're seeing the true results of that through the lies from the right.
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog

Though I was not actually looking to make this thread political, somehow I thought someone would come along and say this....
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog

Though I was not actually looking to make this thread political, somehow I thought someone would come along and say this....

it also shows the incredible breakdown of facts with the nutters.

MisterBeale said

If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it.

How is it possible to be THAT ignorant?

OTOH, Darrell Issa got all of it wrong when he said it was from South America and called it e-boli, apparently thinking its actually e-coli.
2nd infected nurse Amber Vinson now Ebola-free - Associated Press - POLITICO.com

A Dallas nurse who was being treated for Ebola will attend a Tuesday news conference discussing her discharge from an Atlanta hospital after tests showed she’s virus-free.

Amber Vinson, 29, was to be present at the news conference scheduled for 1 p.m. and would make a statement, a news release from Emory University Hospital said.

Vinson worked as a nurse at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas and cared for Thomas Eric Duncan, a Liberian man who died of Ebola at the hospital on Oct. 8.

Vinson’s family announced Oct. 22 that doctors could no longer detect the deadly virus in her body, a step toward recovery her mother described as an answered prayer.

Vinson was one of two nurses who became infected while caring for Duncan. The other infected nurse, Nina Pham, was released Oct. 24 from a hospital attached to the National Institutes of Health near Washington.

Good news.
It's not good news, it's Obama's fault those people didn't die.

It happened on his watch
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog

Though I was not actually looking to make this thread political, somehow I thought someone would come along and say this....

it also shows the incredible breakdown of facts with the nutters.

MisterBeale said

If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it.

How is it possible to be THAT ignorant?

OTOH, Darrell Issa got all of it wrong when he said it was from South America and called it e-boli, apparently thinking its actually e-coli.
We3ll you do a good job at the ignorance game,stating that its bad news for nutters that the women has recovered shows a huge lack of integrity,say anything even as outrageous as that,but all good.

Hate hate hate,thats all that flows out of these people.
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog

Though I was not actually looking to make this thread political, somehow I thought someone would come along and say this....

it also shows the incredible breakdown of facts with the nutters.

MisterBeale said

If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it.

How is it possible to be THAT ignorant?

OTOH, Darrell Issa got all of it wrong when he said it was from South America and called it e-boli, apparently thinking its actually e-coli.
We3ll you do a good job at the ignorance game,stating that its bad news for nutters that the women has recovered shows a huge lack of integrity,say anything even as outrageous as that,but all good.

Hate hate hate,thats all that flows out of these people.

You're right that I "hate, hate" the people who are running for office and the so-called "news" agencies who are feeding the hysteria and panic.

I also despise the corrupt and dishonest Issa who actually thinks his weather app will save people from e-boli. And yes, the facts are indeed bad news for them. If they were not lying about the virus, we would not have low-information types like MisterBeale actually writing "If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it."

Seriously, in this "information age", its just stunning that people are THAT ignorant.
If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.

Ebola The US diagnostic test is utterly unreliable Jon Rappoport s Blog

Though I was not actually looking to make this thread political, somehow I thought someone would come along and say this....

it also shows the incredible breakdown of facts with the nutters.

MisterBeale said

If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it.

How is it possible to be THAT ignorant?

OTOH, Darrell Issa got all of it wrong when he said it was from South America and called it e-boli, apparently thinking its actually e-coli.
We3ll you do a good job at the ignorance game,stating that its bad news for nutters that the women has recovered shows a huge lack of integrity,say anything even as outrageous as that,but all good.

Hate hate hate,thats all that flows out of these people.

You're right that I "hate, hate" the people who are running for office and the so-called "news" agencies who are feeding the hysteria and panic.

I also despise the corrupt and dishonest Issa who actually thinks his weather app will save people from e-boli. And yes, the facts are indeed bad news for them. If they were not lying about the virus, we would not have low-information types like MisterBeale actually writing "If she ever even had it. ... Chances are, she never even had it."

Seriously, in this "information age", its just stunning that people are THAT ignorant.

I'm not going to argue with you, you're being just plane ignorant. Maybe the nurse DID have Ebola, maybe she didn't. I'm not saying she definitely didn't. All I'm saying is that the administration and the medical providers are acting in a suspicious manner.

Diagnosing Ebola: Why isn't there a rapid, reliable test?
Diagnosing Ebola Why isn t there a rapid reliable test - CBS News

How do we know she didn't just have the flu? Because your MSM, like that alter of the GOD you worship, tells you so? It's funny, you call ME the low information type, but I seek out more than one type of media. I read and consume not only CFR/MSM media, but also foreign media, alternative media, independent citizen media. . . etc. I post it for your consideration, but you immediately reject it, with out even giving it a close look, because it might upset your tightly constructed world view. Then what would you do with your cognitive dissonance?

It matters not to me, because I don't care what folks like you, either on the left or right believe. I am here to hep folks with free minds and independent thinkers see clearly. We know who we are. We don't have time for whiny children like you. We are only trying to sort out the truth, and care not one whit for your partisan political games.

Who is more likely the duped and the brainwashed? You, the person with the agenda, or me, the person that digs till the truth is revealed?

I'm not going to argue with you, you're being just [sic] plane ignorant. Maybe the nurse DID have Ebola, maybe she didn't. I'm not saying she definitely didn't.

THINK MisterBeale

Ebola isn't like a cup of coffee that you can choose to have and then get up and walk away and not suddenly not have anymore.

If she ever even had it. I have been finding out that the test for Ebola is VERY unreliable. Chances are, she never even had it.

I wonder if this Duncan character even had Ebola. Maybe he died of something else entirely. How would the American public ever even know if he had died from Ebola, or if it had been something else? We wouldn't.

Yeah, so. . . What ever.
Lol so this is how we start to explain away all that chicken little bullshit about a pandemic in the US if it ever arrived in our cities. If you can't be right, just make it a conspiracy theory.The dude who arrived from Liberia then got sick and infected a nurse with Ebola didn't have Ebola, and neither did she. It is all lies.

How does Mr. Beale know this? Why because his source, who has a degree in philosophy and has made a living claiming AIDS is another conspiracy, says in his blog the tests don't work.

Funny shit.
Like so many RWs, he has no clue about viruses.

He thinks she could have had it but then didn't have it or didn't have it but now does .............

TWO cases of Ebola contracted on US soil.

To the uneducated, THAT is a pandemic.


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