$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

Businesses pass through taxes that’s my point, raise their taxes 70% and they will raise their prices and their profits will remain the same because they will raise their prices.
They won't raise their prices, 70%.
They will find ways, vehicle purchase, new equipment, new furniture, etc. to lower their tax obligation.
They won't raise their prices, 70%.
They will find ways, vehicle purchase, new equipment, new furniture, etc. to lower their tax obligation.
They wouldn't need to raise prices 70%, they would offset the taxes, meaning a raise in prices on the percentage of profits the tax hike would bite into, taxes are not the only expense in running a business. They will cover their costs as they all do and they won't maliciously spend either, that is what government does, not corporations, they have to report to shareholders.

$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think​


You can even ask for change back.
They wouldn't need to raise prices 70%, they would offset the taxes, meaning a raise in prices on the percentage of profits the tax hike would bite into, taxes are not the only expense in running a business. They will cover their costs as they all do and they won't maliciously spend either, that is what government does, not corporations, they have to report to shareholders.
If corporations raise their prices too much, then people won't buy their product or service, of course they are going to 'offset' their tax obligation, just as they will with every expenditure.

Corporations don't maliciously spend?

Sears buying K mart.
Time Warner buying America online.
Blockbuster buying Enron.
Coca-cola introduces 'new' coke.
Apple 'map' to replace google.
Frito- lay introduces fat-free snacks.

Let alone the corruption.

In fact it includes Medicare and other items that save $1T.

Including savings on drug costs. Something long overdue
Great you and the rest of the loons can pay for it. I don't give a shit what Europe does and before you start screaming TRUUUUUMPPPP !!!!! I didn't want to pay for most of his shit either.
Great you and the rest of the loons can pay for it. I don't give a shit what Europe does and before you start screaming TRUUUUUMPPPP !!!!! I didn't want to pay for most of his shit either.
Then move to another country, where you don't have to pay for anything.
If corporations raise their prices too much, then people won't buy their product or service, of course they are going to 'offset' their tax obligation, just as they will with every expenditure.

Corporations don't maliciously spend?

Sears buying K mart.
Time Warner buying America online.
Blockbuster buying Enron.
Coca-cola introduces 'new' coke.
Apple 'map' to replace google.
Frito- lay introduces fat-free snacks.

Let alone the corruption.
Funny you went from furniture buying to bad business investments and equate the two. I didn’t think you had much. As far as raising prices, if they all raise and you need the item, your options are quite limited, to either pay the price or pay the price.
Funny you went from furniture buying to bad business investments and equate the two. I didn’t think you had much. As far as raising prices, if they all raise and you need the item, your options are quite limited, to either pay the price or pay the price.
Yes, I did, that's the purpose of paragraphs.

I didn't try to equate buying furniture and bad business investments.

'they won't maliciously spend either, that is what government does, not corporations, they have to report to shareholders'.
'Corporations don't maliciously spend'?
Separate subject, different sentences.

' your options are quite limited'. See separate.

Some are people will buy the cheaper item, just as long as it's the same brand.

'either pay the price or pay the price'. See separate.

Like prescription drugs that still have their patents.
Great you and the rest of the loons can pay for it. I don't give a shit what Europe does and before you start screaming TRUUUUUMPPPP !!!!! I didn't want to pay for most of his shit either.
Then move to Gooch's Gulch
Well, we all know what he's been talking about, it adds nothing to the national debt.... Just because you rely on a condensed tweet and right wing spin and commentary for your news and understanding, is not my problem. It's yours.
Once again we have to ignore what the Potted Plant In Chief actually says, and try to read what's left of his dwindling mind.
Personally I would prefer that the Federal government spend much less and that States decide what programs they want to fund, giving the residents of each State greater control over spending.

The the Fed govt only did the very few things allowed them by the Constitution, it would by 1/1000 the size it is today.
To believe "tax cuts must pay for themselves" one has to believe all money belongs to the government.
'One has to believe'?
'all money belongs to the government'.
Sure it does, in N. Korea.
'One has to believe'?
'all money belongs to the government'.
Sure it does, in N. Korea.
Then explain how letting an individual keep more of the money he earns is a cost to the govt.

No other explanation other than you think all money belongs to the govt.

Can't have it both ways, Stupid.

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