3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland. Well, they have Band-Aid's!

Not knowing how many people were shot, we (the hospital) were put on alert shortly after this happened.

Never a dull moment in this crazy world.
Shooter 26 year old woman ...temp employee ...shot herself dead.
---------------------------- what was her name of other identifying characteristics if you know DarkMan ,

It is a sad day for the NRA. Scratch one more supporter….
She was probably a black muslim tranny

Welcome to my special list of people that I maintain on this site, Mike!
Welcome to my special list of people that aid and abet crime.
The NRA?
fyi: The military has way better and about 3.5 guns per person all branches.

Thus the logic of the Framers that it be necessary that Americans keep and defend their rights to their AR-15.

Have people forgotten why the 2nd exists in the first place, or what?

The people who don't want you to own an AR-15 are the ones who own the most AR-15s. Duh.
The shooter has been identified as Snochia Moseley.....

End of the day, society has a moral problem. Laws can't and won't change the moral problem in society. Society has to resolve its own moral problem, and only then will it reflect on the laws that follow as a result.
End of the day, society has a moral problem. Laws can't and won't change the moral problem in society. Society has to resolve its own moral problem, and only then will it reflect on the laws that follow as a result.
End of the day countries with strong gun control don’t have regular mass shootings. Certainly not 3 in 2 days.
End of the day, society has a moral problem. Laws can't and won't change the moral problem in society. Society has to resolve its own moral problem, and only then will it reflect on the laws that follow as a result.

We appreciate your support of the pro-choice movement!
3 mass shootings in 2 days. Only in the USA. Weak gun laws are really working.

Sorry Brain... bought and registered in Maryland...better luck next time.
And? How many mass shootings in the UK the last 2 days? Germany? Japan?
---------------------------------- who cares Brian .
Those that care about life.
----------------------------------------------------- i care about MY life and do as much as i decide to do to preserve MY and my Families lives Brian .
Legal gun, massive gun control laws already in effect, including universal background checks INCLUDING private sales, mandatory registration of handguns, seven day waiting period, state permit required to purchase a firearm, mandatory firearm training for issue of permit, ban on high capacity magazines and required securing of firearms...female shooter...no suggested course of action from Johnlaw bodecea Vandalshandle or the OP Baz Ares ...

...thread will now be ignored completely...

Totally false. You can buy any gun in a private transaction in AZ without a background check or registration. Then, you can conceal carry without a license, or even having to demonstrate where the safety is. Do you always pull information out of your ass, or just on message boards?


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.
3 mass shootings in 2 days. Only in the USA. Weak gun laws are really working.

Sorry Brain... bought and registered in Maryland...better luck next time.
And? How many mass shootings in the UK the last 2 days? Germany? Japan?
---------------------------------- who cares Brian .
Those that care about life.
----------------------------------------------------- i care about MY life and do as much as i decide to do to preserve MY and my Families lives Brian .
Impressively selfish of you. The government should protect us all. Clearly our current gun laws make that impossible. Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control.

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