3 mass shooting, three semi automtic rifles

OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.

Every civilized country with gun control does not have a gun problem. Where has it not worked?

OOOOOPS! Looks like you don't know how to read.

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.
for what reasons? you have no evidence they are a threat. more violence is done with hand guns. what you propose does not stop killing, so it becomes a waste of money and time. why aren't you for legislation that says you commit a crime with a gun you get a mandatory sentence of 50 years?
Blah Blah Blah

Crazy people that do mass killings want to own assault type rifles.

Sounds to me that a good spot to weed them out is by sending all buyers of these guns to be checked out mentally.

From posters here, they would probably identify at least half as having mental issues.

I mean really, whoi is dumb enough to argue we shouldn't ban these weapons because trucks can be used ti kill people.

Or, we need these weapons to shoot other people with these weapons so we can't ban them.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.
We have gun control and the bastards you worship won't enforce it.

It is extrmely weak thanks to the NRA.
Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
LOL! You just said you want the government to take peoples guns. Someone tries to take mine and if I can I'll shoot at least one of them.
Your life must not be worth much. Die for an inanimate object? Sad.
Better than being on my knees like you coward.
Lefties who never set foot in the field often rely on political dogma and left wing blogs to frame their pathetic argument rather than reality. They are quick to call law abiding hunters "pathetic" if they have a quick second shot in a semi-automatic rifle to kill an animal rather than letting it run off and bleed to death. It really gets crazy when the anti-gun left presumes to judge the right of a law abiding citizen to use the same semi-auto rifle as a home defense weapon.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
You are sure? Provide a link saying semi-automatic rifles are illegal to hunt with.
One of my students said he borrowed a friend's semiautomatic rifle to hunt deer last year, but you only pull the trigger once, not a bunch of times. You don't want to tear up the meat.

The poster said semi-automatic rifles are ILLEGAL to hunt with, which is not correct except in 4 or 5 states.
I clearly state that some states that had candy-assed, poor shooting hunters allowed semi-automatics. Heck, they need the herd whittled down.

Heck why not tote that couch in the woods, bring the beer, have a seat, send out the dogs, put out the bait & load up that semi-automatic.

You guys are such pathetic hunters. If you need more that one shot, you shouldn't have taken the first one.
You really don't know shit about hunting do you? The vast majority of hunters use bolt actions. I would use a semi for dangerous game.
Thank you. It's the same around here. Don't know about bear hunters. Most of the people I know hunt deer.
Tell me what new gun laws will do what the ones we already have but do not enforce don't do
Well start by punishing those preventing those laws from being implemented even if it means putting the NRA in jails.

The ones preventing the laws from being implemented are progressive groups like the ACLU.
Yeah they love seeing deaths and destruction by guns

No, what they love seeing is the US Court system rendered completely helpless. They will fight for every violent asshole leftist out there. But a rightwinger who doesn't want to bake a cake..... forget it.
And when a dem breaks a law hang him and when a republican gets caught ,,it's political
Whats Moores excuse Will? Laugh all you will ,the truth is out there to see
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.
We have gun control and the bastards you worship won't enforce it.

It is extrmely weak thanks to the NRA.
Liar. The media scum you worship has reported time after time the latest shooter in california was practically ignored by the police after repeated complaints of threats and law violations with guns.. So stop your bullshit lying!
Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
again, we're asking what it is you want.
A ban on semiautomatic rifles. Limited size magazines for handguns. More accurate reporting of arrests to the federal data bank that does background checks on gun purchases. The ability of law enforcement to confiscate an individual's weapons temporarily, pending a speedy hearing, if the individual is acting erratic and homicidal or making threats on people's lives.
Better work on a Constitutional Amendment.
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
LOL! You just said you want the government to take peoples guns. Someone tries to take mine and if I can I'll shoot at least one of them.
Your life must not be worth much. Die for an inanimate object? Sad.
Better than being on my knees like you coward.

You are the coward hiding behind your guns while women and children die.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
Too bad the states around them don't. Ask a Chicago cop where the illegal guns are coming from. He'll tell you.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.

Sure they are. Paris France had over 130 killed. Norway had over 77 killed by one asshole. Just last year an asshole shot 45 killing ten in Munich. You might want to actually read what is going on instead of listening to the anti gun morons here who can't seem to pay attention to what is happening in the real world.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.
LOL! You just said you want the government to take peoples guns. Someone tries to take mine and if I can I'll shoot at least one of them.
Your life must not be worth much. Die for an inanimate object? Sad.
Better than being on my knees like you coward.

You are the coward hiding behind your guns while women and children die.
Got a link to that liar? Where did I hide, when, with what gun while who was murdered?
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh

Not true actually.
OK, good job whackos

We got the truck argument.

We got the definition of assault rifle argument

We got the good guy with a gun argument

We got input from the Limbaugh dittoheads

I know you can do better.

They keep saying the same BS while the corpses pile up. Meanwhile the only proven solution is gun control.

Show us a single country where a gun ban has worked.
Try every single industrialized country in the world. Not bans, necessarily, but strict gun control. They are not dying by the gazillions from shooting each other.
you know who had the strictest gun control in the country? Chicago. Duh
Too bad the states around them don't. Ask a Chicago cop where the illegal guns are coming from. He'll tell you.
Why don't he arrest them if he knows?
Exactly MINDLESS. Thanks!
Outlawing semiautomatic weapons isn't the only answer, you're right. Absolutely. But getting those goddamned things out of every American closet would really help. This latest nutcase also bought his guns legally, and owned them even though he was arrested earlier this year for assault with a deadly weapon, and it was against his wife. A neighbor called and told the cops the shooter was acting pretty nutty prior to the shooting and firing hundreds of rounds in his backyard. Ignore, ignore, ignore. Then BANG. So you're right. There's more to it than just doing a buy back of semi's.

Why do you want to take my weapons? I did nothing wrong.

I shoot hundreds of rounds when I go shooting with my wife and daughters .
It's not about you; it's about the type of gun and the damage it can do. To me it is a form of risk reduction. Nothing is perfect and I'm not saying you did anything wrong.
You people make it about ALL gun owners.

The current thinking is one person kills with a gun then we have to do something to ALL gun owners .

If that's the way you want to live then be consistent and apply that "logic" to all laws
Perhaps it wouldn't HAVE to be about "all" gun owners if gun owners were willing to have more regulation around who can own a gun, etc. I really like the sound of the recent law in California that allows law enforcement to take a person's guns temporarily for good cause and then it is adjudicated by a judge. That law nationwide might have prevented two of the shootings we've recently had.

Sorry! That is not due process. Haul him before a judge and THEN take away the guns after due process is completed.

What would stop anyone from telling the police, "Hey! This guy is doing a lot of target practice in his back yard"? The cops then confiscate his weapons and prevent him from participating in his shooting match that weekend.

That law if you described it correctly is unconstitutional.

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