3 of the top 5 richest men in Congress are democrats.

How do they vote on taxes?

to raise them on the people of the country every chance they get. and if they can't get it that way, they'll find a new regulation to put on business and strangle the money out of us
One reason you have a lot of rich people in Congress is because they can afford to be there. They can afford to run campaigns, they can afford to live the lifestyle, etc. It's easier to be elected to congress when you have your own personal wealth. Look, for example, at Mitt Romney and his campaign for the presidency: he funded a great deal of it with his own money, and he had a lot of wealthy friends contriubuing to his campaign. The same is true of those who run for congress. It's our system. If it didn't cost so much to run for office, we'd have far more economically ordinary people in Congress.
One reason you have a lot of rich people in Congress is because they can afford to be there. They can afford to run campaigns, they can afford to live the lifestyle, etc. It's easier to be elected to congress when you have your own personal wealth. Look, for example, at Mitt Romney and his campaign for the presidency: he funded a great deal of it with his own money, and he had a lot of wealthy friends contriubuing to his campaign. The same is true of those who run for congress. It's our system. If it didn't cost so much to run for office, we'd have far more economically ordinary people in Congress.
And consequently you'll have the wealthy representing both parties in Congress, having nothing to do with the 'one percent.'
It's not how much personal wealth our representatives have that concerns me...

It really doesn't matter the proportion of democrats verse republican in terms of being rich. It is the hypocrisy of the democrats that is on display. First we know they are a party of the rich, except of course they mass of blind followers. They will crow about what they have done for the poor yet in the next breath brag about an economy where Banks and Corporations have set record profits yet consumer spending has flat lined. It really isn't hard to see where the democrat's heart really is after 8 years of their rule.

Then the democrats will say that the Republican party is nothing but slack jawed toothless bible clinging gun totting southern red necks and in the next breath accuse the Republicans of being the party of the rich.

How I view the Democrat party is how I view the democrat party in 1860. Rich white aristocrats running the party and having the masses fight their wars. Except they have a little bit of a diversionary twist, they put a black man in the WH. Now they can claim "look a me I have a black friend, I am not racist." Hypocrites.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Oh bullshit, they aren't gonna give anymore of their own money than anyone else. Keep thinking that.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Oh bullshit, they aren't gonna give anymore of their own money than anyone else. Keep thinking that.

They vote to raise their own taxes and cut their own deductions

Meanwhile, wealthy Republicans vote to slash benefits for the poor

THAT is the difference between rich democrats and rich republicans
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference

So why don't they pay more taxes? Why do they need everyone else to pay more? Obama took every tax break he could, seems a bit hypocritical.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Oh bullshit, they aren't gonna give anymore of their own money than anyone else. Keep thinking that.

They vote to raise their own taxes and cut their own deductions

Meanwhile, wealthy Republicans vote to slash benefits for the poor

THAT is the difference between rich democrats and rich republicans

Exactly what benefits did the Republicans vote to slash?
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference

So why don't they pay more taxes? Why do they need everyone else to pay more? Obama took every tax break he could, seems a bit hypocritical.
Because Congress has the constitutional role to set the tax rate
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Oh bullshit, they aren't gonna give anymore of their own money than anyone else. Keep thinking that.

They vote to raise their own taxes and cut their own deductions

Meanwhile, wealthy Republicans vote to slash benefits for the poor

THAT is the difference between rich democrats and rich republicans

Exactly what benefits did the Republicans vote to slash?
Healthcare for children, Medicare, jobs programs
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
Oh bullshit, they aren't gonna give anymore of their own money than anyone else. Keep thinking that.

They vote to raise their own taxes and cut their own deductions

Meanwhile, wealthy Republicans vote to slash benefits for the poor

THAT is the difference between rich democrats and rich republicans

Exactly what benefits did the Republicans vote to slash?
Healthcare for children, Medicare, jobs programs

We get your type of BS every election year which results in headlines like this. I know people who have children and the government does take care of them, under CHIPS.

Uncovering kids: 89,000 poor Pa. kids slashed from Medicaid

The example is this woman.

Healthcare for kids? Really? I know some people taking advantage of health care for kids, in PA and it is not Medicaid that covers them. But we get headlines like this in an election year.

"It is written in stone that he's covered," Muhammad said of Samad, who qualifies for Medicaid based on his serious medical condition, not the family's income level. "He's pacemaker-dependent . . . [H]is heart will not beat without a pacemaker."
But the heartbeat of the fragile little Samad was clearly not a priority for welfare officials, who informed Muhammad that she had failed to renew his benefits - even though she said she had not received renewal paperwork in the mail - and that she'd have to reapply.
It took the frantic mother a week to get her son - who has frequent doctor's appointments and needs special medications - back on the books.

Uncovering kids 89 000 poor Pa. kids slashed from Medicaid - Philly.com

So as with all things liberal the story is based on BS.
So, 2 of the top 5 are Republicans. Surprise! Congress is full of rich people. And as G5K was alluding to - those Democrats are likely in favor of raising taxes on the wealthy (and therefore themselves) as opposed to Republicans, who won't vote to raise one damn cent of taxes.
Why do we keep getting these threads from Conservatives?

Yes.....Democrats can be rich
They do not hate wealth

They just think the wealthy should pay more in taxes. They vote to raise their own taxes
Meanwhile, rich republicans vote to slash the benefits of the poor

That is the difference
If they want to pay more in taxes they are free to cut a check to the U.S. Treasury for any amount they want.

But they won't

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