3 Reasons Not to Go to War with Syria


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
Nick Gillespie & Meredith Bragg | August 30, 2013 Reason.com

1. It’s not our fight

U.S. foreign policy - especially military actions - should proceed from clear and compelling national interests. But neither the president nor anyone in his administration has clarified what America’s security stake is in Syria’s civil war.

Humanitarian interventions are notoriously ineffective in practice. If the president wants to reduce the violence that’s already claimed over 100,000 lives, lobbing cruise missiles or putting boots on the ground is no way to accomplish that.

2. Chemical weapons shouldn’t be a red line

President Obama has said that chemical weapons are a red line that no country should be allowed to cross. But even assuming such weapons were used by the murderous Assad regime, the case for treating poison gas as qualitatively different than far more deadly conventional weapons is hardly clear.

Why should weapons that have at most killed a tiny fraction of people in a war be a trigger for action?

3. What constitutes victory?

Obama hasn’t just failed to articulate a cause for action, he hasn’t even bothered to explain what might constitute victory in Syria. The inherent risks are compounded massively by regional and global politics involving Iran, Jordan, Russia, Israel, and European countries.

The U.S. doesn’t even have a clear sense of who the Syrian rebels are and what their agenda is.

For god’s sake, if the past dozen years have taught us anything about foreign policy, it’s that military interventions shouldn’t be done in a half-assed fashion, without clear and widely shared goals.

If the Obama administration can’t be bothered to articulate why we should fight, who we’re helping, and how we would know that we succeeded, it’s got no business getting involved in Syria.
There is no advantage to the US if either side wins. Nobody will treat us as liberators
We were never going to go to war with Syria. What little plan there was amounted to a few missiles and go home.
If you people could see the broader picture then you'd understand why the neocon hustlers in the background are pushing the OA to attack Syria. These were some of the same assholes behind Iraq 1 and II, and Afghanistan.
It's an internal issue. A Civil war. Between two groups of people that don't like the U.S. Let them kill each other. The more of them that die, the safer we are.
All these explanations are simply wrong. I mean no offense, but the United States doesn't go in guns blazing because some erroneous data points to the illogical conclusion that some bad guys gassed some civilians. Atrocities abound in this world. This is about empire. It's about looking for an excuse to maintain empire when the empire is in it's death throes. Syria is an important part of that goal.
All these explanations are simply wrong. I mean no offense, but the United States doesn't go in guns blazing because some erroneous data points to the illogical conclusion that some bad guys gassed some civilians. Atrocities abound in this world. This is about empire. It's about looking for an excuse to maintain empire when the empire is in it's death throes. Syria is an important part of that goal.

Truth. This has nothing to do with the wmd bullshit train again.

There is one reason not to go to war there and only one reason is needed: it does NOT represent a threat to the states. Done. Without that, war is simply not justified. We will go there nayway though because the powers the be do not care.

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