31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats


Apr 18, 2009
I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.

Such groups tend to be Catholics, Hispanics, Blacks, apparently Jews, I just think the overwhelming partisanship of Jews is absurd so I used them as the leading example.

Concerning Republican Partisanship, only Mormons seem to be out of alignment from moderate positions with 7 out of 9 Congressional members being Republican.

Evangelicals such as Baptists; 29 are Democrat, 29 are Republican. Almost perfect moderate positioning.

Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians/Anglicans, Whites, Asians, all seem to fall into moderate categories as far as groups are concerned.

Latinos are divided between mainland Hispanics, and Cubans, Cubans are overwhelmingly partisan toward Republicans.

How this affects Democracy is it creates absurd abberations in policy making, rather than issue driven policies, you tend to get group driven policies, with various groups having various interests and those interests are more greatly reflected in policy making than the actual facts.

Is it problematic right now? Maybe.

But, I find it interesting that essentially it is Democrats, who are essentially a coalition of partisan hacks, complain the most about their opponents, Republicans, who tend to be the most representative and inclusive of Americans.

And the facts are simply right here:

Pew Forum: Faith on the Hill: The Religious Affiliations of Members of Congress

Religious identity being the most important identity in national politics outside actual partisan lines.
31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats

I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.


You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:
I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.

No it isn't. The systems designed that way. If there are idealogical groups seeking power they are checked by other idealogical groups and individuals who disagree with them.

However, this would only be relevant if we lived in a Democracy. We don't.
I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.

Such groups tend to be Catholics, Hispanics, Blacks, apparently Jews, I just think the overwhelming partisanship of Jews is absurd so I used them as the leading example.

Concerning Republican Partisanship, only Mormons seem to be out of alignment from moderate positions with 7 out of 9 Congressional members being Republican.

Evangelicals such as Baptists; 29 are Democrat, 29 are Republican. Almost perfect moderate positioning.

Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcopalians/Anglicans, Whites, Asians, all seem to fall into moderate categories as far as groups are concerned.

Latinos are divided between mainland Hispanics, and Cubans, Cubans are overwhelmingly partisan toward Republicans.

How this affects Democracy is it creates absurd abberations in policy making, rather than issue driven policies, you tend to get group driven policies, with various groups having various interests and those interests are more greatly reflected in policy making than the actual facts.

Is it problematic right now? Maybe.

But, I find it interesting that essentially it is Democrats, who are essentially a coalition of partisan hacks, complain the most about their opponents, Republicans, who tend to be the most representative and inclusive of Americans.

And the facts are simply right here:

Pew Forum: Faith on the Hill: The Religious Affiliations of Members of Congress

Religious identity being the most important identity in national politics outside actual partisan lines.
by the way our founding father's did not want complete democracy.
"31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats"

So are you implying that you don't think that Jews should be allowed in Congress?
31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats

I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.


You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:

Coming from a Jew, the man has a point! It is sickening the loyalty the Jews have to the Democrats! Jews make one of the most financially well off groups in America, but they still tend to bask in liberal ideology! You should see how the Jews turned on Liberman for his support of McCain. He used to be a favorite, now he couldn't win an election in the Brooklyn! Think of the Blacks hatred for Justice Thomas, despite the fact that Thomas grew up poor as dirt, made his own way in the world against huge obstacles to of of the most prestigious positions in the US. Yet they hate him because he a constitutionalist/originalist/conservative!

By far the best President for America would have been Mitt Romney, but many Jews wouldn't consider him since he was a Republican
31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats

I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.


You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:

Please!!!! Nice propaganda! I rather allie myself with Evangelicals who are mostly peaceful and good people, over the leftist who are the 21st century anti-semites and who live to kill commerce and business in America!
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31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats

I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.


You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:

Coming from a Jew, the man has a point! It is sickening the loyalty the Jews have to the Democrats! Jews make one of the most financially well off groups in America, but they still tend to bask in liberal ideology! You should see how the Jews turned on Liberman for his support of McCain. He used to be a favorite, now he couldn't win an election in the Brooklyn! Think of the Blacks hatred for Justice Thomas, despite the fact that Thomas grew up poor as dirt, made his own way in the world against huge obstacles to of of the most prestigious positions in the US. Yet they hate him because he a constitutionalist/originalist/conservative!

By far the best President for America would have been Mitt Romney, but many Jews wouldn't consider him since he was a Republican

I'm out of rep, but you're exactly right. :clap2:
Wow - glad this idiot got banned.

Why the man has a point! I assume you know many Jews, where do they always vote? Most have hostilities toward any Republican. Take my father for example, he would fall well in that magical 5% that Obama stated when he was running for President that he would raise taxes on, yet after Clinton went down Obama was his man!
31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats

I just find it disconcerting when any group is overwhelmingly ideological, because often it turns out that they vote based on their group identity than on the issues, and this is a threat to Democracy.


You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:

Coming from a Jew, the man has a point! It is sickening the loyalty the Jews have to the Democrats!

I can't speak for jew, blacks, or hispanics. But why does it make you "sick" that they won't vote republican? They're not idiots, maybe there's a reason they don't republican? Why don't you and your party look in the mirror, instead of blaming other people for not supporting your wonderful ideas of deregulation and wars on countries that aren't a viable threat to us.
I can't speak for jew, blacks, or hispanics. But why does it make you "sick" that they won't vote republican? They're not idiots, maybe there's a reason they don't republican?

You wouldn't say the same about white Christians mostly voting Republican, would you?

Jews vote Democrat for fairly rational reasons. They fear that Republicans are incipient Nazis. What torques me is that the same instincts on the part of white Christians is called "intolerance" and "bigotry," but for Jews it's "wisdom" and "pragmatism."
You expect them to belong to a party who's evangelical base thinks jews are going to burn in hell? :cuckoo:

Coming from a Jew, the man has a point! It is sickening the loyalty the Jews have to the Democrats!

I can't speak for jew, blacks, or hispanics. But why does it make you "sick" that they won't vote republican? They're not idiots, maybe there's a reason they don't republican? Why don't you and your party look in the mirror, instead of blaming other people for not supporting your wonderful ideas of deregulation and wars on countries that aren't a viable threat to us.

First, its not my party.
Second, it sickens me when any race or religion sticks so loyal to any party, and the Jews are right their in the corner of any Democratic candidate in any election. I just don't get it
I can't speak for jew, blacks, or hispanics. But why does it make you "sick" that they won't vote republican? They're not idiots, maybe there's a reason they don't republican?

You wouldn't say the same about white Christians mostly voting Republican, would you?

Jews vote Democrat for fairly rational reasons. They fear that Republicans are incipient Nazis. What torques me is that the same instincts on the part of white Christians is called "intolerance" and "bigotry," but for Jews it's "wisdom" and "pragmatism."

Damn WJ, you might have stated something that is NOT completely retard or bigoted. Congrats. I think they vote D, partially because of what you state. They associated right-wnigers with Nazis. But I also think its because they see the D's as the party that helps the lesser unfortunate people and since they have a victimization disorder (4K years of persecution will do that to any group)!
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Coming from a Jew, the man has a point! It is sickening the loyalty the Jews have to the Democrats!

I can't speak for jew, blacks, or hispanics. But why does it make you "sick" that they won't vote republican? They're not idiots, maybe there's a reason they don't republican? Why don't you and your party look in the mirror, instead of blaming other people for not supporting your wonderful ideas of deregulation and wars on countries that aren't a viable threat to us.

First, its not my party.
Second, it sickens me when any race or religion sticks so loyal to any party, and the Jews are right their in the corner of any Democratic candidate in any election. I just don't get it

How is it you think that a religion or race is being "loyal" to a party as a whole just because a majority tend to support that particular party?
First, its not my party.
Second, it sickens me when any race or religion sticks so loyal to any party, and the Jews are right their in the corner of any Democratic candidate in any election. I just don't get it

I think Bush has pretty broad jewish support the first time around... before it became clear he was an idiot. I mean, aren't people always yelling about Jews being neo-cons and Jews having double loyalty. Certainly, the republican party platform is more pro-Israel. So why don't jews support the repubs?

.... "social conservatives".

Most of us don't want the radical right religious typs dictating policy. In fact, most of us probably understand that is DANGEROUS to us and that we do better in societies that aren't too far right OR too far left.

and jews don't generally like "wedge issues" like anti-gay activisits...and we're pro choice by a vast majority ... except for the orthodox.

I'm not sure why that would surprise you.

I suspect that if you saw more people with Richard Nixon policies...instead of wacko pols who talk about the "pro america parts of the country", you'd see jews vote for the particular candidate, not party.
"31 of 32 Jews in Congress are Democrats"

So are you implying that you don't think that Jews should be allowed in Congress?

no i think the op is impling only christians like ted haggard or fred phelps should be in congress...
Personally? I think the OP is trolling with theological bias.

They probably also (the OP), thought Hitler was "just doing his job, trying to clean up Germany" as well.

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