31 years ago


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

taken over by the Bush's the GOP started a downward spiral. Had some success here and there since but only Trump pushed those bozos out had the GOP been making a comeback. Now we have the kangaroo court persecution of Trump and Thief in Chief Biden running into the ground since the Democrats have been over run by raft of left wing loons.
It's the fault of the voters that republicans suck!

The worst AT piece I've ever read.
The American Left understands the dynamic of the two-party system in the United States. That is why they are determined to permanently marginalize the Republican Party, which would leave them in near permanent control of government. They are relying upon not only voting fraud and manipulation but apathy, arrogance and sanctimony by far too many Republican and conservative voters in order to achieve their goal.

It is not too late to rescue the nation from the clutches of the American Left, but Republican and conservative voters must abandon their sanctimony, acknowledge the reality that there can only be two national political parties in the United States, and unite as a movement to rescue both the Republican Party and America.

I think these last 2 paragraphs makes a good case. Some rank and file are waking up but large elements of the GOP establishment are asleep at the wheel.
The American Left understands the dynamic of the two-party system in the United States. That is why they are determined to permanently marginalize the Republican Party, which would leave them in near permanent control of government. They are relying upon not only voting fraud and manipulation but apathy, arrogance and sanctimony by far too many Republican and conservative voters in order to achieve their goal.

It is not too late to rescue the nation from the clutches of the American Left, but Republican and conservative voters must abandon their sanctimony, acknowledge the reality that there can only be two national political parties in the United States, and unite as a movement to rescue both the Republican Party and America.

I think these last 2 paragraphs makes a good case. Some rank and file are waking up but large elements of the GOP establishment are asleep at the wheel.
That sour grapes pablum got us Chimpola Bush and the neocons......We're worse off for it.

You want people to vote GOP, then cease campaigning like libertarians, then governing like democrats, and then blaming the electorate because you suck.
Slick Willie fooled Republicans living in flyover country big time for years and years. Got rich off the deal and formed a charitable foundation that's still keeping him well fed.
The American Left understands the dynamic of the two-party system in the United States. That is why they are determined to permanently marginalize the Republican Party, which would leave them in near permanent control of government. They are relying upon not only voting fraud and manipulation but apathy, arrogance and sanctimony by far too many Republican and conservative voters in order to achieve their goal.

It is not too late to rescue the nation from the clutches of the American Left, but Republican and conservative voters must abandon their sanctimony, acknowledge the reality that there can only be two national political parties in the United States, and unite as a movement to rescue both the Republican Party and America.

I think these last 2 paragraphs makes a good case. Some rank and file are waking up but large elements of the GOP establishment are asleep at the wheel.
It isn't apathy, nor is it arrogance or sanctimony. It's that fact that the ideology of conservatism is an abject failure. It has no success stories..at least in the last 40 years. And most thinking voters are quick to sniff that out. Instead of putting forth policies that will help the average voter, "conservatives" have retreated into a conspiracy theory driven band of monologuing DERPS that play to the worst aspects of their followers beliefs. The mere fact that you state that the Democrat party relies on voter fraud tells me you haven't yet learned your lesson that people want to see constructive POLICIES....not foaming at the mouth bullshit. And you can thank none other than your party's standard bearer for creating this mess. Well, you helped make the mess. You fix it. The rest of us...have no problem with marginalizing Republicans. It's not like they have anything useful to say anyway.

It isn't apathy, nor is it arrogance or sanctimony. It's that fact that the ideology of conservatism is an abject failure. It has no success stories..at least in the last 40 years. And most thinking voters are quick to sniff that out. Instead of putting forth policies that will help the average voter, "conservatives" have retreated into a conspiracy theory driven band of monologuing DERPS that play to the worst aspects of their followers beliefs. The mere fact that you state that the Democrat party relies on voter fraud tells me you haven't yet learned your lesson that people want to see constructive POLICIES....not foaming at the mouth bullshit. And you can thank none other than your party's standard bearer for creating this mess. Well, you helped make the mess. You fix it. The rest of us...have no problem with marginalizing Republicans. It's not like they have anything useful to say anyway.
That's more like it. Play to your strong suit.

Don't actually come up with a rational counter argument.

Just a clever meme. :)
It is the counter-argument....You've accused the other party of what yours has or hasn't done for the last several decades....Your moronic post is what happens from total lack of self-awareness, Gomer.
The American Left understands the dynamic of the two-party system in the United States. That is why they are determined to permanently marginalize the Republican Party, which would leave them in near permanent control of government. They are relying upon not only voting fraud and manipulation but apathy, arrogance and sanctimony by far too many Republican and conservative voters in order to achieve their goal.

It is not too late to rescue the nation from the clutches of the American Left, but Republican and conservative voters must abandon their sanctimony, acknowledge the reality that there can only be two national political parties in the United States, and unite as a movement to rescue both the Republican Party and America.

I think these last 2 paragraphs makes a good case. Some rank and file are waking up but large elements of the GOP establishment are asleep at the wheel.
There is precious little difference between the two political parties that constitute the RepubliCratic Duopoly Party(RCDP). Likewise there is precious little difference between 'many' so called conservatives & the statist left constituency. The so called conservative constituency love all omnipotent big g'ment as much as the statist left does. One must look @ the facts to substantiate my before mentioned claims; the statist left owns big tech, entertainment industry, RINO's, unions(both pubic & private), military/industrial complex, education industry, social programs, Major Managed News Media(MMNM), farming/food industry & the legal system.

ALL great nations/empires, both past & present have a 'shelf life'. The culprit in all of this is the current state of the human condition(human nature) which appears to be hard wired for self destruction, as human history so substantially illustrates(wars/genocide, hate for the sake of hate etc.) .

taken over by the Bush's the GOP started a downward spiral. Had some success here and there since but only Trump pushed those bozos out had the GOP been making a comeback. Now we have the kangaroo court persecution of Trump and Thief in Chief Biden running into the ground since the Democrats have been over run by raft of left wing loons.
Really good write up. They're missing how the primary reason for these rabid leftists to exist in the first place is the internet. The left controls most of that, TV, schools, and all else information, primarily junk and propaganda. Targeted audience begins early childhood.

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