3rd and Final Debate Hosts


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019

Should really be interesting. Here are the subjects:

"NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has just announced the topics for the final presidential debate next week on October 22 in Tennessee."

"There are six topics, most of which are policy-driven topics, where Trump routinely is challenged. They were chosen by Welker, and released through the Commission on Presidential Debates, as the Associated Press reports."

They are: Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership.

Good Luck to the candidates.


Should really be interesting. Here are the subjects:

"NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has just announced the topics for the final presidential debate next week on October 22 in Tennessee."

"There are six topics, most of which are policy-driven topics, where Trump routinely is challenged. They were chosen by Welker, and released through the Commission on Presidential Debates, as the Associated Press reports."

They are: Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership.

Good Luck to the candidates.

Fighting COVID-19: Trump will blather that he's done a great job and we're "rounding the curve".
American Families: Trump doesn't give a shit, even about his own family except for his incestuous obsession with Ivanka.
Race in America: Trump will claim how blacks are voting for him in droves.
Climate Change: Trump denies climate change.
National Security: Trump has handed the keys over to Putin and MBS.
Leadership: What fucking leadership? We don't have a leader. We have a cry-baby whining girly man.

I didn't check but was he whining about Savannah Guthrie on his Twitter feed today???
Question for Biden: "If you were a tree, what tree would you be."

Question for Trump: "Are you still cheating on Melania? Yes or no."

Yep, the moderator doesn't need to ask Biden about wife-cheating, only about what it was like when his first wife was killed in a car accident along with one of his kids and he had his senate swearing in at a hospital where his other kids were recovering.
Good one, Miserly.
Question for Biden: "If you were a tree, what tree would you be."

Question for Trump: "Are you still cheating on Melania? Yes or no."

Yep, the moderator doesn't need to ask Biden about wife-cheating, only about what it was like when his first wife was killed in a car accident along with one of his kids and he had his senate swearing in at a hospital where his other kids were recovering.
Good one, Miserly.
Randy Barnett or fuck off.

Of the Federalist Society??? LOL. I guess you'll have to do the latter.
Looks like Welker's picked topics that Trump will have no idea how to respond to...oh wait, that's everything. :)

Trump will just repeat the same vomitus he spewed last night.
He's like a trained seal. A trained seal that has very good recall of the lies he needs to repeat.
Question for Biden: "If you were a tree, what tree would you be."

Question for Trump: "Are you still cheating on Melania? Yes or no."

Yep, the moderator doesn't need to ask Biden about wife-cheating, only about what it was like when his first wife was killed in a car accident along with one of his kids and he had his senate swearing in at a hospital where his other kids were recovering.
Good one, Miserly.
I'm stunned, I tell you, just stunned. :rolleyes-41:
I didn't see that particular deflection coming.
Not surprising though
Randy Barnett or fuck off.

Of the Federalist Society??? LOL. I guess you'll have to do the latter.
Looks like Welker's picked topics that Trump will have no idea how to respond to...oh wait, that's everything. :)

Trump will just repeat the same vomitus he spewed last night.
He's like a trained seal. A trained seal that has very good recall of the lies he needs to repeat.
Yeah, the truth bites the socialists/communists lies.

Should really be interesting. Here are the subjects:

"NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has just announced the topics for the final presidential debate next week on October 22 in Tennessee."

"There are six topics, most of which are policy-driven topics, where Trump routinely is challenged. They were chosen by Welker, and released through the Commission on Presidential Debates, as the Associated Press reports."

They are: Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership.

Good Luck to the candidates.

Fighting COVID-19: Trump will blather that he's done a great job and we're "rounding the curve".
American Families: Trump doesn't give a shit, even about his own family except for his incestuous obsession with Ivanka.
Race in America: Trump will claim how blacks are voting for him in droves.
Climate Change: Trump denies climate change.
National Security: Trump has handed the keys over to Putin and MBS.
Leadership: What fucking leadership? We don't have a leader. We have a cry-baby whining girly man.

I didn't check but was he whining about Savannah Guthrie on his Twitter feed today???

Fighting COVID-19: I have saved 1,800,000 American lives.
American Families: Until the left screwed up COVID-19, the American family was finally seeing wage growth, job growth, and putting money away. The Democrats were telling the world that you can be a bush if you so identify.
Race in America: While the Democrats continue to demonstrate their disdain and racism toward blacks, I had dropped the unemployment for blacks to historic lows while increasing Black wages and education to historic highs.
Climate Change: The earth has had a changing climate for about 5 billion years. Only true idiots think that taxes will lower the mean ave temperature of the Earth.
National Security: I have managed to broker two historic peace agreements between the Arab world and the Israelis; reduced our footprint in existing wars, and blocked Russia and China from stealing intellectual property or ripping us off economically. I have also set back globalists 25 years.
Leadership: I have been leading democrats into intellectual meltdowns for the past 4 years while brokering peace agreements no other President has managed to achieve.
Globalclimatecoolerwarmering (AKA "climate change") consistently ranks at or very near dead last in issuess that the average Murican is concerned about, yet we're supposed to be wasting time in a debate over this pseudo-scientific grift?

"NBC News White House Correspondent Kristen Welker has just announced the topics for the final presidential debate next week on October 22 in Tennessee."
So the third debate will be by uber-liberal NBC again shown thoroughly disgraced themselves last night. And they gave the candidates advance knowledge of the questions.

"There are six topics, most of which are policy-driven topics, where Trump routinely is challenged.
Odd view considering that Trump is irreproachable in policy and Biden has tried to AVOID policy always trying to make the debate PERSONAL.

They are: Fighting COVID-19, American Families, Race in America, Climate Change, National Security, and Leadership.
In other words rather than the three debates being intelligently COORDINATED, with 2 topics of six covered in each debate to allow for more depth and time, this debate is going to rehash much of the same subjects already covered in the first, while still snowing over others not touched at all like the ongoing deepening investigation into Bidengate with China, Hunter, Iraq and Ukraine.

Fighting COVID-19: Already covered ad-nauseam in the first two debates, soaring cases in Europe far surpassing the USA now thoroughly disprove all DNC claims that Trump "failed."

American Families: WTF is THAT about? Is this a topic of national concern? Vague and nebulous, a time waster. One thing for certain though is that the Left is anti-marriage, anti-male, anti-baby, anti-birth, anti-gender, and with unisex bathrooms, socialized education and pro-child sex change, has done more to destroy the family than anyone.

Race in America: Another non-starter already covered. There is no race problem in America except the one the Left makes up and the one Blacks bitch about for special status over. Equality is everywhere, it is the law, Whites are the least racist, and cops against blacks is both a lie and a myth. Just one more attempt at and excuse for claiming privilege and attacking Trump on trying to claim him a racist and Nazi.

Climate Change: Another non-starter already covered. Biden will say he's totally all in while Trump will reiterate that it needs more study with a measured response in accordance with the economy, business, available technology and impact. In other words, an intelligent response over the heads of NBC and most of the liberal audience. Then Trump will be labeled a science-denier again.

National Security: Actually a new topic needing more coverage, Trump will expound on his accomplishments while Biden will lie about his position while trying to make Trump out a racist and a xenophobe.

Leadership: Another PC topic of little meaning, vague and meaningless. Trump will point out his real pioneering leadership in championing a hundred good things for the country while Biden spins his backseat role behind Obama and 47 do-nothing years in the Senate as "leadership," then attack Trump as a failed leader because much of Europe doesn't like Trump anymore because Trump is actually being a LEADER and holding their feet to the fire.

And as usual, no time spent on dispelling the Russia hoax of the DNC, the impeachment hoax of the DNC, the outrageous lies and distortion of the media, the interference and obstruction by Facebook and Twitter or ANY of the revelations about the Obama-Biden interference in Trump's campaign and administration, Hillary's involvement, or any of the recent discoveries in the crime history and background of the Biden Family in Quid Pro Quo with our enemies for profit.

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