40 percent of College now LBGTQ

This is what happens when you tell generations of kids that they're special and they can be anything they want to be. They start to grow up and get desperate once they don't have anything special about them, so then they start clinging to weird labels in an attempt to be a special snowflake.

Stop lying to kids and telling them that everybody is a winner and everything is okay. We're not all special. Most of us are basic and boring as hell. Nobody gives a damn about us except those closest. And that's okay.
Now they can blame all their failures and social incompetence on ' duh homofobez n trannyfobez', instead just merely being willfully ignorant and stupid. 90% of people admitted to college have no business being there in the first place, so being 'oppressed N Stuff' is the new gimmick.
I clearly went to College in the wrong decade

How can 2 percent now be 40 percent

generation pronouns should all drop dead
In ancient Sparta it was 100% of the men.

For you see, their culture promoted men having sex with boys, all of them.

These things were culturally learned, just like those in the US are learning now.
Back in the 60's the idiot male students pretended to be communist socialists because the liberal babes loved it. Today they pretend to be LBGTQ because the liberal babes love it.
They enjoy drama. They get to throw a hissy fit if someone “misgenders” them
Wow are guys SOFT today !!
My generation was semi-soft but guys today are as soft as Cotton

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