440 UNWRA workers are active members in Hamas-isis military wing


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023
It's not a "few bad apples" like Norway's Jan Egeland been propagating on CNN.

440 UNWRA workers are active members in Hamas military wing.

9,500 of the 12,000 UNWRA employees have direct ties to Hamas – some are terrorists participating in active fighting against Israel.
Israel National News, Feb 20, 2024, 10:21 PM (GMT+2)

Security data published this evening (Tuesday) ON Kan News show the profound and close relationship between Hamas and UNRWA, the United Nations Palestinian Refugee Organization, which Israel is trying to expel from Gaza.

The data shows that out of approximately 12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 440 are terrorists participating in active fighting against Israel.

About 2,000 more are registered Hamas operatives, but not members of the military wing. Another 7,000 UNRWA employees have a first-degree relative who is a Hamas terrorist.

All in all, close to 9,500 out of 12,000 UNWRA employees, are connected to the terrorist organization, i.e. four out of five UNWRA employees have ties to Hamas.

Last week, IDF forces located Iranian technological devices, that apparently originated in China, at the Hamas headquarters under the UNRWA building in the Rimal neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.

According to the report, the findings are being analyzed by the IDF and Shin Bet, and they are using them to devise quality intelligence products.

About a week ago, the IDF revealed that they had found many servers and drives located under the UNWRA headquarters that served Hamas and showed the connection between the two organizations. Now, the recent findings prove a direct connection to Iran.

A server farm and other technologies, including databases, were destroyed during the military operation, and 120 terrorists were eliminated. The fighters raided the organization's offices, following preliminary intelligence information from the Shin Bet and a tunnel previously found under the headquarters of UNWRA.

This all happened when the soldiers reached the shaft through a tunnel located near a UNWRA school.
The Zionist Fascists want a US war with Iran, have for decades.

The Zionist Fascists have never, ever told the truth about any of these "terrorism" issues. The 10/7 hate hoax was not the first time Israel lied about that issue. And too many Americans with IQ over 5 now know that Col Tim Osman, CIA/Mossad double agent, was "bin Laden."


New 9-11 Video Surfaces | US Message Board 🦅
The Zionist Fascists want a US war with Iran, have for decades.

The Zionist Fascists have never, ever told the truth about any of these "terrorism" issues. The 10/7 hate hoax was not the first time Israel lied about that issue. And too many Americans with IQ over 5 now know that Col Tim Osman, CIA/Mossad double agent, was "bin Laden."


New 9-11 Video Surfaces | US Message Board 🦅

Iran IslamicFascist Republic

began fighting little Israel

Because it has seen it as an extention of the US

Big Satan and Little Satan

Said the Ayatollah
It's not a "few bad apples" like Norway's Jan Egeland been propagating on CNN.

440 UNWRA workers are active members in Hamas military wing.

9,500 of the 12,000 UNWRA employees have direct ties to Hamas – some are terrorists participating in active fighting against Israel.
Israel National News, Feb 20, 2024, 10:21 PM (GMT+2)

Security data published this evening (Tuesday) ON Kan News show the profound and close relationship between Hamas and UNRWA, the United Nations Palestinian Refugee Organization, which Israel is trying to expel from Gaza.

The data shows that out of approximately 12,000 UNRWA employees in Gaza, 440 are terrorists participating in active fighting against Israel.

About 2,000 more are registered Hamas operatives, but not members of the military wing. Another 7,000 UNRWA employees have a first-degree relative who is a Hamas terrorist.

All in all, close to 9,500 out of 12,000 UNWRA employees, are connected to the terrorist organization, i.e. four out of five UNWRA employees have ties to Hamas.

Last week, IDF forces located Iranian technological devices, that apparently originated in China, at the Hamas headquarters under the UNRWA building in the Rimal neighborhood in the Gaza Strip.

According to the report, the findings are being analyzed by the IDF and Shin Bet, and they are using them to devise quality intelligence products.

About a week ago, the IDF revealed that they had found many servers and drives located under the UNWRA headquarters that served Hamas and showed the connection between the two organizations. Now, the recent findings prove a direct connection to Iran.

A server farm and other technologies, including databases, were destroyed during the military operation, and 120 terrorists were eliminated. The fighters raided the organization's offices, following preliminary intelligence information from the Shin Bet and a tunnel previously found under the headquarters of UNWRA.

This all happened when the soldiers reached the shaft through a tunnel located near a UNWRA school.
Iran IslamicFascist Republic

began fighting little Israel

Because it has seen it as an extention of the US

Big Satan and Little Satan

Said the Ayatollah

Tell us about all the wars started by Iran.

Israel, just since 1948, started three different wars in 1967, attacked and murdered ship and crew USS Liberty, murdered 250 US Marines in Lebanon 1983 and hate hoaxed it on Hezbo, did 911 and hate hoaxed it on "Al Qaeda," did the Gulf of Tonkin hate hoax to start 'nam too...

That is why we were warned by someone with infinitely more wisdom, intelligence, and patriotism to AMERICA than you TREASONOUS SUBS...

Tell us about all the wars started by Iran.
Your Rense. Was also first to push 911 "thoeries". His style was in the debunked old fraudulent "Protocols" themes.. then Iran's proxy jihadi Hezbollah has some spread the "theories" in the Middle East vial Al Manar.

As to Iran, it had good relations with Israel till 1979 Ayatollah fascist mullahcracy began.
What does US big Satan / Israel little S. mean do you think? Khoemini saw Israel as a tail of US - his main enemy.

Iran did not begin a war with Israel right away in 1979.

BTW re Einstein and the, F word ...

Anti Zionists religious Jews are still target by racist-Arab Islamofascists. Whether in 1929 Hebron or today in Jerusalem.

Rosenzweig, R. N. (1989). The Economic Consequences of Zionism. Netherlands: E.J. Brill. 93.
In this respect , it is worthwhile to observe that his actions in 1929 were directed mainly against non-Zionists religious communities
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Your Rense. Was also first to push 911 "thoeries". His style was in the debunked old fraudulent "Protocols" themes.. then Iran's proxy jihadi Hezbollah has some spread the "theories" in the Middle East vial Al Manar.

As to Iran, it had good relations with Israel till 1979 Ayatollah fascist mullahcracy began.
What does US big Satan / Israel little S. mean do you think? Khoemini saw Israel as a tail of US - his main enemy.

Iran did not begin a war with Israel right away in 1979.

BTW re Einstein and the, F word ...

Anti Zionists religious Jews are still target by racist-Arab Islamofascists. Whether in 1929 Hebron or today in Jerusalem.

Rosenzweig, R. N. (1989). The Economic Consequences of Zionism. Netherlands: E.J. Brill. 93.

Since the cause of Zionist Fascism is all your treasonous Zionist Fascist "mind" cares about = GO FUCKING MOVE TO THE MIDDLE EAST

This is AMERICA.

ISRAEL has MURDERED MORE AMERICANS than every other country on Earth summed together.
Since the cause of Zionist ..
You quoted Einstein which was against right wingers.
Are you supporting left wing Zionism like Einstein?
Or you're for the islamic fascist domination republic of Iran via its proxies?

And the reason you didn't tell pAlEsTiNiAn Tlaib and Somali Omar to move is because??

You're just "pro US?"
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Since Einstein ..
No. Einstein was referring to right wing.

That letter was by many Jews, most were left winger zionists.

According to Marc Elis, Einstein declared himself a human being, a Jew, an opponent of nationalism, and a Zionist; he supported the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine but until summer 1947 conceived of this as a bi-national (Jewish and Arab) state, ...

Einstein on Zionism: He is for a Jewish Homeland, But Not a Separate State

Or define zionism, after you mentioned this word hundreds of times , but always in negative terms.
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No. Einstein was referring to right wing.

That letter was by many Jews, most were left winger zionists.

According to Marc Elis, Einstein declared himself a human being, a Jew, an opponent of nationalism, and a Zionist; he supported the idea of a Jewish homeland in Palestine but until summer 1947 conceived of this as a bi-national (Jewish and Arab) state, ...

Einstein on Zionism: He is for a Jewish Homeland, But Not a Separate State

Or define zionism, after you mentioned this word hundreds of times , but always in negative terms.

Einstein pushed California instead of "Israel" too. Desire for a "safe" homeland. California safe. Israel not. Hence, the Jews were NOT seeking a "safe" homeland....

and Einstein correctly labelled them as FASCISTS

True Zionism is the belief that all of this land belongs to Israel...

After the death of Moses the servant of the Lord, the Lord said to Joshua son of Nun, Moses’ aide: 2 “Moses my servant is dead. Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. 3 I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. 4 Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates—all the Hittite country—to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.

And THAT is why America was deluged with lies and deliberate fraud about why we should invade Iraq. All bullshit. All treason. Everything Einstein warned about and more. Supporters of Zionist Fascist Israel in America are nothing but traitors, period. They cheer when Zionist Fascism murders Americans as you cheered when Israel attacked the USS Liberty...
USS Liberty...
It's amazing why only KKK and neo Nazis repeat over and over again to "prove" as if it wasn't an accident...so obsessive about THAT OLD case.

And the reason you didn't tell pAlEsTiNiAn Tlaib and Somali Omar to move is because??

You're jusnomination?

Still OK with Islamofascist domination?

(Indeed, Einstein declared himself a Zionist) but a liberal.
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It's amazing why only KKK and neo Nazis repeat over and over again to "prove" as if it wasn't an accident...THAT OLD case.

And the reason you didn't tell pAlEsTiNiAn Tlaib and Somali Omar to move is because??

You're just "pro US?"

(Indeed, Einstein declared himself a Zionist).

Oh, I absolutely think Ms. Omar gave us a "standard" for not just removal from office, but deportation = declaring loyalty to another country not named America. And that should apply for ISRAEL too.


YOU only care about ISRAEL
SHE only cares about SOMALIA
Yea.. too late for that.
You revealed already your REAL campaign. Fascist HATE

And I care only about US and its allies

God bless the USA

Good bye

May God have mercy on your soul.
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Yea.. too late for that.
You revealed already your REAL campaign.

And I care only about US and its allies

God bless the USA

Israel is not an ALLY.

An ALLY is a give and take relation. WE GIVE. Zionist Fascist Israel TAKES.

No ALLY would do this...

ONLY TRAITORS defend the country that deliberately attacked and murdered ship and crew USS Liberty as part of a FASCIST HATE HOAX to start WW3....
Typically EMH linked

fascist vanguard links etc.

'Nuff said.

I knew EMH would keep that accident OLD case obsession: a kkk/Neo Nazi favorite subject.

An old hate campaign masked as "just pro US"...

The same people who try to rewrite 911 Jihad crime by radical Islamofascist Bin Laden / 19 Arabs including Muhamnad Atta on 3, 000 Americans.
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We learn more every day
'Wake up Hitler, there are still people to burn,' in Palestinian textbooks.
Despite promises to the contrary, UNRWA continues to employ educational staff that routinely advocate hatred and violence against Jews, even going so far as praising Hitler; 'UNRWA is fully culpable in this fiasco,' says UN watchdog.

Itamar Eichner | published: 03.15.23


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