4th Of July Shopping Spree

Piss poor parenting, no father figure usually, sense of entitlement...the list is endless
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.
Depends on what kind of "news," I guess. No, I never heard of a flash mob.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.

She doesn't know about it because she obviously gets her news from a certain segment of our media that won't report on anything that might smack of "racism"!
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.

She doesn't know about it because she obviously gets her news from a certain segment of our media that won't report on anything that might smack of "racism"!

Flash mob
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.Wikipedia
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.
Depends on what kind of "news," I guess. No, I never heard of a flash mob.

So all you watch is CNN...

Only a liberal can be as ill informed as you.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.

She doesn't know about it because she obviously gets her news from a certain segment of our media that won't report on anything that might smack of "racism"!
View attachment 268464
Flash mob
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.Wikipedia

That's the benign version of a flash mob, Old Lady...it's more sinister version is when a large group of people meet at a locale with the express intention of overwhelming any security while they commit violence or steal. The flash mobs who commit violence or steal are overwhelmingly black youths but the main stream media bends over backwards to not comment on who they are!
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.

She doesn't know about it because she obviously gets her news from a certain segment of our media that won't report on anything that might smack of "racism"!
View attachment 268464
Flash mob
A flash mob is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public place, perform an unusual and seemingly pointless act for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of entertainment, satire, and artistic expression. Flash mobs are organized via telecommunications, social media, or viral emails.Wikipedia

Again....pull your head out of your wrinkled old twat and do some research.
There are different types of flash mobs....here's a hint.
They dont all resemble a hollywood musical.
It's basically the same mentality as those who loot stores after natural disasters or in the midst of protests. Those are opportunists that take advantage of a situation. The flash mob thieves go that one better...they create the situation in order to be able to steal with impunity.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.
Depends on what kind of "news," I guess. No, I never heard of a flash mob.

So all you watch is CNN...

Only a liberal can be as ill informed as you.

Thank you! No, I don't watch tv anymore and I haven't figured out how to watch it on the computer. I read the paper and listen to the radio a little. Then you guys fill me in on the rest, that and my progressive coworker who is frequently muttering about some Republican or other under his breath.

It looks like these kids need to have their phones taken away, doesn't it?
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

Flash mobs. They storm and overwhelm a business. Common in urban areas and cities
I watched one of the ABC vids on it from HWGA and it looked almost identical to the OP's video. Good heavens. These kids need to lose their phones for a long time.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.
Depends on what kind of "news," I guess. No, I never heard of a flash mob.

So all you watch is CNN...

Only a liberal can be as ill informed as you.

Thank you! No, I don't watch tv anymore and I haven't figured out how to watch it on the computer. I read the paper and listen to the radio a little. Then you guys fill me in on the rest, that and my progressive coworker who is frequently muttering about some Republican or other under his breath.

It looks like these kids need to have their phones taken away, doesn't it?

Flash mobs have been discussed here on multiple occasions.
I dont understand your participation on a political board when you dont follow the news.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

Flash mobs. They storm and overwhelm a business. Common in urban areas and cities
I watched one of the ABC vids on it from HWGA and it looked almost identical to the OP's video. Good heavens. These kids need to lose their phones for a long time.

They need more than that. If it were ours they wouldn't sit for a week
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

Flash mobs. They storm and overwhelm a business. Common in urban areas and cities
I watched one of the ABC vids on it from HWGA and it looked almost identical to the OP's video. Good heavens. These kids need to lose their phones for a long time.

They need more than that. If it were ours they wouldn't sit for a week

Some jail time would be more appropriate.
This doesn't even make sense. So many kids -- looks like they all just got off the bus or something. This ain't adding up.

You've never heard of a flash mob?
This shit is pretty common in a certain segment of our society.
That you dont understand tells me you dont follow the news.
Depends on what kind of "news," I guess. No, I never heard of a flash mob.

So all you watch is CNN...

Only a liberal can be as ill informed as you.

Thank you! No, I don't watch tv anymore and I haven't figured out how to watch it on the computer. I read the paper and listen to the radio a little. Then you guys fill me in on the rest, that and my progressive coworker who is frequently muttering about some Republican or other under his breath.

It looks like these kids need to have their phones taken away, doesn't it?

Those free Yobama phones continue to deliver.

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