5 Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is Illegal

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.
Moot point. There were no problematic balotts. People who are still bleating about a stolen election are just pathetic.

Ballots Touched By Anomalies
No problematic ballots? Fucking liar.
All horseshit fake sources. It's over Bubba
Prove it. It is far from over. There are still 30 active cases. There was massive fraud and no one will forget it.
And none of them are going anyplace

Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Legal analysis and reactions
Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt said "[t]here's literally nothing that I've seen yet with the meaningful potential to affect the final result".[42] Ohio State University election law professor Ned Foley noted "[y]ou have to have a legal claim, and you have to have evidence to back it up. And that's just not there."[26] University of Kentucky law professor Joshua Douglas said the lawsuits "all seem to have no merit whatsoever".[43] Bradley P. Moss, an attorney specializing in national security, wrote that the suits "continue to defy reason and logic, and are purely theater ... It's all a farce".[44] University of California, Irvine election law professor Rick Hasen said there is "no evidence of fraud so far that could conceivably affect the election results".[25] Barry Richard, who helped to oversee the Republican-led Florida recount effort during the 2000 election, called the lawsuits "entirely without merit" and said they "will not be successful";[45] Gerry McDonough, an attorney who worked for the Gore campaign, said Trump "has no chance of overturning the result—it's just impossible".[46] The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement calling the 2020 election "the most secure in American history" and noting "[t]here is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised".[31]

Jones Day, one of many law firms working for the Trump campaign and one that specifically handled Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar,[47] faced internal criticism for its "shortsighted" efforts on litigation that "erode public confidence in the election results".[48][49]
Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

StateDroppedDismissedAppeal ongoingTrial ongoingRuled
New Mexico100001
*Count does not reflect denials
Wikipedia has said itself it is not a reliable source. And you are uninformed about what is going on. You only repeat the lie there was no fraud and that will not happen. There was massive fraud. Biden stole 79 electors. Biden is illegitimate.
Horseshit! Get used to it Biden is president.
Sorry, he is illegitimate there was massive fraud.

Trumpism is consistent.

Up is down, left is right, fact is fiction.

LOL, yes, you write this all the time. Do you have any idea what it means yet?
Yes I do.
Uh huh. So what flavor was that Kool-Aid they served you?

They served Kool-Aid?

Damned, I got none!

Just a beautifully choreographed, all inclusive celebration that warmed the heart on soul.

Never before have we had such a well delivered package of patriotism and celebration.

Only the Orcs of Middle Earth (and TRumpists I guess) would look with disdain at such fine patriotic pageantry.

I'm sure your masters are very pleased that you can cream yourself on their command.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.

There has to be a law in place. The state Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that election laws bar rejecting a ballot because of a signature. Both Republicans agreed with the decision.

It doesn't matter what the Court said, they have no standing to determine State voting laws, that is the sole purview of the legislature....
You mean like the suitcases under the table. That weren't suitcases, and had been put there as part of the ballot count.

Except it was viewed on video tape, meaning it was in view.

Logic 101 fails you.
It was viewed when they pulled it out from under the table. Give it up it was OBVIOUS fraud.
The ballot box was viewed when they put it under the table. The ballot box was viewed when they pulled it out from under the table.

But you claimed they were hiding a suitcase. Putting it under a table, not to keep people from tripping over it, but by hiding it in plain sight.
There has to be a law in place. The state Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that election laws bar rejecting a ballot because of a signature. Both Republicans agreed with the decision.
It doesn't matter what the Court said, they have no standing to determine State voting laws, that is the sole purview of the legislature....
Maybe you don't understand law. The state legislature writes the law, the courts interpret how the law applies.
Uh huh. So what flavor was that Kool-Aid they served you?

They served Kool-Aid?

Damned, I got none!

Just a beautifully choreographed, all inclusive celebration that warmed the heart on soul.

Never before have we had such a well delivered package of patriotism and celebration.

Only the Orcs of Middle Earth (and TRumpists I guess) would look with disdain at such fine patriotic pageantry.
Yeah it was nice. Looked just like a third world banana republic dictator being sworn in with the military all around him. REMEmber to salute President Xi before bed.
There was massive fraud.
There was none. You have not a shred of evidence otherwise. Not even the liars being paid $20K per day had the testicles to vomit that lie in court. Your diatribe isn't courageous. It is pathetic, you worm.
I have posted mountains of evidence including videos where the fraud cannot be denied. If you are that upset your lies are not working is your problem, not mine. There was massive fraud followed by a massive failed cover up.
You have posted zero evidence. That's why you can't take any of it to court. I see you are a skilled at lying to yourself as you are at pathetically lying to everybody else. Which is to say, not very skilled at all.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
So what? Why should anyone care? Virginia wasn't close anyway. Give it up, cultist.
You are the cultist.
You are just pathetic. The vote wasnt affected.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.
Moot point. There were no problematic balotts. People who are still bleating about a stolen election are just pathetic.

Ballots Touched By Anomalies
No problematic ballots? Fucking liar.
All horseshit fake sources. It's over Bubba
Prove it. It is far from over. There are still 30 active cases. There was massive fraud and no one will forget it.
No need to prove it. Your boy is in Florida. Biden has control of the white house. That wont change until maybe 2025 at the earliest.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.
Moot point. There were no problematic balotts. People who are still bleating about a stolen election are just pathetic.

Ballots Touched By Anomalies
No problematic ballots? Fucking liar.
All horseshit fake sources. It's over Bubba
Prove it. It is far from over. There are still 30 active cases. There was massive fraud and no one will forget it.
No need to prove it. Your boy is in Florida. Biden has control of the white house. That wont change until maybe 2025 at the earliest.
Biden wont last six months. We will have the illegitimate President Sperm Breath.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
So what? Why should anyone care? Virginia wasn't close anyway. Give it up, cultist.
You are the cultist.
You are just pathetic. The vote wasnt affected.
There was massive fraud. Period.
There has to be a law in place. The state Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that election laws bar rejecting a ballot because of a signature. Both Republicans agreed with the decision.
It doesn't matter what the Court said, they have no standing to determine State voting laws, that is the sole purview of the legislature....
Maybe you don't understand law. The state legislature writes the law, the courts interpret how the law applies.

Except in the last election....Then they think they can alter them on their own...
It doesn't matter what the Court said, they have no standing to determine State voting laws, that is the sole purview of the legislature....

There has to be a law in place. The state Supreme Court ruled 7-0 that election laws bar rejecting a ballot because of a signature. Both Republicans agreed with the decision.
Except in the last election....Then they think they can alter them on their own...
They didn't alter the law, they interpreted the law, which is what the courts do.

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.
Moot point. There were no problematic balotts. People who are still bleating about a stolen election are just pathetic.

Ballots Touched By Anomalies
No problematic ballots? Fucking liar.
All horseshit fake sources. It's over Bubba
Prove it. It is far from over. There are still 30 active cases. There was massive fraud and no one will forget it.
And none of them are going anyplace

Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

Legal analysis and reactions
Loyola Law School professor Justin Levitt said "[t]here's literally nothing that I've seen yet with the meaningful potential to affect the final result".[42] Ohio State University election law professor Ned Foley noted "[y]ou have to have a legal claim, and you have to have evidence to back it up. And that's just not there."[26] University of Kentucky law professor Joshua Douglas said the lawsuits "all seem to have no merit whatsoever".[43] Bradley P. Moss, an attorney specializing in national security, wrote that the suits "continue to defy reason and logic, and are purely theater ... It's all a farce".[44] University of California, Irvine election law professor Rick Hasen said there is "no evidence of fraud so far that could conceivably affect the election results".[25] Barry Richard, who helped to oversee the Republican-led Florida recount effort during the 2000 election, called the lawsuits "entirely without merit" and said they "will not be successful";[45] Gerry McDonough, an attorney who worked for the Gore campaign, said Trump "has no chance of overturning the result—it's just impossible".[46] The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency issued a statement calling the 2020 election "the most secure in American history" and noting "[t]here is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised".[31]

Jones Day, one of many law firms working for the Trump campaign and one that specifically handled Pennsylvania Democratic Party v. Boockvar,[47] faced internal criticism for its "shortsighted" efforts on litigation that "erode public confidence in the election results".[48][49]
Post-election lawsuits related to the 2020 United States presidential election - Wikipedia

StateDroppedDismissedAppeal ongoingTrial ongoingRuled
New Mexico100001
*Count does not reflect denials
Wikipedia has said itself it is not a reliable source. And you are uninformed about what is going on. You only repeat the lie there was no fraud and that will not happen. There was massive fraud. Biden stole 79 electors. Biden is illegitimate.
Horseshit! Get used to it Biden is president.
Sorry, he is illegitimate there was massive fraud.
Keep repeating that until you turn blue. It won't change anything and Biden is kicking ass every day to undo the Damage that Trump perpetrated on the nation

Five Days After Biden Inauguration, Judge Rules Late Changes To VA Election Law That Allowed Late Mail-in-Ballots Without Postmark To Be Counted Is ILLEGAL (thegatewaypundit.com)
29 Jan 2021 ~~ By Patty MacMurray
100 Percent Fed Up – Joe Biden’s bizarre inauguration spurred the same amount of enthusiasm most Americans have for purchasing a 3-ring binder from CVS. Yet, somehow, we’re supposed to believe he got more votes than any president in United States history?
One of the most common arguments made by Democrats, RINOs, and their allies in the media, to disprove voter fraud in the November election is that every single voter fraud case that’s been tried in the courts has failed. Americans need to keep their eyes on upcoming court cases related to election fraud. SCOTUS Blog lists an astounding 21 election fraud-related cases they’re watching.
One case that’s not making news in the Democrat Party’s mainstream media is a decision made by a Virginia judge on Monday. The judge ruled that last-minute changes made by election officials to allow absentee ballots with missing or illegible postmarks to be counted is illegal.

No sane, knowledgeable and honest American believes Dementia Joe received more LEGITIMATE votes than President Trump.
Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists robbed the election equivalent of Fort Knox and got away with it, not because there wasn't proof, but because Americans are lazy and apathetic.
People won't even quit Facebook and Twitter in meaningful numbers after what they're doing. It's too much of an inconvenience.
America deserves this. We've gotten fat and soft and the bullies are taking our lunch money. It's as simple as that.
No one fears the "American people" anymore, especially those that have been elected using fraud.
The PM/DSA Leftists weren't prepared for Trump's overwhelming number of votes!!! They started pulling their fraudulent votes out of the woodwork as sen in Georgia, Michigan and Pennsylvania...thus the reason for ballots with only Joe checked!!! They did not down voting, just Biden!!
Nothing about this election matters or counts or makes any difference now, this is not a win for the rule of law or the American people, we have one of the most corrupt judicial systems they're on par with any other 3rd world country. If Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats Commies pass this new voting bill (HR-1) there'll never be another president elected by the people in this country. Trump was the first in decades, all communist democrats and RINOs have been placed into office for decades and all have inched us closer and closer to the NWO until Trump was elected, he actually moved us away from the new world order a few steps. This is why these Marxist, SocialisE politicians are undoing everything he did via Executive Orders. To top insult to injury it's being done through an dementia addled puppet that doesn't even know what planet he's on.
Interesting there is no mention of how many such balotts there were and if it would have changed to outcome. In any case it would not have changed the outcome the election.
None since there was an injunction from allowing the law to be changed by the election board.
Only the state legislature can change the laws. Next.
Moot point. There were no problematic balotts. People who are still bleating about a stolen election are just pathetic.

Ballots Touched By Anomalies
No problematic ballots? Fucking liar.
Made up number. Sorry cultist.
Prove it asswipe.
No need, ya little bitch. It's your fantasy. Nobody has to prove it wrong.
You are just full of shit then. No secret there.
Then take your evidence to court, bigmouth. What's that? You got laughed out of court 63 times? Poor guy.
The evidence never got to court. Your argument is as empty as you.

Because Trump's lawyers never produced any evidence.
No, they never introduced any evidence because they were not allowed to. Plus the numbers kept by the states themselves provided evidence. Their own data is faulty or so they claim. PA took their data down.
There was no evidence to introduce.
No, they never introduced any evidence because they were not allowed to. Plus the numbers kept by the states themselves provided evidence. Their own data is faulty or so they claim. PA took their data down.
There was no evidence to introduce.
It all depends what you define as evidence. They had hearsay evidence. They had assumed evidence. They had circumstantial evidence. And most important, Trumps legal team had this last type of evidence.

Insufficient evidence
In court cases, it is the obligation of the prosecutorial team to meet the burden of proof—or the responsibility to prove their allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidence that fails to meet the burden of proof is considered insufficient evidence. In such cases, a judge may even dismiss a case before the defense presents their side.

No, they never introduced any evidence because they were not allowed to. Plus the numbers kept by the states themselves provided evidence. Their own data is faulty or so they claim. PA took their data down.
There was no evidence to introduce.
It all depends what you define as evidence. They had hearsay evidence. They had assumed evidence. They had circumstantial evidence. And most important, Trumps legal team had this last type of evidence.

Insufficient evidence
In court cases, it is the obligation of the prosecutorial team to meet the burden of proof—or the responsibility to prove their allegations beyond a reasonable doubt. Evidence that fails to meet the burden of proof is considered insufficient evidence. In such cases, a judge may even dismiss a case before the defense presents their side.

This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
Since I don't have time to review each and every one, I started at random, and all it reported was 139 irregular votes in dispute.

And those instances with more registered voters than people of voting age, well.... i'm wondering where they got their data. Since the 2020 census wasn't out, so any numbers had to be based on estimations, or data that was 10 years old. Neither reflects accurate numbers.
This is for aggregating publicly available items of evidence that would be admissible in court, not general election news stories or updates.
Since I don't have time to review each and every one, I started at random, and all it reported was 139 irregular votes in dispute.

And those instances with more registered voters than people of voting age, well.... i'm wondering where they got their data. Since the 2020 census wasn't out, so any numbers had to be based on estimations, or data that was 10 years old. Neither reflects accurate numbers.
The state keeps records and have some have shown not very good ones. There was massive fraud.

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