5% of teenagers on college campuses dictating American policy

The title of the OP, and the hypothesis of the thread, is such, that it can't really be discussed rationally.

It is based on a specious assumption, not on factual data.

This, I suspect, is why there is no link in the OP. If anything, the OP, who I believe is a GOP supporter, should think this is good news for their preferred candidate?

Why would the young come out and vote for Biden then?

The generation gap in opinions toward Israel​



How Americans view Israel, Netanyahu and U.S.-Israel relations in 5 charts​


Democrats' Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians​


While I find the whole. . . "5%" statistic specious, at best. . . this problem is clearly going to affect the election, and thus? Is most likely why it is triggering our DNC operatives on this forum. . . BIG TIME.

Trump: College protests are a ‘disgrace’ and all ‘Biden’s fault’​

So a parade of child molesters advocating their trade would be protected under your free speech commitment
And should be under yours too,
It's the first amendment.
That's even before the gun one.

That you disagree with the speech is why it is important that they are permitted to speak.
Were you opposed to the trucker blockades or is your opposition reserved for "them?"
Honestly I would argue a kid in his first year of trade school to be a electrician or a welder is smarter, more knowledgeable about the world, more qualified to have opinions on politics and social agendas, and all around has a better sense of the real world than a kids that's a 4th year student at a university.
And you'd be wrong.
His world is limited.
He's not exposed to other cultures, beliefs, ideas, and ideologies.
He is, essentially, his father redone.

I'm not saying it's a bad thing but it certainly doesn't make him "smarter" than these people.
And should be under yours too,
It's the first amendment.
That's even before the gun one.

That you disagree with the speech is why it is important that they are permitted to speak.
Were you opposed to the trucker blockades or is your opposition reserved for "them?"
Actually no. Advocating and advertising a crime like child molestation is illegal. But, you could always try and report back.
In all actuality, they are not.

Conspiracy theory alert!
That’s an odd response

Any criticism of the lib media makes liberal knee’s jerk

The snowflakes are getting way more attention than they deserve

And its only because the lib news media agrees with them
The problem is ... this extreme group of antisemitic and violent loons are controlling the narrative and starting to influence national foreign policy.
I don't know of anyone that does not see them as anything but loons.

That and they are not influencing shit.....FJB had already decided that the swing state muslim vote was more important so what has changed? :dunno:
I don't know of anyone that does not see them as anything but loons.

That and they are not influencing shit.....FJB had already decided that the swing state muslim vote was more important so what has changed? :dunno:

In order to placate the loons, The Biden Admin has betrayed Israel in the Security Council and openly undermined Israel's war against Hamas.
Like Bibi cares.

For now, Israel will continue the war it has to continue without concern for world opinion ... because there is no choice.

But, when that war is over, the admin (or subsequent admins who are against Israel) will continue the erosion of the US-Israel relationship started with the Obama admin.
Universities have always been a fertile ground for subversive activity, used by foreign and domestic entities. What is fairly new is that it is being extended to high school and now elementary schools, with good effect.

A Tilting Moment usually arrives when active supporters make up more than 3% of the directly affected population .

Useful and generally reliable guide .
These assholes have exposed the substandard education our Universities are providing as they rip people off. These kids and their profs and deans have devalued a college education more than anything else possibly could have. MAGA
Do you accept daily massacres of defenseless and innocent women and children, but get triggered by those who oppose it?


All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.
Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them. A civilization where people wear their pants on their head and walk backwards all day? That would be less crazy. A civilization where the dogs own the people and the children go to work while the parents go to school? That would be less crazy.
It’s as wrong as you can possibly get anything in this world. It’s actually hard to imagine how anyone could get anything more wrong. If you’ve accepted daily massacres of innocent civilians as the baseline normal and appropriate thing, and regard any opposition to this as a freakish and evil abomination, then you’re as screwed up and confused about reality as any other stark raving lunatic in town. Maybe worse. -Caitlin Johnstone
Do you accept daily massacres of defenseless and innocent women and children, but get triggered by those who oppose it?


All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.
Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them. A civilization where people wear their pants on their head and walk backwards all day? That would be less crazy. A civilization where the dogs own the people and the children go to work while the parents go to school? That would be less crazy.
It’s as wrong as you can possibly get anything in this world. It’s actually hard to imagine how anyone could get anything more wrong. If you’ve accepted daily massacres of innocent civilians as the baseline normal and appropriate thing, and regard any opposition to this as a freakish and evil abomination, then you’re as screwed up and confused about reality as any other stark raving lunatic in town. Maybe worse. -Caitlin Johnstone
The “innocent civilian” arab adults can end the war and the killing by rejecting Hamas and making peace with Israel
So you like Genocide Joe’s policies in killing Gazans, yet love Dumb Don. Weird.

Peace has become an alien idea to many Dumb Americans.
Are you in favor of Hamas killing all Jews?
Do you accept daily massacres of defenseless and innocent women and children, but get triggered by those who oppose it?


All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.
Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them. A civilization where people wear their pants on their head and walk backwards all day? That would be less crazy. A civilization where the dogs own the people and the children go to work while the parents go to school? That would be less crazy.
It’s as wrong as you can possibly get anything in this world. It’s actually hard to imagine how anyone could get anything more wrong. If you’ve accepted daily massacres of innocent civilians as the baseline normal and appropriate thing, and regard any opposition to this as a freakish and evil abomination, then you’re as screwed up and confused about reality as any other stark raving lunatic in town. Maybe worse. -Caitlin Johnstone
Do you accept daily massacres of defenseless and innocent women and children, but get triggered by those who oppose it?


All the frenzied shrieking about pro-Palestine protests at universities these last few days makes it clear that our civilization is so twisted and insane that it sees protesting a genocide as far worse than committing one. Which is about as backwards as any society could possibly be.
Seriously, try to imagine a crazier, more upside-down civilization than one which gets more angry at people protesting genocidal atrocities than it does at people committing them. A civilization where people wear their pants on their head and walk backwards all day? That would be less crazy. A civilization where the dogs own the people and the children go to work while the parents go to school? That would be less crazy.
It’s as wrong as you can possibly get anything in this world. It’s actually hard to imagine how anyone could get anything more wrong. If you’ve accepted daily massacres of innocent civilians as the baseline normal and appropriate thing, and regard any opposition to this as a freakish and evil abomination, then you’re as screwed up and confused about reality as any other stark raving lunatic in town. Maybe worse. -Caitlin Johnstone

A people so FUBAR as the Palis may well need eradication. You sure don't see any of the other arab countries clamoring to take them in do ya?....That's called a clue....They want them gone too.
Are you in favor of Hamas killing all Jews?
Stop lying.

Thousands have been murdered. When is it enough for you?

Will you still support Israel if they murder 50,000 children? How about 100,000? 500,000? Give me a number when you pull your support.
A people so FUBAR as the Palis may well need eradication. You sure don't see any of the other arab countries clamoring to take them in do ya?....That's called a clue....They want them gone too.
Supporting eradication of a people is mental illness. Do you really think it’s acceptable because their Muslim neighbors refuse help? Though I doubt that’s true. Likely more CIA/Mossad propaganda you've accepted.

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