5-Time Deferment Trump Wants to Torture

I don't give a damn if he leaves those vermin to starve.

They come to this country and they kill innocent people for no other reason that believing differently than them.

Cracks me up that liberals scream about gay rights but turn a blind eye to what muslims do to gays in their own countries and in OUR country like the largest domestic attack by a single shooter, the Pulse Gay Club Massacre that happened only last summer!

Faces of some of the victims!

Is the left calling every person who received a deferment during the Vietnam War a "piece of garbage"? I thought the left was pro-deferments. Nobody on the left called the slickster Bill Clinton "a piece of garbage" when he actually dodged the draft. The point is that you can bet your ass(ets) that the lefties who whine about deferments and criticize the President as a "piece of garbage" never served in the Military themselves and as such have no point of reference when it comes to what we used to call "psy-ops" warfare. It's no secret that democrats never had a problem about enhanced interrogation until they got a chance to use it for political purposes during the Bush administration. Barry Obama authorized the killing (without due process) of U.S. citizens in drone strikes while the idiotic left whines about the discomfort of terrorists during interrogation. It says a lot about the current psychotic outbreaks on the left.
Senator McCain said that it would not come back because if it did come back, he implied that Trump would be impeached.
I don't give a damn if he leaves those vermin to starve.

They come to this country and they kill innocent people for no other reason that believing differently than them.

Cracks me up that liberals scream about gay rights but turn a blind eye to what muslims do to gays in their own countries and in OUR country like the largest domestic attack by a single shooter, the Pulse Gay Club Massacre that happened only last summer!

Faces of some of the victims!

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The left does not give a rat shit. To prove it, they praised their n word in chief when he drone killed people.
Secret ‘Kill List’ Proves a Test of Obama’s Principles and Will

Now this stupid fucking ass fuck is going to pretend to fucking care about sandNIGGERS being waterboarded while he praises the N word in chief and the drone strikes?

This ass fuck you are communicating with is a complete waste of your time.

Hey waitingfor2020.

Go fuck yourself loser. You, and all of your fucking bullshit along with every fucking left wing faggot that thinks like you.

Fucking loser.
So, I told you he was a secret Viking. Torture, pillage and rape is how the Grabber in Chief want to make America Great again.
This piece of garbage now wants to bring back torture. He's a big, fat-assed pussy who doesn't know what he's talking about, as usual. He just wants to be the biggest dick-tator in the world. Like his twin brother, Kim Jong Un.

Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War
Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War

#1-WTFF does whether he served have to do with torture?

#2-massive violence to terrorism definitely works:

KGB Reportedly Gave Arab Terrorists a Taste of Brutality to Free Diplomats

You do what is necessary sometimes to save lives.
actually Mad Dog convinced Trump not to torture.

"give em beers" Mad Dog told Trump, who was "impressed by the answer", both not recognizing that Muslims dont consume alcohol.

i think we ought to torture.
This piece of garbage now wants to bring back torture. He's a big, fat-assed pussy who doesn't know what he's talking about, as usual. He just wants to be the biggest dick-tator in the world. Like his twin brother, Kim Jong Un.

Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War
Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War

It's just the beginning. He's practicing and refining his methods on these terrorists, then he's going to start using it on you and your ilk.

Trump has enough firepower under his Command to deal with all the liberals a thousand times over.
I have no problem with torturing terrorists.
I have no problem with torture either. Let me do it.

Trump actually said that we would not bring back the black op sites or torture. The decision is to be made by Mattis and Pompeo. They say no.
Yeah, i do think we'd be better off with Hitler.

No liberals to deal with.

You're actually a flaming, over the top liberal.....other wise NO ONE could seriously post THAT above imbecility.
Cracks me up that liberals scream about gay rights but turn a blind eye to what muslims do to gays

Above is a right wing moron who wants us to be JUST LIKE intolerant Muslim countries......
The envy to be just as stupid and cruel is obvious.

That's some weapons grade stupid on your part.

When you show me when I want to throw gays from buildings or stone women to death for walking in public you let me know.

Until then, we used to hang war criminals after WWII, and you sick bunch want to coddle them.

Who's disgusting?
Yeah, i do think we'd be better off with Hitler.

No liberals to deal with.

You're actually a flaming, over the top liberal.....other wise NO ONE could seriously post THAT above imbecility.

I'd rather be a flaming over the top liberal, but those who support LGBT, oppose gun rights and want trannies in our locker rooms are the ones i want gone. SJWs must burn. If being liberals means killing them, then i'm liberal as shit.
Until then, we used to hang war criminals after WWII, and you sick bunch want to coddle them.

Did we hang them without a trial, moron???
....and if we did not and gave them a trial, how many of these terrorists have been tried and convicted?

Unless you can answer those 2 questions, find a corner and begin playing with yourself.....or go to bed.
Until then, we used to hang war criminals after WWII, and you sick bunch want to coddle them.

Did we hang them without a trial, moron???
....and if we did not and gave them a trial, how many of these terrorists have been tried and convicted?

Unless you can answer those 2 questions, find a corner and begin playing with yourself.....or go to bed.

We gave them MILITARY TRIALS. You know who held up that happening during the Obama admin?

Obama wanting to give those pukes civilian trials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just fine with those guys getting MILITARY trials and being EXECUTED!

You game or are you going to keep on with your ignorance!

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