5-Time Deferment Trump Wants to Torture

We gave them MILITARY TRIALS. You know who held up that happening during the Obama admin?

Obama wanting to give those pukes civilian trials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just fine with those guys getting MILITARY trials and being EXECUTED!

You game or are you going to keep on with your ignorance!

Really, could you tell us (I'm sure you heard it from Sean Hannity) WHEN those trails occurred, the finding of guilt AND what the sentences are?????

Go on.......I'll wait.
We gave them MILITARY TRIALS. You know who held up that happening during the Obama admin?

Obama wanting to give those pukes civilian trials!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm just fine with those guys getting MILITARY trials and being EXECUTED!

You game or are you going to keep on with your ignorance!

Really, could you tell us (I'm sure you heard it from Sean Hannity) WHEN those trails occurred, the finding of guilt AND what the sentences are?????

Go on.......I'll wait.

That's the point! Those trails didn't happen BECAUSE those with sense fought against them being civilian trials knowing they would just become show trials for these murderers to parade their "cause."

Hopefullly, now that the adults are back in charge real military trials can happen.
That's the point! Those trails didn't happen BECAUSE those with sense fought against them being civilian trials knowing they would just become show trials for these murderers to parade their "cause."

Same EXACT reasons why the Nazis didn't hold trials against some Jewish bankers and dissidents.....The Nazi didn't want the "bad press" and neither do you....

See the similarities??? ....LOL
That's the point! Those trails didn't happen BECAUSE those with sense fought against them being civilian trials knowing they would just become show trials for these murderers to parade their "cause."

Same EXACT reasons why the Nazis didn't hold trials against some Jewish bankers and dissidents.....The Nazi didn't want the "bad press" and neither do you....

See the similarities??? ....LOL

When you can show the Jewish Bankers shot or killed Americans do let me know.

You can't say that about Gitmo detainees.
This piece of garbage now wants to bring back torture. He's a big, fat-assed pussy who doesn't know what he's talking about, as usual. He just wants to be the biggest dick-tator in the world. Like his twin brother, Kim Jong Un.

Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War
Trump was granted five draft deferments during the Vietnam War

It's just the beginning. He's practicing and refining his methods on these terrorists, then he's going to start using it on you and your ilk.

Trump has enough firepower under his Command to deal with all the liberals a thousand times over.
The military won't torture for this moron. That will not happen. And good America is not afraid of sillies like you, Johann. You can't bring it, and the American people and Congress will prevent Trump from bringing it. Do you understand now?
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"i have spoken with folks from the highest levels of the intelligence community as recently as 24 hours ago and asked them does torture work and they said yes" - President Trump last night
even if torture doesn't work, they deserve it anyway.

even if torture doesn't work, they deserve it anyway.

even if torture doesn't work, they deserve it anyway.
John McCain, who has been trying desperately to agitate war with Russia, says torture is unacceptable

So thousand of lives lost in needless wars is acceptable, but torturing a terrorist is inhumane. Give me a break

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