5 U.S. nuclear power plants shut down

140 coal fired plants have been shut down too.

Suspicious? Not a bit. obama intends a return to electricity being for the politically well connected. It's part of building a loyalty base.
140 coal fired plants have been shut down too.

Suspicious? Not a bit. obama intends a return to electricity being for the politically well connected. It's part of building a loyalty base.

So you are posting here using batteries...?
A few plants have had to shut down because the water temperature at intake is too high. This is not some great big conspiracy, it's a simple fact.
140 coal fired plants have been shut down too.

Suspicious? Not a bit. obama intends a return to electricity being for the politically well connected. It's part of building a loyalty base.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpTIhyMa-Nw&feature=youtube_gdata_player]Obama's Promise the Bankrupt the Coal Industry - YouTube[/ame]
A few plants have had to shut down because the water temperature at intake is too high. This is not some great big conspiracy, it's a simple fact.

This is a Dissent thread, what did you expect? He's the rightwing version of TM
Like I said could be something and it might not be something...if its not then ok whatever...just seemed a bit odd...
The destruction of America so they can rebuild it based on twisted Liberal ideologies continues.
No, there could be no problem with the nukes. They are all safe, clean and cheap.

Safe, clean and cheap.
Safe, clean and cheap.
safe ,clean an..................
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obama has also started closing refineries.

As refineries close, experts say U.S. gasoline shortage may strike during peak driving season | NJ.com

obama's position is that we won't get serious about green energy until we are forced to by a complete lack of energy and won't mind the outrageous cost.

The mantra is, replace the coal plants with natural gas plants, and it if wasn't for fracking we might, but fracking is also on the environmental hit list.

It is a shame that doesn't make sense.

It would do, but:

a) It is actually the companies closing the refineries - not Obama

b) the biggest wave of long-term refinery closures occured under Bush.

Here's the FT on this:

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The 126-year-old company’s decision to quit the refining business is the latest sign of the tumult in downstream fuel markets that is accompanying a global shift in oil use. As consumption flags in developed economies and grows in emerging markets, refineries are dying from Japan to Pennsylvania, the Sunoco home state where oil wells drilled in the 1850s begat the petroleum age.
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Like I said could be something and it might not be something...if its not then ok whatever...just seemed a bit odd...

you know that nuclear plants across the country routinely and quite often shut down for a host of reasons, right?

Your thread is the equivalent of trying to get people freaked out b/c today there are 4M bacteria on their dish sponge.

Oh noes! We gonna die!

Nevermind that there were 4M bacteria last year as well.
obama has also started closing refineries.

As refineries close, experts say U.S. gasoline shortage may strike during peak driving season | NJ.com

obama's position is that we won't get serious about green energy until we are forced to by a complete lack of energy and won't mind the outrageous cost.

The mantra is, replace the coal plants with natural gas plants, and it if wasn't for fracking we might, but fracking is also on the environmental hit list.

Sunoco Inc. and ConocoPhillips have shut two plants in Pennsylvania and plan to idle a third that together could process more than 700,000 barrels a day of oil. Hovensa LLC closed a plant in the U.S. Virgin Islands that was the largest offshore shipper to the region.
obama promised sky rocketing energy costs, he's delivering on his campaign promises.
Skyrocketing, I tell ya!


Average Energy Prices in the Los Angeles Area

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