5 year old girl sexually assaulted by tranny 5 year old boy in Georgia school restroom

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I Googled several of those names and incidents, some of them I could verify, many of them, were false.
Oh? Which one is false?
Just copy and past the entire list into a search engine, it takes you to partisan sites that are obviously full of shit. None of them are sources with any legitimacy. I can't find any links to sources. It is all gossip.

But okay, I'm pretty sure this one is likely not completely grounded in reality;

Thurston County ritual abuse case - Wikipedia

After researching this one? I'm suspicious of it. These charges only came out after that commercial was released and the divorce and personal problems were involved? Seems damned suspicious.

Carey Lee Cramer
Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial.

Anyway, given the source of the entire list, the whole thing is suspect. Sure, there are several bonafide real cases of hideousness, but then they are packed with political dirty hits like these, and the list is circulated over and over again on forums like this with no legitimate links to credible sites?

Give us all a break and stay on topic.
Every name I posted is verifiable...

Carey Lee Cramer

Political consultant from Tucson convicted of child sex assault in Texas

EDINBURG, Texas - A political consultant was convicted Tuesday on four counts of sexual assault involving children.

A jury deliberated almost two days before convicting Carey Lee Cramer, 44, of aggravated sexual assault of a child, two counts of indecency with a child by contact and one count of indecency with a child by exposure. He was cleared of nine other charges.

Wow, you are really not very bright.

Like I said, that one was a politically motivated hit.

Those accusations were prodded by the Clinton/Gore Campaign and the mother for custody. Could that be real? Sure. We can't really know for sure.

They came during a divorce and right after that commercial which reflected badly on the whole establishment. Soon after, the MSM corporate press would have to go full tilt blowing up the Lewinsky affair to distract Americans away from Chinagate which implicated both parties in selling tech to China.

Like I said, you are nothing but a propagandist. No evidence but the kids claims.

I wonder how much the ex was paid by Clinton and Gore. You're an operative, why don't you tell us?

Leave it to a rightwingnut to make excuses for a convicted Republican child molester.

Not making excuses, just saying I'm skeptical.

Drink the kool-aid if you wish. I see a coincidence for what it is.
Would you feel better if the girl was sexually assaulted by a 5 yr old straight boy? If I remember correctly, sexual assault is bad, period.

Is there a special provision that makes sexual assault "OK" for trannies?
She was assaulted by a 5 year old straight boy.

It’s likely this boy has been abused by some sick faggot if he is pretending to be a girl at such a young age and is attacking girls.

It is totally illogical to think that a kid who was "abused by some sick faggot" (your disgusting term) would be interested sexually in a girl.bYou are just into this stupid and ignorant anti-LGBT thing. Being transgendered is entirely another issue. Try thinking, if it's not too much trouble for you.

I do notice that you have a picture of that whore as your avatar. You people who use terms like "faggot" and "homo" have deep-seated emotional damage that the rest of us can't cure.
Did I say the child was interested “sexually” in the girl he attacked? No. So the rest of your rant is irrelevant.

Queers, or whatever you want to call them, are usually the victims of sexual abuse at a young age. It’s pretty obvious this child is probably a victim of some sexual predator, which is why he has mental issues and acts out violently. But queer enablers like you don’t want to believe it, so you not only ignore the statistics, but you encourage the homosexual behavior and lifestyle, which results in more children being abused.
Kids are in greater danger of being molested by Republicans than by trannies. How come you don’t want to address that?
You are a full of shit propagandist.

The one and only name from my list you bitched about is a convicted child molester. Between the two of us, you are posting more bullshit.
I'm not going through the whole list, name by name, anyone can do a search of the list and find out where it came from, it's propaganda.

You said you already ”verified” “many” of those as not true.
I Googled several of those names and incidents, some of them I could verify, many of them, were false.
But when pressed to back your claims, you run away.

Seems to me, little kids are in far greater danger of being molested by Republicans than by 5 year old trannies.

That's bullshit. You have not posted statistical regressive analysis that compares the two groups. Just some anecdotal incidents of a few Republicans that made the press. Anonymous folks suffering from gender confusions don't make the press, so your assertion is complete bullshit.

I am sure any person living in LA or NY could find just as many folks affected by gender dysphoria that are on the sexual offenders list living with in a mile of their house.
So you say.... but then you also claimed you verified many of the names on the list I gave as falsely identified as child molesters, but when push came to shove, we found out you actually didn’t verify even one.

So it still seems that little kids are far more in danger of being sexually abused by a Republican than by a tranny.
You are a full of shit propagandist.

The one and only name from my list you bitched about is a convicted child molester. Between the two of us, you are posting more bullshit.
I'm not going through the whole list, name by name, anyone can do a search of the list and find out where it came from, it's propaganda.

You said you already ”verified” “many” of those as not true.
I Googled several of those names and incidents, some of them I could verify, many of them, were false.
But when pressed to back your claims, you run away.

Seems to me, little kids are in far greater danger of being molested by Republicans than by 5 year old trannies.

That's bullshit. You have not posted statistical regressive analysis that compares the two groups. Just some anecdotal incidents of a few Republicans that made the press. Anonymous folks suffering from gender confusions don't make the press, so your assertion is complete bullshit.

I am sure any person living in LA or NY could find just as many folks affected by gender dysphoria that are on the sexual offenders list living with in a mile of their house.
So you say.... but then you also claimed you verified many of the names on the list I gave as falsely identified as child molesters, but when push came to shove, we found out you actually didn’t verify even one.

So it still seems that little kids are far more in danger of being sexually abused by a Republican than by a tranny.

What ever.

You are full of shit.

Children a just as likely of being victims of either. Someone's politics or sexual orientation has no bearing on whether they are morally or ethically corrupt.

Your thinking is logically fallacious. I am done with you. It is like arguing with a three year old.

The one and only name from my list you bitched about is a convicted child molester. Between the two of us, you are posting more bullshit.
I'm not going through the whole list, name by name, anyone can do a search of the list and find out where it came from, it's propaganda.

You said you already ”verified” “many” of those as not true.
I Googled several of those names and incidents, some of them I could verify, many of them, were false.
But when pressed to back your claims, you run away.

Seems to me, little kids are in far greater danger of being molested by Republicans than by 5 year old trannies.

That's bullshit. You have not posted statistical regressive analysis that compares the two groups. Just some anecdotal incidents of a few Republicans that made the press. Anonymous folks suffering from gender confusions don't make the press, so your assertion is complete bullshit.

I am sure any person living in LA or NY could find just as many folks affected by gender dysphoria that are on the sexual offenders list living with in a mile of their house.
So you say.... but then you also claimed you verified many of the names on the list I gave as falsely identified as child molesters, but when push came to shove, we found out you actually didn’t verify even one.

So it still seems that little kids are far more in danger of being sexually abused by a Republican than by a tranny.

What ever.

You are full of shit.

Children a just as likely of being victims of either. Someone's politics or sexual orientation has no bearing on whether they are morally or ethically corrupt.

Your thinking is logically fallacious. I am done with you. It is like arguing with a three year old.
So you say, but you also got caught lying about the list I produced. Even worse, you tried to make up excuses for a convicted child molester.

Meanwhile, while this is the second case I’ve heard of a tranny molesting a child, I posted the names of 16 Republicans who were caught, and convicted, of child sex abuse.

I still see nothing to show that kids are safer with Republicans than they are with trannies.
I'm not going through the whole list, name by name, anyone can do a search of the list and find out where it came from, it's propaganda.

You said you already ”verified” “many” of those as not true.
I Googled several of those names and incidents, some of them I could verify, many of them, were false.
But when pressed to back your claims, you run away.

Seems to me, little kids are in far greater danger of being molested by Republicans than by 5 year old trannies.

That's bullshit. You have not posted statistical regressive analysis that compares the two groups. Just some anecdotal incidents of a few Republicans that made the press. Anonymous folks suffering from gender confusions don't make the press, so your assertion is complete bullshit.

I am sure any person living in LA or NY could find just as many folks affected by gender dysphoria that are on the sexual offenders list living with in a mile of their house.
So you say.... but then you also claimed you verified many of the names on the list I gave as falsely identified as child molesters, but when push came to shove, we found out you actually didn’t verify even one.

So it still seems that little kids are far more in danger of being sexually abused by a Republican than by a tranny.

What ever.

You are full of shit.

Children a just as likely of being victims of either. Someone's politics or sexual orientation has no bearing on whether they are morally or ethically corrupt.

Your thinking is logically fallacious. I am done with you. It is like arguing with a three year old.
So you say, but you also got caught lying about the list I produced. Even worse, you tried to make up excuses for a convicted child molester.

Meanwhile, while this is the second case I’ve heard of a tranny molesting a child, I posted the names of 16 Republicans who were caught, and convicted, of child sex abuse.

I still see nothing to show that kids are safer with Republicans than they are with trannies.
No I didn't. That is just what you are saying as it is your perception of the world which is fake news and propaganda.
I will never understand the obsession that people, particularly males, have with sexuality. Making this big deal about the few people who are transgendered reveals some sort of preoccupation about gender that some people experience.They seem to be the same ones who talk about "fags" and "homos." Good grief, people! Get mental help! You are what you are.

And all of this is occurring while white boys on Capitol Hill and the White House seek to trash heterosexuality; making their hatred for heterosexuality and their hatred for their prospective (female) partners prominent. Yet they say that they are not gay. Too confusing.
I will never understand the obsession that people, particularly males, have with sexuality. Making this big deal about the few people who are transgendered reveals some sort of preoccupation about gender that some people experience.They seem to be the same ones who talk about "fags" and "homos." Good grief, people! Get mental help! You are what you are.

And all of this is occurring while white boys on Capitol Hill and the White House seek to trash heterosexuality; making their hatred for heterosexuality and their hatred for their prospective (female) partners prominent. Yet they say that they are not gay. Too confusing.

Why does this have to be about race?
What about slick willy and senile Joe Biden?
What about ‘em? Unlike that lengthy list of perverted Republicans, neither one of them ever molested a little kid.
Children were their sexual preference. Let's not be bigoted or discriminate.
Who’s being bigoted or discriminatory? What child ever claimed either one of them fondled them? Unlike all these Republicans...

  • Bobby Stumbo
    Republican Party leader Bobby Stumbo was arrested for having sex with a 5-year old boy.
  • Carey Lee Cramer
    Republican advertising consultant Carey Lee Cramer was charged with molesting his 9-year old step-daughter after including her in an anti-Gore television commercial.
  • David Swartz
    Republican County Commissioner David Swartz pleaded guilty to molesting two girls under the age of 11 and was sentenced to 8 years in prison.
  • Dennis L. Rader
    Republican zoning supervisor, Boy Scout leader and Lutheran church president Dennis L. Rader pleaded guilty to performing a sexual act on an 11-year old girl he murdered.
  • Earl "Butch" Kimmerling
    Republican anti-gay activist Earl "Butch" Kimmerling was sentenced to 40 years in prison for molesting an 8-year old girl after he attempted to stop a gay couple from adopting her.
  • Edison Misla Aldarondo
    Republican legislator Edison Misla Aldarondo was sentenced to 10 years in prison for raping his daughter between the ages of 9 and 17.
  • Howard L. Brooks
    Republican legislative aide Howard L. Brooks was charged with molesting a 12-year old boy and possession of child pornography.
  • Jeffrey Patti
    Republican Committee Chairman Jeffrey Patti was arrested for distributing a video clip of a 5-year-old girl being raped.
  • John Hathaway
    Republican Senate candidate John Hathaway was accused of having sex with his 12-year old baby sitter and withdrew his candidacy after the allegations were reported in the media.
  • Jon Matthews
    Republican talk show host Jon Matthews pleaded guilty to exposing his genitals to an 11 year old girl.
  • Larry Dale Floyd
    Republican County Constable Larry Dale Floyd was arrested on suspicion of soliciting sex with an 8-year old girl. Floyd has repeatedly won elections for Denton County, Texas, constable.
  • Mark Harris
    Republican city councilman Mark Harris, who is described as a "good military man" and "church goer," was convicted of repeatedly having sex with an 11-year-old girl and sentenced to 12 years in prison.
  • Mark Pazuhanich
    Republican judge Mark Pazuhanich pleaded no contest to fondling a 10-year old girl and was sentenced to 10 years probation.
  • Nicholas Elizondo
    Republican director of the "Young Republican Federation" Nicholas Elizondo molested his 6-year old daughter and was sentenced to six years in prison.
  • Paul Ingram
    Republican Party leader Paul Ingram pleaded guilty to six counts of raping his daughters and served 14 years in federal prison. Mr. Ingram had confessed to having sex with both his daughters many times, beginning when Ericka was 5.
  • Philip Giordano
    Republican Mayor Philip Giordano is serving a 37-year sentence in federal prison for sexually abusing 8 and 10-year old girls.
I just told you. This will be the 2nd and final time.

Children were their sexual preference. Let's not be bigoted or discriminate. It's unlawful.

Repeating your lie doesn’t make it true.

It appears you loons hold contradicting laws haha.

When rules are written by perverts?

Oh, wait, I forgot.......it's something you Democrats are not allowed to understand.
Then you have the Retardicans who put into the White House a child rapist and serial sexual predator. Of course, the reason cons so adamantly support him is their affinity for similar acts.

When rules are written by perverts?

Oh, wait, I forgot.......it's something you Democrats are not allowed to understand.
Then you have the Retardicans who put into the White House a child rapist and serial sexual predator. Of course, the reason cons so adamantly support him is their affinity for similar acts.

The right didn't put Clinton in the white house, but why bring him up? Oh that's right, he's known to go to an island led by a sexual offender who hosted underage sex parties.

That and multiple women accused him of rape, AND he cheated on his wife WHILE IN THE WHITE HOUSE with a college intern.

Oh yea....the left has a HELL of a lot of room to talk.
I will never understand the obsession that people, particularly males, have with sexuality. Making this big deal about the few people who are transgendered reveals some sort of preoccupation about gender that some people experience.They seem to be the same ones who talk about "fags" and "homos." Good grief, people! Get mental help! You are what you are.

And all of this is occurring while white boys on Capitol Hill and the White House seek to trash heterosexuality; making their hatred for heterosexuality and their hatred for their prospective (female) partners prominent. Yet they say that they are not gay. Too confusing.

Ya done went and played the race card.

This has nothing to do with race
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
There are only boy’s and girls. Go with the plumbing God gave you. No such thing as “gender fluid.” That’s a new one on me. Liberals come up with the dumbest shit.

Gender identities are only culture-based. Leave the kids alone. THEY will tell YOU who they are. Look at these fucking fundies who want to produce "virgin brides" to welp puppies for fundie men, being "pure" and being sold into their sexual fate so that their "husbands" can rut at will. What if these daughters of fundies actually wanted to be scientists, lawyers, engineers, doctors, writers, but their fundie parents openly planned to sell their bodies?
Such a bigot.
Really? Do you deny that girls born to fundie parents are being groomed for early sexual activity with their lack of sexual history being their big selling point so that their parents, particularly their fathers, will profit off of their hymens? What is this "purity ring" thing about? It's the selling of a young girl's body for her father's enrichment. Where are the "purity rings" to be given to boys so that they may give them to their wives on their wedding nights as a sign that they give themselves in sexual purity to the state of holy matrimony?
I will never understand the obsession that people, particularly males, have with sexuality. Making this big deal about the few people who are transgendered reveals some sort of preoccupation about gender that some people experience.They seem to be the same ones who talk about "fags" and "homos." Good grief, people! Get mental help! You are what you are.

And all of this is occurring while white boys on Capitol Hill and the White House seek to trash heterosexuality; making their hatred for heterosexuality and their hatred for their prospective (female) partners prominent. Yet they say that they are not gay. Too confusing.

Why does this have to be about race?

I don't see any darker faces around there. My comment stands. Why do these WHITE guys want to destroy heterosexual relationships? What is the source of their aggression against women, by the same people who are anti-LGBT? It's impossible. They disrespect and hate both the people who are supposed to be their loving partners and LGBTs, simultaneously. You see the people, mostly female, gathered outside the Capitol Building. I guess that there actually is a third sex, and these guys are part of it. They don't want women, but they don't want to be gay, either. Go figure.
A five year old tranny?

Get the fuck outta here!

Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
There are only boy’s and girls. Go with the plumbing God gave you. No such thing as “gender fluid.” That’s a new one on me. Liberals come up with the dumbest shit.

Gender identities are only culture-based. Leave the kids alone. THEY will tell YOU who they are. Look at these fucking fundies who want to produce "virgin brides" to welp puppies for fundie men, being "pure" and being sold into their sexual fate so that their "husbands" can rut at will. What if these daughters of fundies actually wanted to be scientists, lawyers, engineers, doctors, writers, but their fundie parents openly planned to sell their bodies?
Such a bigot.
Really? Do you deny that girls born to fundie parents are being groomed for early sexual activity with their lack of sexual history being their big selling point so that their parents, particularly their fathers, will profit off of their hymens? What is this "purity ring" thing about? It's the selling of a young girl's body for her father's enrichment. Where are the "purity rings" to be given to boys so that they may give them to their wives on their wedding nights as a sign that they give themselves in sexual purity to the state of holy matrimony?
Enough with your hypocritical bigotry.

Did Daddy give you a purity ring? lol
Some people here are to stupid to know the difference between transgender, and gender fluid- as the child identifies himself in the article. It should also be noted that while the parents made some pretty serious allegations- we don't really know what the alleged sexual assault actually consisted of. It could have been something innocent or unintentional that freaked out the girl. Or the parents could have made the whole thing up - or blew it out of proportion-based on something that the girl said I never knew a 5 year old to be sexually aggressive.

However, there is no doubt that the bigots - in and out of government-who are given to histrionics and propaganda will rush to judgement and get a lot of mileage out of it.
There are only boy’s and girls. Go with the plumbing God gave you. No such thing as “gender fluid.” That’s a new one on me. Liberals come up with the dumbest shit.

Gender identities are only culture-based. Leave the kids alone. THEY will tell YOU who they are. Look at these fucking fundies who want to produce "virgin brides" to welp puppies for fundie men, being "pure" and being sold into their sexual fate so that their "husbands" can rut at will. What if these daughters of fundies actually wanted to be scientists, lawyers, engineers, doctors, writers, but their fundie parents openly planned to sell their bodies?
Such a bigot.
Really? Do you deny that girls born to fundie parents are being groomed for early sexual activity with their lack of sexual history being their big selling point so that their parents, particularly their fathers, will profit off of their hymens? What is this "purity ring" thing about? It's the selling of a young girl's body for her father's enrichment. Where are the "purity rings" to be given to boys so that they may give them to their wives on their wedding nights as a sign that they give themselves in sexual purity to the state of holy matrimony?
Enough with your hypocritical bigotry.

Did Daddy give you a purity ring? lol

On whose bedside table did you forget your purity ring? I am willing to bet that you were not a virgin on your wedding night. I don't think that your parents prepared you to sell your body to your bride for a decent price. Yet this sort of porno is sold to girls. And yes, fundies are in the middle of it. They are sexual groomers.
There are only boy’s and girls. Go with the plumbing God gave you. No such thing as “gender fluid.” That’s a new one on me. Liberals come up with the dumbest shit.

Gender identities are only culture-based. Leave the kids alone. THEY will tell YOU who they are. Look at these fucking fundies who want to produce "virgin brides" to welp puppies for fundie men, being "pure" and being sold into their sexual fate so that their "husbands" can rut at will. What if these daughters of fundies actually wanted to be scientists, lawyers, engineers, doctors, writers, but their fundie parents openly planned to sell their bodies?
Such a bigot.
Really? Do you deny that girls born to fundie parents are being groomed for early sexual activity with their lack of sexual history being their big selling point so that their parents, particularly their fathers, will profit off of their hymens? What is this "purity ring" thing about? It's the selling of a young girl's body for her father's enrichment. Where are the "purity rings" to be given to boys so that they may give them to their wives on their wedding nights as a sign that they give themselves in sexual purity to the state of holy matrimony?
Enough with your hypocritical bigotry.

Did Daddy give you a purity ring? lol

Don't feed the zombie Troll Bots. The don't know that they are dead. They will eat your brains and make you one of them.:saythat:

On whose bedside table did you forget your purity ring? I am willing to bet that you were not a virgin on your wedding night. I don't think that your parents prepared you to sell your body to your bride for a decent price. Yet this sort of porno is sold to girls. And yes, fundies are in the middle of it. They are sexual groomers.
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