50% of Americans believe news media is actively attempting to deceive them...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I missed this when it came out in February, but was attempting to explain to a liberal that the reason they are losing is first and foremost that their credibility and the credibility of the Legacy Media is completely shot.

This poll tells the tale....

They were so intent on destroying President Trump that they destroyed themselves instead...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found.

Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news “care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners,”
the study found. It said 23% of respondents believed the journalists were acting in the public’s best interests.

“That was pretty striking for us,” said Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup. The findings showed a depth of distrust and bad feeling that go beyond the foundations and processes of journalism, she said.

Understand the ramifications of that , Liberals.

Only 25% of Americans believe that the national media does not actively and intentionally seek to mislead them.

Only 23% of Americans believe the that national news organization care about their best interests.

This is the searing indictment that is thwarting your machinations!

And the thing about trust and credibility...once it is lost, it's almost impossible to retrieve.
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I just read this in an article:

Yet, this should also be expected to some degree. A plethora of polls show that most Americans do not trust the federal government, state government, and even their local government, when it comes to all things related to coronavirus. And needless to say, many Americans are skeptical about the media’s portrayal of COVID-19. But that should come as little surprise, seeing as Americans’ trust in the media has been waning for years.

When public trust in major societal institutions erodes, bad things tend to happen. As Americans, we need to have at least a reasonable sense of trust in the media and those in government in order for our society to function cohesively, let alone thrive.

As history shows, when people lose faith in these vital institutions, society can fragment quickly. Public trust is a prerequisite for a free society. Just ask those who lived in the Soviet Union or East Germany, where government officials and the media routinely lied to their citizens.

And, on the other hand, when people have a strong sense of confidence that the media and government officials are telling the truth, societal unrest is less likely, people are more prone to trust one another, and the nation is a better place.

I think both sides should sit up and take notice.
I missed this when it came out in February, but was attempting to explain to a liberal that the reason they are losing is first and foremost that their credibility and the credibility of the Legacy Media is completely shot.

This poll tells the tale....

They were so intent on destroying President Trump that they destroyed themselves instead...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found.

Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news “care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners,”
the study found. It said 23% of respondents believed the journalists were acting in the public’s best interests.

“That was pretty striking for us,” said Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup. The findings showed a depth of distrust and bad feeling that go beyond the foundations and processes of journalism, she said.

Understand the ramifications of that , Liberals.

Only 25% of Americans believe that the national media does not actively and intentionally seek to mislead them.

Only 23% of Americans believe the that national news organization care about their best interests.

This is the searing indictment that is thwarting your machinations!

And the thing about trust and credibility...once it is lost, it's almost impossible to retrieve.
50% sounds to me to be a close assessment considering the current political divide in our USA.
I missed this when it came out in February, but was attempting to explain to a liberal that the reason they are losing is first and foremost that their credibility and the credibility of the Legacy Media is completely shot.

This poll tells the tale....

They were so intent on destroying President Trump that they destroyed themselves instead...

The survey, released Wednesday by Gallup and the Knight Foundation, goes beyond others that have shown a low level of trust in the media to the startling point where many believe there is an intent to deceive.

Asked whether they agreed with the statement that national news organizations do not intend to mislead, 50% said they disagreed. Only 25% agreed, the study found.

Similarly, 52% disagreed with a statement that disseminators of national news “care about the best interests of their readers, viewers and listeners,”
the study found. It said 23% of respondents believed the journalists were acting in the public’s best interests.

“That was pretty striking for us,” said Sarah Fioroni, a consultant for Gallup. The findings showed a depth of distrust and bad feeling that go beyond the foundations and processes of journalism, she said.

Understand the ramifications of that , Liberals.

Only 25% of Americans believe that the national media does not actively and intentionally seek to mislead them.

Only 23% of Americans believe the that national news organization care about their best interests.

This is the searing indictment that is thwarting your machinations!

And the thing about trust and credibility...once it is lost, it's almost impossible to retrieve.
Not exactly a new revelation. Those of us who've been around a while know the Lamestream Media to be nothing but the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and NPR more specifically for the Communists within that party. They (Liberals) thought they had unfettered monopoly when the "Fairness" Doctrine was in effect. Before 1987, nobody even heard of a Rush Limbaugh nor were there any national Conservative news outlets. Hell, somewhere between 1985 and 1986, many of us who got WOR TV barely knew of Morton Downey Jr. The Lamestream Media has never been friendly to Republicans, especially those who were/are willing to rock the boat like Reagan and Trump.
The big difference is that Liberals are not afraid to hear the actual news. Conservatives only seek out sources that will never tell them what they don’t want to hear...they know they are being lied to and they simply don’t care.
Horseshit. You never listen to the snooze unless it's the far Left shit you always listen to.
Horseshit. You never listen to the snooze unless it's the far Left shit you always listen to.

When was the last time one of those right wing kook sites has ever given you news that you didn’t want to hear? Never.
Only 50%? When did the other half think media had stopped misinforming? Media misinformation is unavoidable. Reader logic and sense is supposed to counter act it. Having abandoned the practice of reflection and thought, people get what they deserve.
It is disappointing that 23% of people think that the media is not misleading them. I had more faith in our fellow citizens.
Of course (some) media is misleading people.

The question is how do you find out what is true?

Herein lies the problem. I found out that to the right the problem is solved by actively looking for information that confirms their biases.

I've seen it time and time again on this board.
I'm extremely careful on what I use as a source. Precisely because people on the right reject all sources of MSM. So I use primary sources. Meaning actual interviews from (if possible) friendly sources. Meaning actual court documents. Twitter accounts of the people I'm quoting, etc.etc.

Guess what happens.... Those sources are rejected too.

The problem isn't the "lying media." It is people like ( I'm guessing) you determining what is true by how much it confirms your bias.
It is disappointing that 23% of people think that the media is not misleading them. I had more faith in our fellow citizens.
That would be members of the DNC cult.

I'm sure that about 23% also believe in other cults like Scientology.

My wakeup call was when I attended a Tea Party rally long, long ago. I read about the event after the fact as the local newspaper reported that around 500 people showed up, when I saw there to be easily 5,000 people. Typo? Don't think so. Then they had a picture of some freak with a racist symbol that got all their attention. I was there all day and never saw this or anyone like him there at all. They were just everyday folk and I saw no race bashing whatsoever.
Fifty percent of Americans realize the media is deceiving them and the other 50 percent are uneducated.

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