50 years a Slave : Raju the Elephant cried tears of joy after being freed

Nice story. I'm glad he is free. Reminds me of a Movie I watched this weekend. Water For Elephants...only that Elephant got his revenge in the end.

Hope the people that abused this one get whats coming to them.
Thank you for posting this. I saw some other photos of him and the spikes on the chain. He has lived with those spikes sunk into his leg for all those years.

What is wrong with us humans that we do this?

All elephants in captivity are beaten - including circus, zoo, riding elephants in the US. That's the way they have have always been trained. Beaten until they have no spark left in them. One "trainer" described it as beating until their spirit is broken. He finally couldn't do it anymore and went public. Anyone who is interested can read it in Elephants On The Edge; What Animals Teach Us About Humanity by G.A.Bradshaw.

If you don't want to support this cruelty, don't go to circuses and zoos and never ever get on a elephant for a ride.

As they get closer to extinction, its going to get worse -

BBC News - Cruel trade in Asian elephants threatens survival - report

The methods used to capture and train the elephants are particularly cruel.

Domesticated animals are used to herd wild ones into pit traps, where the older members are often shot. The younger elephants are then taken to the Thai-Myanmar border area where they are "broken in".

"They are put in small log boxes and just beaten into submission," said Dr Shepherd.

"They are a bit like a light switch - you take a wild elephant and beat it long enough and suddenly the switch goes off and you have a tame elephant.

"The welfare implications are horrendous - it is a cruel business."

Pit traps are used to capture young calves in Myanmar
Elephants are smart but it's doubtful that they cry for joy. Look at the head of a "normal" elephant, see the dark areas under the eyes? They continually excrete tears. Maybe abused elephants will give "warmers" something to do when we find out that the earth is really cooling. .
Elephants are smart but it's doubtful that they cry for joy. Look at the head of a "normal" elephant, see the dark areas under the eyes? They continually excrete tears. Maybe abused elephants will give "warmers" something to do when we find out that the earth is really cooling. .

You'll be pleased to know they'll be extinct before then.

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