Briahna Joy Gray on Her Firing from The Hill After Criticizing Israel

Take a look at the seven minute mark of the following video which shows the part where gray interview the sister of somebody who was a allegedly sexually assaulted by a Hamas member

Gray seem to be taken back a little bit when the guest said I hope you will believe women when they claim that they are sexually assaulted. Again, this is a me too talking point. There has to be a burden of proof for this stuff.

anybody with common sense will of course denounce sexual assault. Of course it is also true that people have accused others of sexual assault when it never happened. Both things are true at the same time. This is something that adults with responsibility know and those with a child like mine would deny.

There is nothing criminal there is nothing out of the ordinary from gray in that interview. And we can see this disturbing attitude from a portion of pro Israel people who believe that somebody like Gray should be fired. She did absolutely nothing wrong. And I will be learn to wager that the Israel folk will even take the time to watch the video. They just believe whatever theyā€™re told.

In fact tons of people in Israel would support gray.

Gray even said that she hopes at all hostages are brought home and she wished the sister and her family well. You know thereā€™s perhaps a special place in hell for people who believe that somebody should get fired from a free speech network for having a difference of opinion on a foreign government. What a disgrace.
Excellent work by Candace Owens here giving space to Gray for her unjust firing from the hill.

This is huge because Owens is one of the biggest names in the conservative movement. Thank God that she is back on social media. Sheā€™s already gained millions of followers after her comeback. After a fraud like Ben Shapiro the man who often claims to stand for free speech denigrated her and got her fired from the daily wire. This is what fanatics like Shapiro do they make things up about people they tell them that they are ā€œracist or ***anti-Semiticā€ for disagreeing with an organization or a government. That is a blatant false, and it will never stand up to the truth. No matter what anybody says it is purely wrong to call somebody anti-Semitic or racist simply because they disagree with a political position.

***of course what they actually mean is anti-Jewish as anti-Semitic concludes Arab atheists and Arab Muslims.

It really is unfortunate to see a portion of conservatives turn into BLM type people, shouting racism at those that they disagree with. Not because somebody said that shoes are inferior, no because of perceived criticism of the Israeli government.

Thereā€™s no other way around this point. This is the bottom line. Itā€™s not about how somebody feels about Palestinian or Israel leadership .. This is about freedom of speech and platforms like the daily wire and the hill that claimed to stand for free speech. They can fire who they want, but they have a lost the ability to call themselves a free speech platform.

It wasn't an "unjust firing"
Lastly, I will say folks can notice a massive difference between myself and the extremist pro Israel people who call somebody anti-Jewish with no evidence to back it up. I will have a conversation with somebody civilly, even if they say Islam is a violent religion, and Muslims are barbaric beasts. And that is a whole Nother level compared to somebody simply criticizing the Palestinian government. Iā€™m not gonna call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government , thatā€™s insanity.

I think that is my background, Iā€™m very proud of that Catholic background of disagreeing with somebody civilly, even if they vehemently criticize a Catholic religion. Let them do that because I know the Catholic people built the civilized western world and all glory to them. If somebody says something nasty about the Catholic people of history, Iā€™ll just say something positive. Instead of calling that person a derogatory name.

Unfortunately, on the other hand there are extreme pro Israel people who will call somebody anti-Jewish simply for criticizing the Israeli government. Imagine what those extreme pro Israel people would say if somebody said ā€œJudaism is a violent religion, and Jews are beastsā€. The hypocrisy is there for all to see

I also respect the religion of Judaism, where some of the extreme pro Israel people openly say very negative things about the Islamic religion. And thatā€™s their right I will still have a civilized discussion with them. Thatā€™s the difference between me along with pro Israel people who can have a civilized discussion with people who criticize the Israeli government and even Judaism ā€¦compared to otoh these extremist anti free -speech people who think they have the logic to call somebody anti-Jewish for simply criticizing the Israeli government, or to call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government.
Lastly, I will say folks can notice a massive difference between myself and the extremist pro Israel people who call somebody anti-Jewish with no evidence to back it up. I will have a conversation with somebody civilly, even if they say Islam is a violent religion, and Muslims are barbaric beasts. And that is a whole Nother level compared to somebody simply criticizing the Palestinian government. Iā€™m not gonna call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government , thatā€™s insanity.

I think that is my background, Iā€™m very proud of that Catholic background of disagreeing with somebody civilly, even if they vehemently criticize a Catholic religion. Let them do that because I know the Catholic people built the civilized western world and all glory to them. If somebody says something nasty about the Catholic people of history, Iā€™ll just say something positive. Instead of calling that person a derogatory name.

Unfortunately, on the other hand there are extreme pro Israel people who will call somebody anti-Jewish simply for criticizing the Israeli government. Imagine what those extreme pro Israel people would say if somebody said ā€œJudaism is a violent religion, and Jews are beastsā€. The hypocrisy is there for all to see

I also respect the religion of Judaism, where some of the extreme pro Israel people openly say very negative things about the Islamic religion. And thatā€™s their right I will still have a civilized discussion with them. Thatā€™s the difference between me along with pro Israel people who can have a civilized discussion with people who criticize the Israeli government and even Judaism ā€¦compared to otoh these extremist anti free -speech people who think they have the logic to call somebody anti-Jewish for simply criticizing the Israeli government, or to call somebody anti-Muslim for criticizing a Muslim majority government.
Catholicism is still a brutal religion.

Looked the other way during fascist hitlers rule.

Led how many crusades.

Denied family planning to millions in poor countries.

Used to bury born children in unmarked graves if they failed to be baptized.

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