Briahna Joy Gray on Her Firing from The Hill After Criticizing Israel

I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Gray did not interview someone who was sexually assaulted as far as I know. To that point, it seems like you are trying to knowingly or not knowingly get into an argument about the Israel, Palestine conflict. And that’s OK but there’s two points here what we think about the Israel, Palestine conflict, and the ability of one to exercise their opinion on the conflict freely or not.

Maybe you’re talking about the following

Apparently Gray interviewed the sister of someone who is captured by Hamas. She did not interview the captured person.

Again there could be conservative journalists who respond to victims of the IDF in a way that might offend pro Palestinian people. But if they work for a free speech platform, they should not be fired.

I watched the two videos from this thread. Gray is getting her information from reliable sources when it comes to the Israel Palestine war. But again the overriding point is freedom of speech. Not our emotions.

I am offended by BLM supporters, but I would not believe in shutting them out if I was hosting a free speech platform, which is what the hill and the daily wire claim to do.

This point really cannot be overrode.. I understand that there are left leaning and right leading journalistic outlets but then there are those that claim to stand for free speech and either they do or they don’t. And that would include things such as wtc conspiracies or holocaust denial, you name it anything that might be controversial or offensive to some people.
The sister was testifying re all the women who have been sexually assaulted and mistreated by Hamas. As well as her sister who was taken hostage. Gray shut out the sister when she tried to talk about that. Gray's on air behavior was uncalled for and insensitive and inappropriate regardless of whatever personal opinions she holds. She was not fired for her opinions. She was fired for multiple violations of journalistic ethics.

If you don't understand that or understand what I am saying, I don't know how to make it any clearer.
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I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Gray did not interview someone who was sexually assaulted as far as I know. To that point, it seems like you are trying to knowingly or not knowingly get into an argument about the Israel, Palestine conflict. And that’s OK but there’s two points here what we think about the Israel, Palestine conflict, and the ability of one to exercise their opinion on the conflict freely or not.

Maybe you’re talking about the following

Apparently Gray interviewed the sister of someone who is captured by Hamas. She did not interview the captured person.

Again there could be conservative journalists who respond to victims of the IDF in a way that might offend pro Palestinian people. But if they work for a free speech platform, they should not be fired.

I watched the two videos from this thread. Gray is getting her information from reliable sources when it comes to the Israel Palestine war. But again the overriding point is freedom of speech. Not our emotions.

I am offended by BLM supporters, but I would not believe in shutting them out if I was hosting a free speech platform, which is what the hill and the daily wire claim to do.

This point really cannot be overrode.. I understand that there are left leaning and right leading journalistic outlets but then there are those that claim to stand for free speech and either they do or they don’t. And that would include things such as wtc conspiracies or holocaust denial, you name it anything that might be controversial or offensive to some people.
A company let her go. Get over it. They owe her (and you) NOTHING
The sister was testifying re all the women who have been sexually assaulted and mistreated by Hamas. As well as her sister who was taken hostage. Gray shut out the sister when she tried to talk about that. Gray's on air behavior was uncalled for and insensitive and inappropriate regardless of whatever personal opinions she holds. She was not fired for her opinions. She was fired for multiple violations of journalistic ethics.

If you don't understand that or understand what I am saying, I don't know how to make it any clearer.
Gray can be fired by her outlet for anything that’s not the issue at hand. What you claim is a violation of ethics, journalistic or not is your own opinion same with me. The issue is the hill claims to stand for free speech. They can no longer make that claim same thing with Ben Shapiro and the daily wire.

And separately I think you’re getting Grays interview wrong. If you watch the two videos post in this thread, she explains herself clearly on the manner.

Now again, this is separate from the point about free speech, but when it comes to sexual assault. There is a burden of proof what you’re talking about this testimonial as you know there is something called the me two movement in the USA where people want all women to be believed even without proof. So this is something critical to keep in mind. This is where emotions come to play and something that I try and get away from. People might hear something very emotional from the Palestinian or Israeli side and they run with it.

Of course on Fox News and other conservative leading outlets, there’s been plenty of folks who have called Palestinians animals or similar. Nothing happens to them. And that is in line with free speech. Although if those outlets had a contributor who said that Israel are animals, perhaps they would be fired.

It really doesn’t matter what we or anyone thinks about a position. It’s about if a media outlet considers itself to be for free speech or not and in this case the hill does, but they are going against that very claim same thing with the daily wire and Ben Shapiro. Again it’s not about what I think is journalistic integrity. This is a matter of free speech.

“Your feelings don’t matter” that is exactly what Ben Shapiro says, but he comes off as a fraud for his support of the firing of Candace Owens.
I respect Foxfyre for engaging with intellect and sincerity.

Unlike some of the conservative and even left-wing supporters of Israel, who do nothing but engage in name-calling, they say things like Islam is all about violence no different than saying Judaism is all about violence. And they act like absolute animals people who are in capable of controlling themselves and conducting themselves with civility.

The main issue here is free speech. And if an outlet or a person is for it or not. And those who are not for it believe in firing somebody or shutting them down for proposing a different viewpoint. This is what the BLM supporters have done when they have urged companies to cancel a movie that they deem as offensive. when they want an athlete to be canceled for having a political viewpoint that they deemed to be offensive.

And this point I haven’t seen anybody at least do not have an ignore address. Because those I have an ignore the very people who come into threads like this and call people names, post one liners, regurgitate media talking points, and bring forth no substance.

the point is Ben Shapiro said your feelings don’t matter. He claims to stand for free speech, but he clearly doesn’t when he stood for the firing of Candace Owens one of the most respected conservatives in America for her not agreeing with a vehement pro Israel stance. She is not even opposed to Israel she simply disagrees with Shapiro on his viewpoint of Israel
Gray can be fired by her outlet for anything that’s not the issue at hand. What you claim is a violation of ethics, journalistic or not is your own opinion same with me. The issue is the hill claims to stand for free speech. They can no longer make that claim same thing with Ben Shapiro and the daily wire.

And separately I think you’re getting Grays interview wrong. If you watch the two videos post in this thread, she explains herself clearly on the manner.

Now again, this is separate from the point about free speech, but when it comes to sexual assault. There is a burden of proof what you’re talking about this testimonial as you know there is something called the me two movement in the USA where people want all women to be believed even without proof. So this is something critical to keep in mind. This is where emotions come to play and something that I try and get away from. People might hear something very emotional from the Palestinian or Israeli side and they run with it.

Of course on Fox News and other conservative leading outlets, there’s been plenty of folks who have called Palestinians animals or similar. Nothing happens to them. And that is in line with free speech. Although if those outlets had a contributor who said that Israel are animals, perhaps they would be fired.

It really doesn’t matter what we or anyone thinks about a position. It’s about if a media outlet considers itself to be for free speech or not and in this case the hill does, but they are going against that very claim same thing with the daily wire and Ben Shapiro. Again it’s not about what I think is journalistic integrity. This is a matter of free speech.

“Your feelings don’t matter” that is exactly what Ben Shapiro says, but he comes off as a fraud for his support of the firing of Candace Owens.
You have made your own antisemitic point of view quite clear over a number of threads my friend and you so far have consistently taken the side of the antisemites every single time, You have not made any argument against the point I made in my post re journalistic ethics. I allow you your right to free speech but if you exercise it on the job in a way that violates my company policy, you're out. As you should be. Do have a lovely afternoon.
with respect I’m not not sure what your point is or how you can connect what you’re saying to people like Candace Owens or Gray …I don’t think it’s appropriate to claim that these folks like Candace Owens oppose Israel.

Tons of people in Israel are protesting against the types of people that you support like Netanyahu or the Israeli war cabinet. One can be pro-Israel and disagree with some of the government policies of Israel.
The point is that those who side with Palestine were not so vocal about it until after Muslims mass-murdered Israelis in October. Bad timing for taking that position.
The point is that those who side with Palestine were not so vocal about it until after Muslims mass-murdered Israelis in October. Bad timing for taking that position.
Not people like Gray

Also, you’re making a point that is debatable. The Israel Palestine conflict is one big debate which goes back decades… terrible crimes committed by both sides.

This is something else we’re talking about a matter of free speech. It’s really quite simple and straightforward. Gray was unjustly fired. There could be somebody on a conservative leading network who says that Palestinians are animals they do not get fired. So this is blatant hypocrisy and the bottom line is that these journalistic outlets who fire people like gray, call themselves free speech outlets. They can fire whoever they want that’s up to them, but they are showing themselves to be engaging in left-wing BLM crybaby tactics of not being able to handle opposing viewpoint.
You have made your own antisemitic point of view quite clear over a number of threads my friend and you so far have consistently taken the side of the antisemites every single time, You have not made any argument against the point I made in my post re journalistic ethics. I allow you your right to free speech but if you exercise it on the job in a way that violates my company policy, you're out. As you should be. Do have a lovely afternoon.
That’s very unfortunate for you to engage in a left-wing cancel culture tactic of accusing somebody of being a racist with no evidence to back it up. Very unfortunate behavior coming from you. The conversation was going civil and I even complemented you and wow, what more can be said.
Not people like Gray

Also, you’re making a point that is debatable. The Israel Palestine conflict is one big debate which goes back decades… terrible crimes committed by both sides.

This is something else we’re talking about a matter of free speech. It’s really quite simple and straightforward. Gray was unjustly fired. There could be somebody on a conservative leading network who says that Palestinians are animals they do not get fired. So this is blatant hypocrisy and the bottom line is that these journalistic outlets who fire people like gray, call themselves free speech outlets. They can fire whoever they want that’s up to them, but they are showing themselves to be engaging and left-wing BLM crybaby tactics of not being able to handle opposing viewpoint.
Palestine (so-called) deserves no sympathy when their most common MO is mass murder. They deserve zero credibility. Any conversations about Israeli discrepancies become completely separate, unrelated issues.
That’s very unfortunate for you to engage in a left-wing cancel culture tactic of accusing somebody of being a racist with no evidence to back it up. Very unfortunate behavior coming from you. The conversation was going civil and I even complemented you and wow, what more can be said.
Do you deny you have taken the Palestinians side and not the Israelis? That you defend those who defend and advocate for the Palestinians and not those who defend and advocate for the Israelis? That you have engaged in antisemitic points of view when it comes to the Israelis? That you have started a number of threads on that very thing? I have not faulted you for your opinions because you are entitled to them. I have allowed you to be you.

But when someone feels as strongly about it as you do, it can seriously compromise their ability to be objective about it too.
Do you deny you have taken the Palestinians side and not the Israelis? That you defend those who defend and advocate for the Palestinians and not those who defend and advocate for the Israelis? That you have engaged in antisemitic points of view when it comes to the Israelis? That you have started a number of threads on that very thing? I have not faulted you for your opinions because you are entitled to them. I have allowed you to be you.

But when someone feels as strongly about it as you do, it can seriously compromise their ability to be objective about it too.
He believes he shouldn't be challenged (or ridiculed)
He believes he shouldn't be challenged (or ridiculed)
He's a pretty good guy overall. But he is very strong on supporting the Palestinians and condemning the 'Zionists'. I respect his beliefs though I do not share them. But I won't agree with an argument that doesn't hold up on the face of it.
Excellent work by Candace Owens here giving space to Gray for her unjust firing from the hill.

This is huge because Owens is one of the biggest names in the conservative movement. Thank God that she is back on social media. She’s already gained millions of followers after her comeback. After a fraud like Ben Shapiro the man who often claims to stand for free speech denigrated her and got her fired from the daily wire. This is what fanatics like Shapiro do they make things up about people they tell them that they are “racist or ***anti-Semitic” for disagreeing with an organization or a government. That is a blatant false, and it will never stand up to the truth. No matter what anybody says it is purely wrong to call somebody anti-Semitic or racist simply because they disagree with a political position.

***of course what they actually mean is anti-Jewish as anti-Semitic concludes Arab atheists and Arab Muslims.

It really is unfortunate to see a portion of conservatives turn into BLM type people, shouting racism at those that they disagree with. Not because somebody said that shoes are inferior, no because of perceived criticism of the Israeli government.

There’s no other way around this point. This is the bottom line. It’s not about how somebody feels about Palestinian or Israel leadership .. This is about freedom of speech and platforms like the daily wire and the hill that claimed to stand for free speech. They can fire who they want, but they have a lost the ability to call themselves a free speech platform.
Of course, there was a well-known Jewish rabbi who called for financial penalties for Candace Owens for perceived criticism of Israel. A monstrous thing to do. And there’s something that is very unfortunate to hear from a Jewish person because it gives in to the very stereotypes of Jews being all about money… takes away from the hard work and determination of the Jewish people throughout for example World War II when 500,000 Jews fought heroically for the Soviet union and many more fought for the British empire and United States disproving those very allegations by the third Reich

This is something that is affected both the left and right when it comes to the media. We can recall Candace Owens being canceled for her refusal to tow an extremist pro Israel line. Mehdi Hassan of msnbc was also canceled for criticizing Israel. Owens is it even necessarily a critic of Israel, but refuses to be completely one-sided.

And then there is the case of Briahna Joy Gray…. A one time campaign manager for Bernie Sanders. She was pretty good and fair minded journalist working for the hell. But she was also fair minded and critical toward certain actions by Israel. So she was fired for it.

These types of cancellations represented dark age in American journalism. And something that is a shame to the many good people of Israel, who probably want nothing to do with these decisions and completely disagree with them. It’s the Israeli lobbyist AIPAC and folks should make a lot of money from the military industrial complex and working for Israel, who are working and engaging in censoring people that they don’t like. It’s disgraceful that this is happening in America.

Wingnut cancel culture
Excellent work by Candace Owens here giving space to Gray for her unjust firing from the hill.

This is huge because Owens is one of the biggest names in the conservative movement. Thank God that she is back on social media. She’s already gained millions of followers after her comeback. After a fraud like Ben Shapiro the man who often claims to stand for free speech denigrated her and got her fired from the daily wire. This is what fanatics like Shapiro do they make things up about people they tell them that they are “racist or ***anti-Semitic” for disagreeing with an organization or a government. That is a blatant false, and it will never stand up to the truth. No matter what anybody says it is purely wrong to call somebody anti-Semitic or racist simply because they disagree with a political position.

***of course what they actually mean is anti-Jewish as anti-Semitic concludes Arab atheists and Arab Muslims.

It really is unfortunate to see a portion of conservatives turn into BLM type people, shouting racism at those that they disagree with. Not because somebody said that shoes are inferior, no because of perceived criticism of the Israeli government.

There’s no other way around this point. This is the bottom line. It’s not about how somebody feels about Palestinian or Israel leadership .. This is about freedom of speech and platforms like the daily wire and the hill that claimed to stand for free speech. They can fire who they want, but they have a lost the ability to call themselves a free speech platform.

It’s maga cancel culture
Notice what the anti-free speech people do. And also we can call these people evil. They will come in with one liners calling people anti-Semitic for criticizing these Israeli government ….. again what they should be saying is anti-Jewish because they don’t know what they’re talking about. They actually don’t know what semitic means.

It is evil, especially when this is done under the guise of holding up “standards or integrity”. That is utter nonsense Fox News doesn’t fire contributors for saying Palestinians are animals. They bring them on again for another interview.. … and then those same pro Israel outlets had the audacity and the behavior to turn around and claim people are anti-Jewish for perceived criticisms of Israel. They can’t even prove the anti-Jewish behavior because it doesn’t exist.

Black Lives Matter activist literally do the same thing when they say well if somebody doesn’t agree with our positions if somebody doesn’t agree that whites are privileged ….They are going against integrity or our standards. We’ll It’s their standards..blm standards which run counter to a free speech environment, and one of honest integrity and sincerity about having different different positions and debating civilly.

As soon as somebody busts out those words, “racism or antisemitism” and they don’t have any proof for it, they have lost the debate and frankly, they have lost their own civility.
Notice what the anti-free speech people do. And also we can call these people evil. They will come in with one liners calling people anti-Semitic for criticizing these Israeli government ….. again what they should be saying is anti-Jewish because they don’t know what they’re talking about. They actually don’t know what semitic means.

It is evil, especially when this is done under the guise of holding up standards or integrity. That is utter nonsense. Black Lives Matter activist literally do the same thing when they say well if somebody doesn’t agree with our positions if somebody doesn’t agree, that whites are privileged. They are going against integrity or our standards. It’s their standards.
Dude, you label everyone. Anyone that questions the Bibi conservative government you classify as antisemitism.

Anyone that criticizes the convict you label a traitor.

Anyone that advocates for climate science you classify as an ecoterrorist.

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