51% of GOP now accept anthropogenic global warming

we are so Screwed

Are you trying to change the subject? I don't blame you, your side is sooo losing on climate change - can cap & trade be far behind?

Screwing themselves is normal for Republicans!
Republicans are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Now if only they can get the Lab Experiments to believe in ManMade Global Warming, then they'd have something to talk about
GOP warms to climate change as voters embrace global warming believers | WashingtonExaminer.com


BY PAUL BEDARD | MAY 30, 2014 | 3:25 PM

Breaking from party orthodoxy, a majority of Republican voters now accept climate change, sparking a drive inside the GOP to find a middle ground to help candidates finesse the issue without sounding out of touch or in the tank for President Obama and Al Gore.

See link for remainder of article.

The majority view - as do majority views with overwhelming supporting evidence - grows. You folks will eventually be left standing on the uttermost fringes as your former compatriots creep towards the sensible center.
Where does it say man made?

"He recently completed a poll on energy issues for Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions that found 51 percent of Republicans believe climate change is happening, will happen shortly or will occur in their lifetime. Just 24 percent deny it. The shift is particularly pronounced among younger party members."

Ask the wrong questions. Let the religious zealots in the media misinterpret the results.
Same dishonest tactics..... Another waste of bandwidth and some folks got paid for it.. Like Crick.....
The OP article's reference article:

Republicans Can Change The Debate On Climate Change | The Daily Caller

from which we hear:

Polling I have done for the Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES) could provide Republicans with a roadmap to discuss climate change in terms that build consensus for responsible and feasible policy responses.

Indeed, many Republicans support action on climate change, though of course their support is contingent on the kind of action taken and the reasons behind it. Republican and independent voters respond strongly to economic and health related appeals to address climate change. A robust 79 percent of Republican voters believe creating a healthier future with cleaner air is an important reason to take on climate change. 86 percent of independents feel the same way. And we found similarly high levels of support for reducing air and water pollution to improve public health.

The majority of Republicans also recognize climate change’s impact on national security. 79 percent of Republicans and 80 percent of independents believe addressing climate change can strengthen national security by making progress toward our energy independence. Additionally, 66 percent of Republicans and 75 percent of independents support addressing the issue to avoid the possibility the United States might need to fight a war to protect overseas oil supplies.

Yeah. But those folks are smarter than you and Star and understand the difference between pollution and CO2. Air and water pollution are NOT related to Climate change. Except in the minds of leftist ecowhacks..... Before you argue against that---- what proportion of man made CO2 Emissioons are from combusting fossil fuels????
Anyone who believes the climate is not constantly changing is a fucking retard.

no kidding
are these the most DISHONEST people ever and they are running our lives and country
Ruining. :D

that too
what's scary is we have people falling for it and don't care what these politicians lie about to roll over us and cause our standards of living to become more expensive, all over some voodoo science they spew
Well, liberals are exceptionally gullible. Government forced guilt buys power and votes.
Yeah. But those folks are smarter than you and Star

I sincerely doubt that.

and understand the difference between pollution and CO2.

I'm quite aware of what both words mean. I suspect you do as well. Thus it surprises me that you seem to think that EXCESS CO2 is NOT a pollutant. Let's take a hypothetical. Suppose someone came up with a new process for producing pickled eggs that produced SO much CO2 that within 5 years, the air would no longer be able to sustain human life. Would you consider that process to be polluting the air? Feel free to ignore everything else in this post but I want an answer to this one.

Air and water pollution are NOT related to Climate change.

POLLUTANT: any substance, as certain chemicals or waste products, that renders the air, soil, water, or other natural resource harmful or unsuitable for a specific purpose.

Sorry, Charlie, you should have looked that one up before speaking out.

Except in the minds of leftist ecowhacks..... Before you argue against that---- what proportion of man made CO2 Emissioons are from combusting fossil fuels????

As opposed to what? Combusting wood? As you've been told on many occasions, virtually every molecule of the additional 120 ppm added since 1750 originated from fossil sources. What's your point?
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The point is that the 'Conservatives' have painted themselves into a corner on this issue. Their insistance that the present warming has nothing to do with the GHGs in the atmosphere from the burning of fossil fuels in spite of the overwhelming consensus in the scientific community that that is the case has exposed their slavish clinging to ideology in the face of reality.

What has happened is that the man on the street is now seeing the effects of the warming up close and personal. I remember all the years prior to 1998 when the wingnuts were insisting that there was no warming happening at all, and that the evidence for that warming was because of the siting of the weather stations. Then came 1998, and people started looking around. Discovered that the glaciers in this nation were in rapid decline. Discovered that the climate zone for their gardens had changed.

Then the deniers and obese junkies on the radio changed their tune from 'no warming' to 'it's all natural'. And our fool 'Conservatives', instead of asking why they were lied to once already, just fall into line and repeat the new lie. Not exactly a sign of significant intellectual ability.
If you asked me if I believed in climate change I would say yes. If you asked me if I believed in man made climate change I would say no.
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Just like the AGW cult to promote that climate change is man made..
One need not believe in Global Warming or any such foolishness in order to profit from those who do. Trick is to let them believe you're one of them.

And....THAT....is not at all hard.

Wait until you see the price of portable electric generators next winter!
Glaciers have been in decline for the past 14,000 years. You have to be totally uneducated to believe that glacier melt is something new and you have to be totally deluded to believe it's something we can control
Glaciers have been in decline for the past 14,000 years. You have to be totally uneducated to believe that glacier melt is something new and you have to be totally deluded to believe it's something we can control

Totally deluted sounds right!
I believe humans have an effect on climate.

The question is do we believe the biblical catastrophe meme being pushed by the big government control freaks.
If you asked me if I believed in climate change I would say yes. If you asked me if I believed in man made climate change I would say no.

Of course you would......because you're an ignorant, anti-science retard, parroting the propaganda and lies that you rightwing billionaire puppet-masters feed you.
Anyone who believes the climate is not constantly changing is a fucking retard.

Anyone who believes that the "climate" is always changing, doesn't understand what the word 'climate' actually means and is just repeating a propaganda meme that has no connection to the real world. Mankind's carbon emissions are profoundly changing the long established and fairly stable climate patterns that our civilization and agricultural systems were built on.

I'd recommend following the link in the title and reading this whole article if you want a better understanding of this issue.

Copenhagen: The era of climate stability is coming to an end
After 400 generations of stable weather, the world is on the brink of violent climate change. But there is good news too

The Guardian
Fred Pearce
29 November 2009
For about 10,000 years, our climate on Earth has been stable. Remarkably stable, in fact. Since the end of the last ice age, we humans have spent 400 generations taking advantage of this stability to build our civilization. We have had warm periods and "little ice ages"; but the changes have been small. We have always known pretty much when it will rain, what the temperature will be each summer and winter, and how high the rivers will flow. This benign climate is arguably the main reason why our species has been able to progress. Why, within 400 generations, we have gone from the scattered tribes of spear-carriers and fire-raisers who emerged from their caves at the end of the ice age to become the first farmers, metallurgists, urbanists, industrialists and now the seven billion inhabitants of a digitised, globalised world.

Our massively complex society relies on the ability to plant crops knowing that they will grow, and build cities and infrastructure in places that won't be flooded by incoming tides or washed away by torrential rains. Without these certainties, Homo sapiens would still be living in caves. When they fail even briefly – during Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, say, or in Cumbria just last month – we know the consequences. What if these certainties failed more, or even most, of the time? We are more vulnerable than we think. Global leaders need to think about this lack of certainty as they gather in Copenhagen to discuss what to do about climate change. For, as we fill the atmosphere with heat-trapping greenhouse gases, the blunt truth is that the good times are over. That era of climate stability is coming to an end.

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