56% of Americans Now Support Trumps Deportation of all Illegal Aliens


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Wow, decades of corporate propaganda down the drain!

Shock Poll: 59% Back Trump On Deportation of Illegals

The latest IBD/TIPP Poll asked 913 adults coast to coast if they "support or oppose mandatory deportation of illegal immigrants in the U.S." Not surprisingly, 87% of Trump supporters back the proposal.

What's surprising is that 59% of the overall public does as well. Mandatory deportation gets majority support in all age groups except 18-24, every income group, among both women and men, at every level of educational achievement, and in rural, urban and suburban regions.

More interesting still is the fact that 64% of independents and 55% of moderates support deportation.

Even among Hispanics, the poll found 40% backed mandatory deportation — although the sample size is too small to make much of that number.

Trump's other proposals don't do as well. Just under half the public favors building a wall along the southern border (48%) or an end to automatic citizenship for children born of illegals (46%). But a majority of independents (55%) back building the wall.

What's going on here?
What Americans want to do about illegal immigration

Republicans have long been conflicted over U.S. immigration policy. On the one hand, consistent majorities of Republicans favor providing a path to legal status for people in the U.S. illegally. Yet most Republicans also worry that granting legal status to undocumented immigrants would amount to a tacit reward for illegal behavior. And in the past, nearly half of Republicans supported changing the Constitution to bar birthright citizenship, and a majority supported building a fence along the entire U.S. border with Mexico.

Here’s a breakdown of public opinion on some key immigration issues:

Stay or deport? In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements. Last year, we asked a follow-up question of those who opposed granting legal status to undocumented immigrants: Should there be a “national law enforcement effort to deport” all immigrants here illegally? Just 17% of the public overall favored such an effort, including about a quarter (27%) of Republicans.

Moreover, in a 2013 survey, 76% of Republicans said that deporting all immigrants in the U.S. illegally was “unrealistic.”

I heard that Abraham Lincoln, if he were to live; was going to ship the slaves back to Africa
I have no documentation. Maybe the history buffs know.
Stay or deport? In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements.

Old data, dear. That was prior to the Islamic invasion of Europe and the media publicizing so many cases of illegals returning to this country illegally multiple times and who end up killing Americans while here.

The new attitudes are much improved, IMO, as people are being educated about the risks of having open borders.
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I heard that Abraham Lincoln, if he were to live; was going to ship the slaves back to Africa
I have no documentation. Maybe the history buffs know.
He thought that blacks could not live in a society of superior whites and compete for a living.

He was wrong and I am glad we kept them here.

But I am all for giving anyone that wants to renounce their citizenship a free ticket to anywhere in the world and make the loss of citizenship irrevocable and unrestorable.
no not old data..more reliable data.
No, seven month old data that is up to date with the publics growing horror over how much corporations are screwing over the American public and how much the Marxists in the Dimocratic Party are enabling those same corporations hoping for a revolution to come out of it.
I heard that Abraham Lincoln, if he were to live; was going to ship the slaves back to Africa
I have no documentation. Maybe the history buffs know.
He thought that blacks could not live in a society of superior whites and compete for a living.

He was wrong and I am glad we kept them here.

But I am all for giving anyone that wants to renounce their citizenship a free ticket to anywhere in the world and make the loss of citizenship irrevocable and unrestorable.

ya, but the problem with that is everybody would pool their money together on USMB and buy JakeStarkey a ticket
no, not old data..more reliable data...
No, old data is right, so it's worthless.

you didn't even bother to read what i posted before you had an opinion of it..

Fact Tank - Our Lives in Numbers
August 24, 2015

Stay or deport? In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements.
87th thread on this but still nothing detailed about what Drumpf says he would actually DO.

I mean, of course, besides the utterly stupid and impossible wall that Mexico would pay for.
no, not old data..more reliable data...
No, old data is right, so it's worthless.

you didn't even bother to read what i posted before you had an opinion of it..

Fact Tank - Our Lives in Numbers
August 24, 2015

Stay or deport? In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in May, a solid majority (72%) of Americans – including 80% of Democrats, 76% of independents and 56% of Republicans – say undocumented immigrants currently living in the U.S. should be allowed to stay in this country legally if they meet certain requirements.
Your link doesn't take anyone to that article, and the last date I saw was from 2013. That's old data.

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