583 threats of violence against conservatives.

Biden’s authoritarian administration: “President Biden announced that he will force America’s workers to either receive a medical procedure or face consequences. This latest government overreach by the White House is draconian and runs contrary to America’s founding principle of freedom.”

“Biden, as any good authoritarian would, announced that governors no longer matter. “I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way,” Biden said as he announced his ridiculous (and possibly unconstitutional) vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.”

Read how a federal judge prevented Biden’s additional attempt at legal overreach:

“But liberals should keep in mind that for every president such as Joe Biden whom they cheer on for ignoring the law and doing whatever they want him to do on immigration, a conservative president could do the exact opposite.

It is a major mistake to accept and support the idea that a president has no obligation to abide by, and simply can override, laws that the president and his supporters don’t like.”

this is the second worst thing that GOP spread misinformation about. Nobody is dying from getting vaccinated and only the unvaccinated are dying still hundreds a week. Thanks GOP! Biden saved hundreds of thousands of lives with things like this. If you don't like it quit it's not anything like communism or Nazism, brainwashed functional moron.
We had a six foot fence around our back yard. As long as the feral cats stayed out of it, no problem. If they entered my back yard, they changed from cats to TARGETS. Not many got a second chance to come back. The lucky ones went into the live trap and got delivered to the pound.
How do you tell if they are feral? Lol
Biden’s authoritarian administration: “President Biden announced that he will force America’s workers to either receive a medical procedure or face consequences. This latest government overreach by the White House is draconian and runs contrary to America’s founding principle of freedom.”

“Biden, as any good authoritarian would, announced that governors no longer matter. “I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way,” Biden said as he announced his ridiculous (and possibly unconstitutional) vaccine mandate for businesses with more than 100 employees.”

Read how a federal judge prevented Biden’s additional attempt at legal overreach:

“But liberals should keep in mind that for every president such as Joe Biden whom they cheer on for ignoring the law and doing whatever they want him to do on immigration, a conservative president could do the exact opposite.

It is a major mistake to accept and support the idea that a president has no obligation to abide by, and simply can override, laws that the president and his supporters don’t like.”

really horrible super conservative media baloney
Whatever, it doesn't matter where you got the brainwash, you got it. Lol. Thank God I live in beautiful Western New York 72% Trump's but we don't talk politics they're good people except they're out of their minds politically... It's about the only place that doesn't get too hot in the summer and I live in the enchanted valley so even the wind is not bad. And Josh Allen for the next 12 years. I must cut down on the processed republican garbage food.
Nobody gives a shit dude.
That's me, not mike, you fuckin' retard.

I haven't ..wait..yes I have, oh that was so bad. ALL the fellers were there, too.

I never killed a peacock. But hey, if times get bad, I bet they'd taste pretty good. :D

As for cats, yeah, I killed a feral cat that came around and was out to kill the oldest cat in the yard right then and there. I was just toting a heavy item out of the house on a dolly and I saw that and next thing I know I'm 3/4 of the way across the yard with a shovel in 1 hand bringing it down on this cat's head. It was fucked up, floppin' around with its head smashed and in pain. Ran and got a .22 and the 1st shot I missed but the next one put it to rest. The whole situation was fucked up, and all the boys were there helping me on a project. :banghead:

They all heard the clang of the shovel and saw the cat floppin' around and everything. :(

Just realized the benefit of all that a minute ago when I petted the old girl and she purred. It was worth it. She's my cat. It's her yard, well, back then she was sharing with a couple others, but it's all hers now.
The oldest cat is the only one left, it's kinda weird. All her children have died or something happened and she's still kickin'. I can see her right now surveying her Queendom in the middle of the yard.
Well, Duke. Looks like you did well.
Hope all you want to Mikey. My ass is clean. Put that in your fucking pipe and smoke it.

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