5th Circuit Court Of Appeals Warns Biden / OSHA As Biden Ignores Court, Encourages Continued Mandate Enforcement

Businesses down here will ignore OSHA on this one. OSHA better be real sneaky on handing out the fines which aren't gonna be paid..........for the reason on no comment.

As of right now there will be no fines. That's what the ruling does. Is it really so hard for people to comprehend this?
The 5th Circuit Court Re-affirmed its earlier Court order, directing OSHA not to do anything to attempt to enforce Biden's vaccine mandate as Biden has been illegally ignoribg tge Court order and encouraging businesses to continue carrying out his mandate which includes the penalty of firing Americans who do not comply.

Biden has violated his oath of office, the Constitution, and US laws as President, but openly ignoring the court's stay on his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate is pushing it.

Hopefully, if he continues, he will harshly be held accountable.

Bidumb is a MOFO dictator ....he's like hitler-a bastard
They have been and have been losing.

DALLAS — More than 150 employees at a Houston hospital system who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine have been fired or resigned after a judge dismissed an employee lawsuit over the vaccine requirement.

A spokesperson for Houston Methodist Hospital system said 153 employees either resigned in the two-week suspension period or were terminated on Tuesday.

153 Hospital Workers Quit Or Were Fired Because They Refused To Get COVID Vaccines

Sept 24 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday ruled that a Cincinnati, Ohio-area healthcare provider could require its employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk losing their job, in what appears to be the first ruling of its kind for a private employer in the United States.

U.S. court upholds hospital employee COVID-19 vaccine rule in test case
judges are nazi bastards
They have been and have been losing.

DALLAS — More than 150 employees at a Houston hospital system who refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine have been fired or resigned after a judge dismissed an employee lawsuit over the vaccine requirement.

A spokesperson for Houston Methodist Hospital system said 153 employees either resigned in the two-week suspension period or were terminated on Tuesday.

153 Hospital Workers Quit Or Were Fired Because They Refused To Get COVID Vaccines

Sept 24 (Reuters) - A federal judge on Friday ruled that a Cincinnati, Ohio-area healthcare provider could require its employees get vaccinated against COVID-19 or risk losing their job, in what appears to be the first ruling of its kind for a private employer in the United States.

U.S. court upholds hospital employee COVID-19 vaccine rule in test case
they are MUCHO anti-white/anti-hetero/anti Republican ..no wonder your mind is fkd up
I respectfully disagree.

Imagine that the President declared that he would require all employers whose employees wear uniforms on the job to provide pink uniforms.

The decree is challenged in court, and all levels of Federal Courts, up to and including the USSC, declare that the President has no power to impose this mandate; it is illegal and unconstitutional.

So the President encourages all employers to provide pink uniforms regardless. Tells them to implement the mandate because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Nothing wrong with it. The employers are NOT BOUND by the President's continuing entreaties. That's why they call it a "Bully Pulpit." He can induce people to do things beyond his technical legal authority.
You dumb c.u.n.t, the commie virus has competed with POSPOTUS JoeXi in economic coercion, assisted that piece of shit puppet in the White House with generalized economic coercion.
Vaccines aren't the answer to this pandemic. Rapid treatment of the infected IS the answer. Biden is too shallow to see that, or maybe too beholden to big pharma. So Biden has turned out to be a criminal renegade because he has no solutions and a very unhealthy disregard for our laws. He's just like his allies at BLM and antifa. We need to reclaim this country and that means marginalizing Democrats.
Vaccines aren't the answer to this pandemic. Rapid treatment of the infected IS the answer. Biden is too shallow to see that, or maybe too beholden to big pharma. So Biden has turned out to be a criminal renegade because he has no solutions and a very unhealthy disregard for our laws. He's just like his allies at BLM and antifa. We need to reclaim this country and that means marginalizing Democrats.
(I Strongly Agree.. the people controlling HIM Are!)

White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain inadvertently boosted our cause with a retweet he made showing the OSHA rule is “the ultimate workaround” to institute the unconstitutional mandates. The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals noticed and mentioned the Tweet in their ruling against the mandate.
Well......what did you expect. For Texas to file the court in the 9th. lmao

Well......what did you expect. For Texas to file the court in the 9th. lmao


This is the end of the road for the Left.


Because Republicans are gonna vote GOP, the Left is going to vote for the Democrats, and the Independents are going to vote for whichever they see fit.......EXCEPT........the Democrats and Independents against the mandates, will either NOT vote at all, or WILL vote for the GOP because of the mandates!

This is going to be an epic a**kicking next November, never before seen in modern American politics. Add to that, everything Biden touches turns to poo, will only increase the rout they are going to face. Expect almost every state to be competitive for the GOP except for deep red states, which will see the Left run out of town on the proverbial rail! If we all vote and it is not mail in, expect the GOP to carry between 55 to 60% of the vote, and that is NOT an exaggeration!
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The 5th Circuit Court Re-affirmed its earlier Court order, directing OSHA not to do anything to attempt to enforce Biden's vaccine mandate as Biden has been illegally ignoribg tge Court order and encouraging businesses to continue carrying out his mandate which includes the penalty of firing Americans who do not comply.

Biden has violated his oath of office, the Constitution, and US laws as President, but openly ignoring the court's stay on his Un-Constitutional vaccine mandate is pushing it.

Hopefully, if he continues, he will harshly be held accountable.

It's just democrats trying to tell people "don't believe what you see, believe what we tell you to". It's conditioning.

It's like how Floyd and not Rittenhouse, none of them had even a shred of racism in then at all and it was never a part of it anywhere. But still democrats made them both racist. Why? So they can tell you what to think, tell you how you feel, they want don't want you to think for yourself so they will ignore facts and reality, laws, rules and so on and continue to push an agenda on you despite all of that.

They want you to ignore everything except them. They are conditioning people to blindly without thought do exactly what they say.
It's just democrats trying to tell people "don't believe what you see, believe what we tell you to". It's conditioning.

It's like how Floyd and not Rittenhouse, none of them had even a shred of racism in then at all and it was never a part of it anywhere. But still democrats made them both racist. Why? So they can tell you what to think, tell you how you feel, they want don't want you to think for yourself so they will ignore facts and reality, laws, rules and so on and continue to push an agenda on you despite all of that.

They want you to ignore everything except them. They are conditioning people to blindly without thought do exactly what they say.
Biden and his criminal handlers are violating Constitution and law while telling the courts trying to rein him in, 'F You!'
When did we lose our freedom to make our own health decisions? When did those health decisions become contingent upon the approval of other citizens?
Never is the answer. We did not lose them. They are in the process of being taken via a health hoax.
Here is a link to the full ruling.

There is far too much great stuff in here to summarize adequately. The court completely slammed the Biden Admin...

On the dubious assumption that the Mandate does pass constitutional muster—which we need not decide today9—it is nonetheless fatally flawed on its own terms....

After the President voiced his displeasure with the country’s vaccination rate in September,12 the Administration pored over the U.S. Code in search of authority, or a “work-around,”...

But the Mandate at issue here is anything but a “delicate[] exercise[]” of this “extraordinary power.”

Equally problematic, however, is that it remains unclear that COVID-19—however tragic and devastating the pandemic has been—poses the kind of grave danger § 655(c)(1) contemplates....

The Mandate is staggeringly overbroad...the ongoing threat of COVID-19 is more dangerous to some employees than to other employees. All else equal, a 28 year-old trucker spending the bulk of his workday in the solitude of his cab is simply less vulnerable to COVID-19 than a 62 year-old prison janitor. Likewise, a naturally immune unvaccinated worker is presumably at less risk than an unvaccinated worker who has never had the virus....

At the same time, the Mandate is also underinclusive. The most vulnerable worker in America draws no protection from the Mandate if his company employs 99 workers or fewer....this kind of thinking belies the premise that any of this is truly an emergency. Indeed, underinclusiveness of this sort is often regarded as a telltale sign that the government’s interest in enacting a liberty-restraining pronouncement is not in fact “compelling.”...

the Mandate’s true purpose is not to enhance workplace safety, but instead to ramp up vaccine uptake by any means necessary....

the Mandate flunks a cost-benefit analysis...

the Mandate likely exceeds the federal government’s authority under the Commerce Clause...

Second, concerns over separation of powers principles cast doubt over the Mandate’s assertion of virtually unlimited power to control individual conduct under the guise of a workplace regulation....

For these reasons, the petitioners’ motion for a stay pending review is GRANTED. Enforcement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s “COVID-19 Vaccination and Testing; Emergency
Temporary Standard”22 remains STAYED pending adequate judicial review of the petitioners’ underlying motions for a permanent injunction.23
In addition, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that OSHA take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.
It wasn't ruled unconstitutional. The court said it brought up valid Constitutional issues so they were putting a hold on it.

It's unconstitutional. This is the second court that has ruled against bidens unlawful decrees.
I respectfully disagree.

Imagine that the President declared that he would require all employers whose employees wear uniforms on the job to provide pink uniforms.

The decree is challenged in court, and all levels of Federal Courts, up to and including the USSC, declare that the President has no power to impose this mandate; it is illegal and unconstitutional.

So the President encourages all employers to provide pink uniforms regardless. Tells them to implement the mandate because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO.

Nothing wrong with it. The employers are NOT BOUND by the President's continuing entreaties. That's why they call it a "Bully Pulpit." He can induce people to do things beyond his technical legal authority.
Sure it is if there are repercussions of not following it, like losing business licenses

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