$6,000,000,000,000 added to deficit since Obama took office...


Silver Member
Jul 8, 2009
...what do we have to show for it? 9.1% unemployment, four wars, inflated currency, stagnant wages, unpredictable markets (except for precious metals), and 48% of Americans dreading another depression this year (according to cnn poll).

Keynesian model working as intended?
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Whats the fourth war?

Obama, the "Ultimate War President" is the only US President to attack 5 countries & after only 2 years in office. Obama also involved in "Day of Rage" in Egypt, Yemen, Tunisia, Iran & Bahrain.

Pulling the ultimate con, Obama receives peace prize but quietly attacks 5 countries & escalates the Middle East conflicts. Maddow assist in the slight of hand con, claiming that Obama is not pounding his chest so these wars are ok because they are not started by the evil Bush. Obama talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

- Obama Ordered escalated U.S. Military Strikes on Afghanistan.
- Obama Ordered continued U.S. Military Strikes on Iraq.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Pakistan.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Yemen.
- Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strikes on Libya.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Egypt.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Iran.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Tunisia.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Yemen.
- Obama backing "Day of Rage" in Bahrain.

Has the USA ever had a more wartime president?
Republicans complain about what Obama has done. What he has done is work to fix their mess. And they have the gall to complain.
If it look at it rationally we have a serious economic problem. Why make it worse by using the fake science of global warming to restrict US energy exploration and production? Why promote crazy schemes to produce "alternate energy" when anyone can see that we are trading our treasure for oil from oil producing countries? Why appoint a communist to a "green jobs" board when there are no green jobs? Why refer to the US Chamber of Commerce as a sinsiter tool of the republican party if you are not a radical socialist determined to send the US down the road to 3rd world status?
Republicans complain about what Obama has done. What he has done is work to fix their mess. And they have the gall to complain.

For the love of God! He's spent 4 trillion dollars that he doesn't have on a problem that he doesn't understand doing things that he hasn't planned and making promises that he hasn't kept.

How many years and how much money does the Big 0 need to spend until yuou finally agree that the guy is absolutely clueless about what to do, when to do it, how to do it and who to go to for advice?

The USA has the slowest growing economy of the G-8. Still another of the Big 0 achievements.

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