60 Minutes expose, says asteroid threat and impact of Earth is a lot more serious.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
A 60 minutes report Sunday stated that the threat to the Earth from a possible asteroid strike
is a lot more serious than has been previously reported.
The report states that the number of objects in near Earth orbit, and within the solar system
gravity zone is a lot more numerous than has been previously reported.

These objects are large objects one to two miles in diameter, and could cause a global
catastrophe if one of them strikes the Earth. Many can not be seen, or tracked during the day
time because of the light from the Sun. And many are jet black, and very hard to see at night.

The asteroid objects were thought to number roughly about 10,000 in number.But new reports state that there could be as many as 50,000 to 100,000 objects, that could pose a real
catastrophic threat to the earth.

Reports state that the Earth has been struck in the past by one of the large asteroids. This event has been reported to have caused a global catastrophe, that has been verified to have caused the extermination of the Dinosaurs, and other life on the Earth about 65 million years ago.

Scientist also state, that the Earth will be struck again by one of these large asteroid objects, at some point in the future.

Currently, there is no real plan, and or , not enough funding, to track and warn scientists
on the Earth, as to which asteroid, or large asteroid object that might strike the Earth.
So says the report.There is a plan for a infared satellite, but there is not enough funding now to launch such a early warning system.
I 1000% agree. 1,100 footer just passed us by 700,000 miles. We didn't know of it until April!

No question in my mind that a couple hundred footer could hit tomorrow or some day and wipe out a city.
I 1000% agree. 1,100 footer just passed us by 700,000 miles. We didn't know of it until April!

No question in my mind that a couple hundred footer could hit tomorrow or some day and wipe out a city.

This is the major concern right now, a 1000 to 2000 yard object, like the one that recently passed over a Russian city last year, this object could destroy an entire major city here
on the Earth at any given time.

Or God help us if one of the two to three mile wide ones strikes the earth, this could cause
a global catastrophe.!!, as one did 65 million years ago.!!
Great, something else for 52ndPussy to be scared of.

Appropriately, it is also something he can't do a damn thing about.
I can't be bothered by that small stuff-----We've got hundreds of people purposely jogging around town exhaling----CO2---- I swear it's true.

Eco terrorists I guess.
I 1000% agree. 1,100 footer just passed us by 700,000 miles. We didn't know of it until April!

No question in my mind that a couple hundred footer could hit tomorrow or some day and wipe out a city.

This is the major concern right now, a 1000 to 2000 yard object, like the one that recently passed over a Russian city last year, this object could destroy an entire major city here
on the Earth at any given time.

Or God help us if one of the two to three mile wide ones strikes the earth, this could cause
a global catastrophe.!!, as one did 65 million years ago.!!

The one that hit russia was 52 feet. Blew up high in the sky and still injured a few thousand people and knocked out windows.

1908 was around 100 feet and got closer to the ground flattening thousands of acres of tree's in northeastern Russia. A city would be wiped out if it happened over it.
Great, something else for 52ndPussy to be scared of.

Appropriately, it is also something he can't do a damn thing about.

Weird, small astroids are one of the few natural events that we can do something about.
Great, something else for 52ndPussy to be scared of.

Appropriately, it is also something he can't do a damn thing about.

Can you make a serious commentary on a subject without resorting to name calling.
Please sir give the name calling a break?!!.
This is a serious subject matter that affects us all.
Have you no sense of the magnitude of this asteroid situation?, life on Earth could be wiped out!!, you and all the mongrel lovers on the planet.!!
Great, something else for 52ndPussy to be scared of.

Appropriately, it is also something he can't do a damn thing about.

Can you make a serious commentary on a subject without resorting to name calling.
Please sir give the name calling a break?!!.!

When someone's name is Bob, you call him Bob. When someone is a doctor, you call her doctor. It is merely appropriate to "call" people what they are, pussy. It is within your power to change what you are (maybe).

As for 'big rock come from sky,' you might as well walk around in terror of being struck by lightening. It's great that scientists are investigating all this, but since shit can't be done about it right now there is no use wasting energy fretting over it. YOU obviously have lots of other things to fret over. :rolleyes:

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