“60 Minutes”: Hillary Clinton Deliberately Lied About Benghazi (VIDEO)


VIP Member
Sep 7, 2012
“60 Minutes” reported tonight that Ambassador Stevens HIMSELF told the State Department that Al Qaeda was taking over buildings… before he was tortured and murdered.

This means that Hillary KNEW it was a terrorist attack, and yet she lied to the world in front of the coffins of the victims. Then she lied to congress — a deliberate FELONY for political gain.

60 Minute Video: 60 Minutes: Benghazi - 60 Minutes - CBS News
Some more quotes from the video:

60 Minutes: Ambassador Stevens' #2 Greg Hicks says when he learned there was no military assistance coming to help, he had to call the CIA annex under attack and tell them "there may not be any help coming."

Hicks says to hear "that our back isn't covered...it's a terrible terrible experience."

#Benghazi 60 Minutes: witnesses on the ground say it was clear to everyone that the al Qaeda attack was coming.

Al Qaeda promised to attack the Red Cross, the British and the Americans in Benghazi...

Prior to Sept. 11 they attacked the Red Cross...

They attacked the British...

and then they attacked the Americans. As they said they would.

#Benghazi 60 Minutes: witness says black al Qaeda flags were flying over government buildings in Benghazi at times prior to attacks.

“‘We're here to kill Americans, not Libyans,'” #Benghazi attackers told U.S. Mission guards, Jones recalls

So, why did they blame it on a youtube video if all this evidence was clear?
The GOP's advantage over the Democrats on foreign policy was lost because of the mismanagement of the Iraq War, and the Benghazi pity party convinced no one otherwise.

The American people know all about Benghazi and still rejected returning the GOP to the White House.

It's on conservatives to get past that.
“60 Minutes” reported tonight that Ambassador Stevens HIMSELF told the State Department that Al Qaeda was taking over buildings… before he was tortured and murdered.

This means that Hillary KNEW it was a terrorist attack, and yet she lied to the world in front of the coffins of the victims. Then she lied to congress — a deliberate FELONY for political gain.

60 Minute Video: 60 Minutes: Benghazi - 60 Minutes - CBS News

What difference, at this time, does it make? It will make difference in 2016....or we're fugged.
When the liberal media starts telling the truth democrats are in trouble.

So that's how you deal with rejection at the polls? It's not that America doesn't want to bring back the flopped foreign policies of Dumbya, but the 'librul media' lies?

Is that what conservative idiots really believe? Too funny. :lol:
The GOP's advantage over the Democrats on foreign policy was lost because of the mismanagement of the Iraq War, and the Benghazi pity party convinced no one otherwise.

The American people know all about Benghazi and still rejected returning the GOP to the White House.

It's on conservatives to get past that.

Obama lied about Benghazi leading up to the election, Mr. Low Information Voter
When the liberal media starts telling the truth democrats are in trouble.

So that's how you deal with rejection at the polls? It's not that America doesn't want to bring back the flopped foreign policies of Dumbya, but the 'librul media' lies?

Is that what conservative idiots really believe? Too funny. :lol:

The MSM were ripping on Romney for trying to make this a story. The MSM also ran the story about how this was caused by a Youtube Video for weeks. Then once more information started coming out, Hurricane Sandy hit and they turned their attention to that which lasted until election time.
Damn hard to tell with all the attacks going on that day all over the mideast- in answer to pleas to attack American embassies to protest that stupid RW video...Right, ''proven bs' by RUSH Seanbeck....talk about low information voters- lies ARE low information...
The GOP's advantage over the Democrats on foreign policy was lost because of the mismanagement of the Iraq War, and the Benghazi pity party convinced no one otherwise.

The American people know all about Benghazi and still rejected returning the GOP to the White House.

It's on conservatives to get past that.

Obama lied about Benghazi leading up to the election, Mr. Low Information Voter

He's not a low information voter, he's a fellow traveler. And an asshole to boot.
Remember when Obama & Friends blamed some poor schmuck's shitty video for all this and he had his life torn apart by the media, knowing all the while it was a preplanned attack?

Good times.
The GOP's advantage over the Democrats on foreign policy was lost because of the mismanagement of the Iraq War, and the Benghazi pity party convinced no one otherwise.

The American people know all about Benghazi and still rejected returning the GOP to the White House.

It's on conservatives to get past that.

Eat it, dembulb.

Fuck Iraq. It's done.
Let's talk about how many Americans have been killed in Afghanistan since your Obamessiah took over.

And to call Benghazi a "pity party" when Americans were killed by neanderthals and then lied about by higher-ranking neanderthals only shows how much of a piece of shit you really are

They had months of warnings about Benghazi and the State Department, under Hilbat, did nothing.

Four good men died. One of them an Ambasador because State did nothing.

Then they tried to blame it on a video that no one ever heard of.

They lied all right and have been busily covering their asses ever since. Oh and don't expect anyones head to roll. Hilbats should have. Thats for sure.

To bad the families of the dead can't sue the pants of Hilbat and her State Department for their total incompetence.
Yea, that 3am phone call came and went for both Obama and Hillary. Neither one of them knew what to do. Either that or they just didn't give a crap.

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