“60 Minutes”: Hillary Clinton Deliberately Lied About Benghazi (VIDEO)


h didn't call the attack at Bengasi a terrorist attack he used terrorism in a speech referring to other attacks in the past and not once did they blame it on Al Qaeda not till many weeks later even though they new in real time it was Al Qaeda

this is why Obama got reelected caused by ignorant people like believing and all the lies from this corrupt administration and their state run media

Obamas campaign knew their was enough ignorant voters just like you who would believe in their lies to save his reelection they played on your stupidity and it paid off

One more time.

No one voted over Benghazi. Obama got us out of Iraq and he killed Bin Laden, which most Americans considered a bigger deal than the deaths of four diplomats. (Amazing that the GOP hates on government employees unless they are in a coffin they can use as a soap box.)

Most Americans realize Al Qaeda is still out there and still causing trouble.

But they weren't impressed enough with Romney to decide he could do a better job with it.

Maybe he was going to buy up Al Qaeda and then downsize all the terrorists...
Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

You admitted it in your own link.

Oh, really, and the big problem was, Romney tried from Day one to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box and he looked like a ghoul for doing it.

Stuck on stupid

Benghazi: What keeps this story alive?

STEVE KROFT: Mr. President, this morning you went out of your way to avoid the use of the word terrorism in connection with the Libya attack, do you believe that this was a terrorism attack?

OBAMA: Well it’s too early to tell exactly how this came about, what group was involved, but obviously it was an attack on Americans. And we are going to be working with the Libyan government to make sure that we bring these folks to justice, one way or the other.
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Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

You admitted it in your own link.

Oh, really, and the big problem was, Romney tried from Day one to use Ambassador Steven's coffin as a soap box and he looked like a ghoul for doing it.

he never used the terms terrorist attack or even terrorism in that rose garden speech he used "these acts of terror" and he was referring to other attacks in the past

you are so drunk on the Obama Kool-Aid your trying to rewrite history so to keep from admitting your lord and savior is nothing but a despicable disgusting corrupt lying piece of shit
You mean- GASP- he wasn't going to comment the day it happened while an investigation was still going on and intelligence agencies were still collecting data!!!

Oh, my God. I mean, that isn't the American way! We needed to totally go to war with someone over that, even if we weren't sure what. That's what Dubya would do.

Please, guy, the real problem is, you guys still don't understand why you lost in 2012, and even if I explained it to you- again- you still wouldn't understand.

But it had nothing to do with Benghazi.

It had to do with the fact you ran a Weird Mormon Robot who pissed on working folks all his life, and working folks finally got a chance to say something about it...

The only reason any nutter gives a shit about who carried out that attack.....is because the name "Al Qaeda" can be used as a political tool.

There was some hope among nutters that many Americans would see any attack on the US by "Al Qaeda" as a wholesale failure on the part of President Obama to protect America from terrorists. They hoped it would sway the election.

h didn't call the attack at Bengasi a terrorist attack he used terrorism in a speech referring to other attacks in the past and not once did they blame it on Al Qaeda not till many weeks later even though they new in real time it was Al Qaeda

this is why Obama got reelected caused by ignorant people like believing and all the lies from this corrupt administration and their state run media

Obamas campaign knew their was enough ignorant voters just like you who would believe in their lies to save his reelection they played on your stupidity and it paid off

One more time.

No one voted over Benghazi. Obama got us out of Iraq and he killed Bin Laden, which most Americans considered a bigger deal than the deaths of four diplomats. (Amazing that the GOP hates on government employees unless they are in a coffin they can use as a soap box.)

Most Americans realize Al Qaeda is still out there and still causing trouble.

But they weren't impressed enough with Romney to decide he could do a better job with it.

Maybe he was going to buy up Al Qaeda and then downsize all the terrorists...

maybe you will vote for a disgusting and despicable lying piece of shit that would look into the eyes of the families of those fallen hero's and lie bold face unadulterated lies

Im sorry I have more faith in the American people that if they would have known the truth all of the truth they wouldn't have stood for it. The America public is better then you
Why would any American defend Obama or Hillary on Benghazi if they loved America and had any sense of decency? We know it was a terrorist attack and they both knew it but blamed it on some poor dude who made a "b" movie no one ever saw or heard of except one of Clapper's men.

Then, to top it off, they called off help to the men who were in trouble when they could have been saved! How can anyone defend that? :disbelief:

h didn't call the attack at Bengasi a terrorist attack he used terrorism in a speech referring to other attacks in the past and not once did they blame it on Al Qaeda not till many weeks later even though they new in real time it was Al Qaeda

this is why Obama got reelected caused by ignorant people like believing and all the lies from this corrupt administration and their state run media

Obamas campaign knew their was enough ignorant voters just like you who would believe in their lies to save his reelection they played on your stupidity and it paid off

One more time.

No one voted over Benghazi. Obama got us out of Iraq and he killed Bin Laden, which most Americans considered a bigger deal than the deaths of four diplomats. (Amazing that the GOP hates on government employees unless they are in a coffin they can use as a soap box.)

Most Americans realize Al Qaeda is still out there and still causing trouble.

But they weren't impressed enough with Romney to decide he could do a better job with it.

Maybe he was going to buy up Al Qaeda and then downsize all the terrorists...

maybe you will vote for a disgusting and despicable lying piece of shit that would look into the eyes of the families of those fallen hero's and lie bold face unadulterated lies

Im sorry I have more faith in the American people that if they would have known the truth all of the truth they wouldn't have stood for it. The America public is better then you

Who else would a despicable and disgusting lying piece of shit vote for?

The French, the British, the Russian, the Chinese, the Japanese, the German..... ANY group of people are better than dimocraps.

You guys always think I'm kidding about how low dimocraps are?

Is it getting through to you yet?

There are NO levels to which dimocrap scum will not sink in their diseased and sick quest for unchallenged power.

And there are no levels to which they won't sink to keep it.

Why would any American defend Obama or Hillary on Benghazi if they loved America and had any sense of decency? We know it was a terrorist attack and they both knew it but blamed it on some poor dude who made a "b" movie no one ever saw or heard of except one of Clapper's men.

Then, to top it off, they called off help to the men who were in trouble when they could have been saved! How can anyone defend that? :disbelief:

Why would any American defend Obama or Hillary on Benghazi

because the ends justifies the means

if they have to put up with that sort of shit

they are willing to for the cause
The GOP's advantage over the Democrats on foreign policy was lost because of the mismanagement of the Iraq War, and the Benghazi pity party convinced no one otherwise.

The American people know all about Benghazi and still rejected returning the GOP to the White House.

It's on conservatives to get past that.

Iraq war, all objectives met with relatively few civilian and military deaths, that is what liberals call mismanagement.

The MSM and all of liberalism tells lie after lie about Iraq and it was effective propaganda.

But I am glad to see you admit that there was more to Benghazi then the administration lied to us.
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“60 Minutes”: Hillary Clinton Deliberately Lied About Benghazi (VIDEO)

And Bill lied about getting a blow job from a staffer. So they're even.
That's a little true. Bill's blow job destroyed morality among youth and older idiots, which increased the incidence of STDs 75% in America; Hillary just wants us to be ruled by the Fed (it takes a village) in a manner that redistributes the wealth (Marxism) and is AKA Communism.

The only people resisting Communism of Mrs. Hillary ("I forget") Clinton are the conservative Republicans, who are targets for the wannabe Bolshevik Democrat-gone-crazy Party as evidenced in the bullshit of ACA, which destroys the privacy of each and every American, NO EXCEPTIONS, unless you gain the Royalty Congress has blessed itself with, holding exemptions from ACA while inflicting the malicious practice on all other Americans.

The Democrats are starry-eyed deers being steamrollered by their gimme-gotchas in Congress like Nancy Pelosi, who managed to add $4 trillion in debt to Obama's legacy while she was ruling over the lower house. She will never have to worry--that blame will go to Obama when he's out, and she will just be going to the bank with her family, who were direct beneficiaries of the no-strings-attached, full repayment loans invested in businesses they already knew were belly-up.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for,”

“And we want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America,”

Sept.12 & 13th
President Obama
Yea, that 3am phone call came and went for both Obama and Hillary. Neither one of them knew what to do. Either that or they just didn't give a crap.

When the President was first informed of the assault he ordered the military to do everything possible.....

Of course by then the Consulate was burning......
Obama lied about Benghazi leading up to the election, Mr. Low Information Voter

Yeah, because they said something about a video maybe being a cause.


Even though they called it terrorism when it happened and admitted Al Qaeda involvement immediately.

Pssst. Pssst. Your boy Romney didn't lose because of Benghazi.

That is a LIE.

A bald-faced fucking LIE.

We have pointed out to you at least ten times that even the communists at the WaPo called obama the lying scumbag he is.

I guess ten times isn't enough for you....

Obama?s claim he called Benghazi an ?act of terrorism? - The Washington Post


When the commies at Pravda West call a dimocrap piece of shit a liar, you can bet it's a whopper.

dimocraps lie.

ALL of them

It's not a lie.

There's a youtube video of Obama calling it a terrorist attack THE DAY AFTER IT HAPPENED.
there is nothing more disgusting and despicable then blatant unadulterated lies over the coffins of dead American hero's and too look into the eyes of those fallen hero's families and tell those lies

And you are just as a disgusting and despicable human if you defend those who told those lies

I agree. When Rice lied about those Aluminum tubes.....not to mention the whole Active WMD programs in Iraq that cause many more American deaths.

Or how about when the first President Bush lied about Iraq lining up tanks on the Saudi Border?
Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDANcaPx1xg]President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

He called it an act of terror which means the same thing as a terrorist attack.

"These acts of terror" means he was calling it a terrorist attack.

Now apologize for calling "dimocraps" liars.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for,”

“And we want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America,”

Sept.12 & 13th
President Obama

He still never called it an act of 'terrorism'.

There is a substantial difference.

A spontaneous act of destruction on property can be called an "Act of Terror"

Here, abroad, in Benghazi or in the OWS (bowel) movement.

An "Act Od Terrorism" is significantly different.

the Piece of fucking shit even went to the UN and said it was the Video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2vSzdOPz1X0][FLASHBACK] At the UN Obama blames an internet video for Benghazi and the other attack - YouTube[/ame]

He had the smelly scrunt Susan Rice go on FIVE (5) TV SHOWS AND CLAIM IT WAS BECAUSE OF THE VIDEO

ABC’s “This Week”:

JAKE TAPPER: So, first of all, what is the latest you can tell us on who these attackers were at the embassy or at the consulate in Benghazi? We’re hearing that the Libyans have arrested people. They’re saying that some people involved were from outside the country, that there might have even been Al Qaida ties. What’s the latest information?

LYING SCRUNT SUSAN RICE: Well, Jake, first of all, it’s important to know that there’s an FBI investigation that has begun and will take some time to be completed. That will tell us with certainty what transpired.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

The other four(4) (five total) are essentially the same.

Here's a link to them

Flashback: What Susan Rice Said About Benghazi - Washington Wire - WSJ

That's not an accident.

the motherfuckers lied. And you're swearing to it.

And why did they lie?

Because they valued a stupid campaign slogan "osama is dead and GM is alive" more than they valued the lives of those dead Americans.

And again, THAT is not an accident. So do you

You know GODDAMNED well what was said and by whom. You're just lying.

dimocraps suck. And they lie

All of them
Yea, that 3am phone call came and went for both Obama and Hillary. Neither one of them knew what to do. Either that or they just didn't give a crap.

When the President was first informed of the assault he ordered the military to do everything possible.....

Of course by then the Consulate was burning......

That is a lie.

Panetta testified, "We had just picked up the information that something was happening, that there was an apparent attack going on in Benghazi. And I informed the president of that fact, and he at that point directed both myself and General Dempsey to do everything we needed to do to try to protect lives there." Panetta later reiterated, "[Obama] basically said, 'Do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there.' "
Hillary lied about Benghazi...and so did Obama.

His re-election was bought and paid for with the deaths of the Benghazi victims...as well as the Constitutional Rights of Tea Party members across the country.

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