“60 Minutes”: Hillary Clinton Deliberately Lied About Benghazi (VIDEO)

Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDANcaPx1xg]President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

He called it an act of terror which means the same thing as a terrorist attack.

"These acts of terror" means he was calling it a terrorist attack.

Now apologize for calling "dimocraps" liars.

No it doesn't. An ACT of Terror is not the same as a Terrorist Attack. Obama is parsing his words carefully. An act can be carried about by anyone, and is singular.. A Terrorist Attack is part of a broader campaign of terrorism. The first term emphasizes the action, the second term emphasizes those performing the action.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for,”

“And we want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America,”

Sept.12 & 13th
President Obama

He still never called it an act of 'terrorism'.

There is a substantial difference.

A spontaneous act of destruction on property can be called an "Act of Terror"

Here, abroad, in Benghazi or in the OWS (bowel) movement.

An "Act Od Terrorism" is significantly different.

the Piece of fucking shit even went to the UN and said it was the Video.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=2vSzdOPz1X0][FLASHBACK] At the UN Obama blames an internet video for Benghazi and the other attack - YouTube[/ame]

He had the smelly scrunt Susan Rice go on FIVE (5) TV SHOWS AND CLAIM IT WAS BECAUSE OF THE VIDEO

ABC’s “This Week”:

JAKE TAPPER: So, first of all, what is the latest you can tell us on who these attackers were at the embassy or at the consulate in Benghazi? We’re hearing that the Libyans have arrested people. They’re saying that some people involved were from outside the country, that there might have even been Al Qaida ties. What’s the latest information?

LYING SCRUNT SUSAN RICE: Well, Jake, first of all, it’s important to know that there’s an FBI investigation that has begun and will take some time to be completed. That will tell us with certainty what transpired.

But our current best assessment, based on the information that we have at present, is that, in fact, what this began as, it was a spontaneous — not a premeditated — response to what had transpired in Cairo. In Cairo, as you know, a few hours earlier, there was a violent protest that was undertaken in reaction to this very offensive video that was disseminated.

The other four(4) (five total) are essentially the same.

Here's a link to them

Flashback: What Susan Rice Said About Benghazi - Washington Wire - WSJ

That's not an accident.

the motherfuckers lied. And you're swearing to it.

And why did they lie?

Because they valued a stupid campaign slogan "osama is dead and GM is alive" more than they valued the lives of those dead Americans.

And again, THAT is not an accident. So do you

You know GODDAMNED well what was said and by whom. You're just lying.

dimocraps suck. And they lie

All of them

Never trust talking points from any administration. Not Democrat, not Republican.

But old Mittens sure got his ass handed to him for his mouth didn't he?
Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDANcaPx1xg]President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

He called it an act of terror which means the same thing as a terrorist attack.

"These acts of terror" means he was calling it a terrorist attack.

Now apologize for calling "dimocraps" liars.

You are too stupid for words.

Then why did he continue to blame the video?

Why did he continue to say it was a "Spontaneous" act?

"Terrorists" don't commit spontaneous acts on US Embassies.

If a crowd of nincompoops or dimocrap scum destroyed something and killed people, it would be called an act of terror.

But 'Terrorism' is generally thought to be 'organized' planned and premeditated.

And "Act of Terror" can be, and often is 'spontaneous'

obama and his dimocrap scum pals were more interestde in preserving his Captain Kickass image through the election than they were in saving American lives.

When this all comes out, you will see that someone high up in the Sdministration actually STOPPED the Military from doing their jobs.

THAT would be an impeachable offense.

Even the dimocraps in the Senate couldn't stop that.

If it were found out that Hitlery or obama, or someone close to them, ordered the Military to 'stand down'... And they let those men die on purpose?

obama would be gone. Nothing could save him. Not you and your lies, not the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM..... Nothing.

And if Congress didn't do something about it, I think the Military would.

Believe me when I tell you, they're none too happy with that scumbag as it is
Gee, maybe if that State Dept. investigation wasn't such a whitewash we might have heard about some of this stuff before. Course that would have meant the investigators would have actually had to talk to the person in charge of the whole department, Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, and a top deputy or two.

What difference does it make? I'm sure Hillary could have settled it all with the investigators by letting them know it was all part of that ongoing vast right-wing conspiracy. Or old girlfriends of Bill or something.
“No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for,”

“And we want to send a message all around the world — anybody who would do us harm: No act of terror will dim the light of the values that we proudly shine on the rest of the world, and no act of violence will shake the resolve of the United States of America,”

Sept.12 & 13th
President Obama

Sorry, man, he called it terrorism.

And Romney got spanked when his lying Mormon ass tried to claim otherwise.


No, he didn't. He used the term "terrorism" in a general sense.
I am sorry but America should never waver on our freedom of speech. This is what pissed me off about Benghazi the most.

When the liberal media starts telling the truth democrats are in trouble.

So that's how you deal with rejection at the polls? It's not that America doesn't want to bring back the flopped foreign policies of Dumbya, but the 'librul media' lies?

Is that what conservative idiots really believe? Too funny. :lol:

Lol, Big Media covered for our dictator Obama all through 2012 and basically ignored the Benghazi fiasco.

So to you that means America rejected conservatism?

Man, you are really stupid.
That's a LIE.

the Stuttering Clusterfuck NEVER called it terrorism until long after the election.


Find me a link where he said those exact words.

You can't.

Because he never said it

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDANcaPx1xg]President Obama Speaks on the Attack on Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]

He called it an act of terror which means the same thing as a terrorist attack.

"These acts of terror" means he was calling it a terrorist attack.

Now apologize for calling "dimocraps" liars.

You are too stupid for words.

Then why did he continue to blame the video?

Why did he continue to say it was a "Spontaneous" act?

"Terrorists" don't commit spontaneous acts on US Embassies.

If a crowd of nincompoops or dimocrap scum destroyed something and killed people, it would be called an act of terror.

But 'Terrorism' is generally thought to be 'organized' planned and premeditated.

And "Act of Terror" can be, and often is 'spontaneous'

obama and his dimocrap scum pals were more interestde in preserving his Captain Kickass image through the election than they were in saving American lives.

When this all comes out, you will see that someone high up in the Sdministration actually STOPPED the Military from doing their jobs.

THAT would be an impeachable offense.

Even the dimocraps in the Senate couldn't stop that.

If it were found out that Hitlery or obama, or someone close to them, ordered the Military to 'stand down'... And they let those men die on purpose?

obama would be gone. Nothing could save him. Not you and your lies, not the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM..... Nothing.

And if Congress didn't do something about it, I think the Military would.

Believe me when I tell you, they're none too happy with that scumbag as it is

By refusing to admit that an Act of Terror is a terrorist attack, you are refusing to admit you are wrong. You are the one who is being "too stupid for words."

Case closed.
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Says it all

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGg0VNLIgWs&feature=player_embedded]Hillary Clinton, Benghazi "What's The Difference?" Four Dead Americans - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jriU_cPU9Vk]Rand Paul Destroys Hillary Clinton Over Benghazi-Gate During Capitol Hill Press Conference - YouTube[/ame]
That evil bitch needs to be dealt with one way or another before she get's us all killed once she is president.
“60 Minutes” reported tonight that Ambassador Stevens HIMSELF told the State Department that Al Qaeda was taking over buildings… before he was tortured and murdered.

This means that Hillary KNEW it was a terrorist attack, and yet she lied to the world in front of the coffins of the victims. Then she lied to congress — a deliberate FELONY for political gain.

60 Minute Video: 60 Minutes: Benghazi - 60 Minutes - CBS News

According to liberals "What matter does it make" and "that was so long ago!"

I guess when you learn from the best having no regret is easy!
Y'all told us how Benghazi would doom Obama. Instead, you beclowned yourselves. And you're doing it again.

But hey, give it another try. A 40-state landslide loss might be what's required to smack some sense of reality into you.
Just finding it ironic how much all y'all hate the MSM - until they say exactly what you want to hear.


Getting the truth out of them is like pulling teeth. Even now as Obamacare and our security relationships with our allies are sending shockwaves through the country and the world, the media is more likely to try to shield Obama than it is to report on the people who are being harmed.

So we celebrate whenever it looks like they might have started doing their job.
Y'all told us how Benghazi would doom Obama. Instead, you beclowned yourselves. And you're doing it again.

But hey, give it another try. A 40-state landslide loss might be what's required to smack some sense of reality into you.

Lol, you libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Obama lets four people die at the hands of a terrorist group that has repeatedly attacked us, aka al Qeda, then his regime spokesmen lied more about it and covered it up, stonewalling a congressional investigation.

And all you can do is blow a lot of 'we won, we won,' bullshit out of your stinking pie hole?

You area fucking disgrace, and the Democratic Party deserves to die right along with the GOP.
Y'all told us how Benghazi would doom Obama. Instead, you beclowned yourselves. And you're doing it again.

But hey, give it another try. A 40-state landslide loss might be what's required to smack some sense of reality into you.

Lol, you libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Obama lets four people die at the hands of a terrorist group that has repeatedly attacked us, aka al Qeda, then his regime spokesmen lied more about it and covered it up, stonewalling a congressional investigation.

And all you can do is blow a lot of 'we won, we won,' bullshit out of your stinking pie hole?

You area fucking disgrace, and the Democratic Party deserves to die right along with the GOP.

Four people died because they accepted the risk of serving in a dangerous place.

I find it amazing you wingnuts get all upset about four people dying in Libya, but meh, 5000 people dying in Iraq, not so much. What WMD's. Well, hey, we found a few expired cans of mustard gas, that's almost worth a trillion dollars and 5000 lives lost.
Y'all told us how Benghazi would doom Obama. Instead, you beclowned yourselves. And you're doing it again.

But hey, give it another try. A 40-state landslide loss might be what's required to smack some sense of reality into you.

Lol, you libtards are so fucking hilarious.

Obama lets four people die at the hands of a terrorist group that has repeatedly attacked us, aka al Qeda, then his regime spokesmen lied more about it and covered it up, stonewalling a congressional investigation.

And all you can do is blow a lot of 'we won, we won,' bullshit out of your stinking pie hole?

You area fucking disgrace, and the Democratic Party deserves to die right along with the GOP.

Obama lets four people die at the hands of a terrorist group that has repeatedly attacked us, aka al Qeda,

the best part is that we are supplying that same group al Qeda

in Syria
"Dirty Dancing"

Barack: Now I've told the lie of my life
No I never told one like this before
Yes, we'll ride this through
and I owe it all to you

Hillary: 'Cause I've told the lie of my life
and I owe it all to you

Barack: I've been waiting for so long
Now I've finally found someone
To stand by me

Hillary: We saw the writing on the wall
As we covered up this incredible tragedy

Both: Now with ambition in our eyes
As we try so hard disguise it secretly
So we take each other's hand
'Cause we both understand the urgency

Barack: just remember

Hillary: Just this the one thing

Barack: To keep our story straight

Hillary: So I'll tell you something

Both:This could work because

Both: I've told the lie of my life
No I never told one like this before
Yes we'll ride this one through
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've told the lie of my life
And I've closed every open door
To hide the truth
And I owe it all to you

Hillary: With my body and soul
I want to be President more than you'll ever know

Barack: So we can't just let it go
We don't dare lose control

Hillary: Yes I know whats on your mind
When you say:
"Your election depends on the certainty of mine"

Barack: Just remember
There just the one thing

Hillary: To keep our story straight

Barack: So I'll tell you something

Both: This could work because

Both: 'Cause I told the lie of my life
No I've never told one like this before
Yes We'll ride this one through
And I owe it all to you
'Cause I've told the lie of my life
And I've closed every open door
To hide the truth
and I owe it all to you


Barack: Now I've told the lie of my life
No I never told one like this before

(Hillary: Never felt this way)

Barack: Yes I'll swear it's the truth
and I owe it all to you

Both: 'Cause I told the lie of my life
And I've closed every open door
To hide the truth
and I owe it all to you

Both: "cause I've told the lie of my life
No I've never told one like this *before
Yes, I'll swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you"

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