60 Minutes Reportedly Set To Reveal Pelosi Corruption...

Lets just call it what it is. Inside trading , the same thing that put Martha Stewart in the Federal Pen. But of course members of congress or senate can do it without any questions asked because even when they do ask questions about it they dont answer them.
Kroft also reportedly peppered House Speaker John Boehner with questions about trades he made in health-insurance company stock as healthcare reform legislation was moving through Congress. Boehner denied any improprieties in the trades.

from the article.

I ALSO traded much of my helthcare stock based on the very publicly known activity in regard to the healthcare bill turned law.

That is not illegal nor is it unethical.

One trades based on what one knows...as long as what one knows is available to ALL.

So what is your point?

The point of the show for those who are't partisan hacks is that the laws that govern your activity does not govern the actions of congress people who regularly trade on the insider information. They make millions doing it.

This is true for both sides as can be seen in the show. A bill was introduced to end this corrupt behavior and it had all of 6 co-sponsors. Heck a bill to make child porn legal could probably get more co-sponsors. They are all so corrupt it is sad.
So at least one congressman bought put options before the market tanked? I would be tempted to do it also, if I were in that position. It's like playing roulette when you know which color the wheel is going to land on.

George Carlin was right when he said: "The table is tilted folks. The game is rigged."

It's wrong that we get a trip to Hotel California if we decide to trade inside; but congress just gets wealthier. I'll make a wager-I'll bet that I can name three representatives who won't be re-elected. That is if people will not vote simply on the social issues.
And she really did treat our Military like lowly servants too. All those private parties on our Military planes. She reduced our brave men & women in uniform to cocktail waitresses and bartenders. She is the worst of the worst when it comes to awful corruption. Talk about a 'Culture of Corruption?' This woman needs to go.
I heard she was purchased the Visa stock at $44 dollars a share and the next day it was up to $64 dollars a share. She spent $100 thousand dollars on these shares which are presently worth $200 thousand dollars.

And yes--she never brought the bill to the floor for a vote---Shameful.
Also, yesterday on this board there was mention that on Dec 6 some congress members are going to discuss legislation making it unlawful for insider trading for congress.

What Pelosi did was take a bribe not to have a vote on credit card fees the public pay for each and every time they use their visa. Who is her daddy? Visa!

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