60 Minutes Reportedly Set To Reveal Pelosi Corruption...

No one claimed you did. Stop being dishonest and actually address what people are saying.

I know I am piling on but I do observe you behaving this way often TruthMatters.

You tend to ignore what people actually say if it confronts or challenges a statment you made and respond with something tangentially related but not really on the actual topic of discussion. You never truly adress the challenges even if someone re-asks you 5 times.

You joined the lies

No TruthMatters i am not lying. I am sharing with you my personal observations of how you behave on the forums. This is how you appear to me and probably to many other people who post in the same threads you post in.

I'm not sure how telling you what I honestly think of your behavior is lying. Can you explain it to me so I understand?
60 Minutes Expected to Air Investigation of Pelosi Stock Investments.

Indications from the Beltway media world are that 60 Minutes is preparing to air a segment exploring legislative actions House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi oversaw that might have benefited her husband's stock investments.

According to multiple news reports, 60 Minutes reporter Steve Kroft sprang a number of questions on Pelosi at a recent press conference in Washington, D.C. about why legislation affecting credit-card swipe fees was not brought to the floor of the house for a vote late in 2008.

Earlier that year, Pelosi's husband, San Francisco businessman Paul Pelosi, purchased between $1 and $5 million in Visa stock. Visa, based in San Francisco, was undergoing a large IPO.

Yahoo! Message Boards - E*TRADE Financial Corporation - 60 Minutes Reportedly Set to Reveal Pelosi Corruption !

I wouldn't be overly surprised. The Speaker of the House position seems to draw corruption like honey draws flies. DeLay before her was incredibly corrupt. And the individual mandate she helped make law was one of the most corrupt pieces of legislation I've seen in my life.
you are all liars

Until we accuse Herman Cain...then you will be our best friends.


You lied about me.

I was answering a poster and I proved it.

You jsut continue to lie about it huh?

this is one of the biggest things cons here have in common.

A complete inabilty to EVER admitt they were wrong even in the face of unrefutteable facts.

Your a liar

You are pathetic.

Run home to mommy and tell her we are picking on you.
I know I am piling on but I do observe you behaving this way often TruthMatters.

You tend to ignore what people actually say if it confronts or challenges a statment you made and respond with something tangentially related but not really on the actual topic of discussion. You never truly adress the challenges even if someone re-asks you 5 times.

You joined the lies

No TruthMatters i am not lying. I am sharing with you my personal observations of how you behave on the forums. This is how you appear to me and probably to many other people who post in the same threads you post in.

I'm not sure how telling you what I honestly think of your behavior is lying. Can you explain it to me so I understand?

You joined a LIE about me I proved was a lie.

You are a liar
Until we accuse Herman Cain...then you will be our best friends.


You lied about me.

I was answering a poster and I proved it.

You jsut continue to lie about it huh?

this is one of the biggest things cons here have in common.

A complete inabilty to EVER admitt they were wrong even in the face of unrefutteable facts.

Your a liar

You are pathetic.

Run home to mommy and tell her we are picking on you.

I dont have to run to anyone.

The facts just kicked your ass with a little help from me
No one claimed you did. Stop being dishonest and actually address what people are saying.

I know I am piling on but I do observe you behaving this way often TruthMatters.

You tend to ignore what people actually say if it confronts or challenges a statment you made and respond with something tangentially related but not really on the actual topic of discussion. You never truly adress the challenges even if someone re-asks you 5 times.

Don't forget to add she makes stuff up so she can argue against it.

i did not make it up and you are a liar
I hope they throw the book at her. She's a very ugly human being. And i don't mean physically.
I hope they throw the book at her. She's a very ugly human being. And i don't mean physically.

California has a population of 42,000,000 and she is the best they can do ?

BTW: Just to be fair, she has not been accused of anything....yet.
that is like a record I can think of.

like six cons caught lying in one thread

Where did it say bohner was being investigated? What I read was that he was asked some questions. Do you think that is someone is asked questions about something they are being investigated?
Kroft also reportedly peppered House Speaker John Boehner with questions about trades he made in health-insurance company stock as healthcare reform legislation was moving through Congress. Boehner denied any improprieties in the trades.

from the article.

I ALSO traded much of my helthcare stock based on the very publicly known activity in regard to the healthcare bill turned law.

That is not illegal nor is it unethical.

One trades based on what one knows...as long as what one knows is available to ALL.

So what is your point?
why are you pretending the article did NOT include the actions of boehner?

Yes it does

Kroft also reportedly peppered House Speaker John Boehner with questions about trades he made in health-insurance company stock as healthcare reform legislation was moving through Congress. Boehner denied any improprieties in the trades.

Pelosi's husband, San Francisco businessman Paul Pelosi, purchased between $1 and $5 million in Visa stock. Visa, based in San Francisco, was undergoing a large IPO.

ABC News reported:

... Kroft asked Pelosi whether she considered it a conflict of interest for she and her husband to participate "in a very large IPO deal from Visa at a time there was major legislation affecting the credit card companies" making its way through Congress.

"What you're contending is not true," Pelosi, D-Calif., said. "The fact is your basic premise is a false one."

Kroft also reportedly peppered House Speaker John Boehner with questions about trades he made in health-insurance company stock as healthcare reform legislation was moving through Congress. Boehner denied any improprieties in the trades.

from the link

TM's question asked and answered.

Interesting, both parties had similar replies.
60 Minutes will never turn on a prominent democrat. What they might do is spin the story to make Pelosi look innocent.
I know I am piling on but I do observe you behaving this way often TruthMatters.

You tend to ignore what people actually say if it confronts or challenges a statment you made and respond with something tangentially related but not really on the actual topic of discussion. You never truly adress the challenges even if someone re-asks you 5 times.

You joined the lies

No TruthMatters i am not lying. I am sharing with you my personal observations of how you behave on the forums. This is how you appear to me and probably to many other people who post in the same threads you post in.

I'm not sure how telling you what I honestly think of your behavior is lying. Can you explain it to me so I understand?

You joined the lies

No TruthMatters i am not lying. I am sharing with you my personal observations of how you behave on the forums. This is how you appear to me and probably to many other people who post in the same threads you post in.

I'm not sure how telling you what I honestly think of your behavior is lying. Can you explain it to me so I understand?

You joined a LIE about me I proved was a lie.

You are a liar

Again What lie are you talking about? Where did I lie? Please be specific I gave you my full comment above make my lie a differenet color or bold please as I still don't see where I was lying when expressing my opinion of your posts.
Again What lie are you talking about? Where did I lie? Please be specific I gave you my full comment above make my lie a differenet color or bold please as I still don't see where I was lying when expressing my opinion of your posts.

You didn't.

I suspect we have a drama queen on the board.

I have recieved several personal messages from TM.

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