6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court Gives Thumb's Up to States' Choice on Gay Marriage

Should the definition of marriage be up to the states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 57.9%
  • No

    Votes: 8 42.1%

  • Total voters
Anti marriage equality will be rated in our history books as bad as slavery and segregation, as, of course, it should be.

No, I'm pretty sure that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon" will be seen then as it is now, with shame and embarassment at how human fads could get so carried away as to become a cult/institution.

It will be viewed almost with the same regard as the rise of the Nazi party....that was stopped dead in its tracks right in the nick of time. Do we hate Germany or Germans today? No, we forgive them. But we must always check the progress of an unreflective cult that involves either death to or sex acts with or in front of children...
Anti marriage equality will be rated in our history books as bad as slavery and segregation, as, of course, it should be.

No, I'm pretty sure that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon" will be seen then as it is now, with shame and embarassment at how human fads could get so carried away as to become a cult/institution.

It will be viewed almost with the same regard as the rise of the Nazi party....that was stopped dead in its tracks right in the nick of time. Do we hate Germany or Germans today? No, we forgive them. But we must always check the progress of an unreflective cult that involves either death to or sex acts with or in front of children...

Pure bat guano crazy...heavily salted with lies and innuendo.
Anti marriage equality will be rated in our history books as bad as slavery and segregation, as, of course, it should be.

No, I'm pretty sure that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon" will be seen then as it is now, with shame and embarassment at how human fads could get so carried away as to become a cult/institution.

It will be viewed almost with the same regard as the rise of the Nazi party....that was stopped dead in its tracks right in the nick of time. Do we hate Germany or Germans today? No, we forgive them. But we must always check the progress of an unreflective cult that involves either death to or sex acts with or in front of children...
You've never been to a gay pride parade....we get that.
Anti marriage equality will be rated in our history books as bad as slavery and segregation, as, of course, it should be.

No, I'm pretty sure that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon" will be seen then as it is now, with shame and embarassment at how human fads could get so carried away as to become a cult/institution.

It will be viewed almost with the same regard as the rise of the Nazi party....that was stopped dead in its tracks right in the nick of time. Do we hate Germany or Germans today? No, we forgive them. But we must always check the progress of an unreflective cult that involves either death to or sex acts with or in front of children...
You've never been to a gay pride parade....we get that.
He didnt have to to make true statements.
Anti marriage equality will be rated in our history books as bad as slavery and segregation, as, of course, it should be.

No, I'm pretty sure that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon" will be seen then as it is now, with shame and embarassment at how human fads could get so carried away as to become a cult/institution.

It will be viewed almost with the same regard as the rise of the Nazi party....that was stopped dead in its tracks right in the nick of time. Do we hate Germany or Germans today? No, we forgive them. But we must always check the progress of an unreflective cult that involves either death to or sex acts with or in front of children...
You've never been to a gay pride parade....we get that.
He didnt have to to make true statements.

And Silhouette rarely does.
Lie: that gays doing lewd sex acts in front of kids in pride parades and celebrating a pedophile as their "sexual icon"

True: heterofascism will rank with slavery and segregation
You've never been to a gay pride parade....we get that.
Actually, let's run with that, shall we?

Let's all pitch in and buy the nine Justices tickets to front row VIP seating...no...make that...covert undisclosed seating without notifying parade organizers...yes....that will do... along San Francisco's gay pride parade next Summer in July. Let's have them watch the goings-on, with the kids in the parade alongside the leather, S&M, bondage and all the rest.

Then they can hold the Hearing on gay marriage.

Perfect! Excellent idea Seawytch. Talk about saving money for the traditional marriage legal team!
So Sil has never been to a gay parade.

SCOTUS would say that is their right, what about it?

And there would be no children.

Then let's take SCOTUS to a Mardi Gras parade where hetero fascists perform lewd acts in front of children all the time.

As usual, Sil, you would lose.

As an aside: you need to get over what happened to you when you were little. Many of us have done so. You need to do so.
So Sil has never been to a gay parade.

SCOTUS would say that is their right, what about it?

And there would be no children.

Then let's take SCOTUS to a Mardi Gras parade where hetero fascists perform lewd acts in front of children all the time.

As usual, Sil, you would lose.

As an aside: you need to get over what happened to you when you were little. Many of us have done so. You need to do so.
The ad hominems never stop from your crowd. Obviously you have membership in the moderator staff here at USMB...as everywhere else free speech and exchange of ideas is actively attacked, hampered or stifled...

Let's talk about the nine Justices attending a gay pride parade in disguise just prior to their Hearing on gay marriage.... and leave me out of it... The Justices would be smart enough to realize Mardis Gras was not a parade of "pride" but instead a drunken bacchanal, where children were not actively encouraged to come watch adult women rip their bras off in public just before they puked in the gutter. The context would not be lost on the Justices. And the sober "pride" with which sex acts were peformed in front of kids would make a deep impression, I would think..

...But again, that's only what I think...we'd have to try the experiment to see how it actually impressed the Justices. Are you game?
You've never been to a gay pride parade....we get that.
Actually, let's run with that, shall we?

Let's all pitch in and buy the nine Justices tickets to front row VIP seating...no...make that...covert undisclosed seating without notifying parade organizers...yes....that will do... along San Francisco's gay pride parade next Summer in July. Let's have them watch the goings-on, with the kids in the parade alongside the leather, S&M, bondage and all the rest.

Then they can hold the Hearing on gay marriage.

Perfect! Excellent idea Seawytch. Talk about saving money for the traditional marriage legal team!

LOL.....what is really funny/sad is that you think that the Supreme Court would consider a gay pride parade- even your fictional account of one- in a decision regarding the constitutionality of mariage.
Let's talk about the nine Justices attending a gay pride parade in disguise just prior to their Hearing on gay marriage.... and leave me out of it... The Justices would be smart enough to realize Mardis Gras was not a parade of "pride" but instead a drunken bacchanal, where children were not actively encouraged to come watch adult women rip their bras off in public just before they puked in the gutter. The context would not be lost on the Justices. And the sober "pride" with which sex acts were peformed in front of kids would make a deep impression, I would think..

Seriously- if you can get the 9 Justices of the Supreme Court to attend the San Francisco Pride Parade I would be thrilled.

I mean its nutty for you to think you could, or that they would take the parade into consideration of anything.

But since I have actually been to San Francisco Pride Parade's, I would have absolutely no objection to any- or all Supreme Court Justices attending.

Because I have actually attended- and have never seen any sex acts performed in a Pride Parade.


So Sil has never been to a gay parade.

SCOTUS would say that is their right, what about it?

And there would be no children.

Then let's take SCOTUS to a Mardi Gras parade where hetero fascists perform lewd acts in front of children all the time.

As usual, Sil, you would lose.

As an aside: you need to get over what happened to you when you were little. Many of us have done so. You need to do so.
The ad hominems never stop from your crowd. Obviously you have membership in the moderator staff here at USMB...as everywhere else ...

Let's talk about the nine Justices attending a gay pride parade in disguise just prior to their Hearing on gay marriage.... and leave me out of it... The Justices would be smart enough to realize Mardis Gras was not a parade of "pride" but instead a drunken bacchanal, where children were not actively encouraged to come watch adult women rip their bras off in public just before they puked in the gutter. The context would not be lost on the Justices. And the sober "pride" with which sex acts were peformed in front of kids would make a deep impression, I would think..

...But again, that's only what I think...we'd have to try the experiment to see how it actually impressed the Justices. Are you game?

Relevant opposition is not ad hom, Sil: this is personal for you not objective. You won't give full transparency for your motives, so the readers have every right to inquire and explore your motivation.

You attempt but fail to achieve this: "free speech and exchange of ideas is actively attacked, hampered or stifled" when it comes into conflict with your unsupported opinions.

Yes, the Justices are smart enough to understand that children are not actively encouraged to come to Gay parades. You have no evidence that sex acts are performed in front of children: that is a lie. Witness your photos above.

Sil, from the beginning you have ad hommed opponents, lied about supposed evidence, and avoided full disclosure. That is over for you: you will be honest here.
This is what I actually said, asshole. Stop putting words into my mouth. You hope a page bleeds over and you can remake the conversation to your liking without answering to the questions put to you... Here is what was said:

This isn't a question of the small number of children "needing the benefits of marriage" from gay arrangements today...or rather it is that question actually...
It's this small number's "rights" vs the overwhelming numbers of future children that can be predicted to suffer if gay marriage is incentivized by the various states to be missing one of their blood parents/the complimentarty gender 100% of the time. Children of single mothers would like those same benefits too. Do you hate them? Or are you now arguing that single mothers or fathers must be considered married (to themselves) also?
Syriously hates children. That much is obvious.

Well that makes as much sense as your arguments that children of heterosexual couples deserve protection but children of homosexual couples do not.

Homosexual couples don't have children.

And our children, the children of my same sex partner and I, laughed out loud at the silly man on the internet. :lol:

So those children each have genes from both of you?


What's serious is how confused you are regarding the difference between parenting and procreating.
Because I have actually attended- and have never seen any sex acts performed in a Pride Parade.



I guess you weren't in the Midwest when this pride parade was going down with its messages for children to see:

There are no children, Sil, is the point. That is over for you; you will be called out every time.

Now it is time for you come to tell us ALL why this is so personal for you.
There are no children, Sil, is the point. That is over for you; you will be called out every time.

Now it is time for you come to tell us ALL why this is so personal for you.
Look at my last post, the little pair of hands gripping the rail right above the ass-up "do me" gay guy spread eagle in the street (just in front of the smiling lesbians holding signs "Drill Ass, Not Gas").

Follow the heel up from the guy's tennis shoe straight up the rail to the little pair of hands compared to the adult-sized ones around them.

Are you suggesting there were no (zero) children attending or watching this gay pride parade held on a main thoroughfare in broad daylight that day?
Syriously hates children. That much is obvious.

Well that makes as much sense as your arguments that children of heterosexual couples deserve protection but children of homosexual couples do not.

Homosexual couples don't have children.

And our children, the children of my same sex partner and I, laughed out loud at the silly man on the internet. :lol:

So those children each have genes from both of you?


What's serious is how confused you are regarding the difference between parenting and procreating.

You said the children of you and your partner. That means offspring. There are no such children.

Apparently you believe procreating has nothing to do with parenting.
Those are not children's hands, Sil, follow them to the adult arms.

My sister's hands are much smaller and thinner than those pictured.

The shoes are a woman's size four.

This is what you have? What the fuck?

What is with your psychotic nonsense: tell us, please.

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