7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By John Hawkins
March 23, 2013

One of the great ironies of the gun control debate is that everyone who calls for gun control still wants a man with a gun protecting him. Every governor in America has armed security. You have to go through a metal detector guarded by men with guns to get into the Capitol building. Barack Obama has hundreds of Secret Service agents carrying fully automatic weapons who protect his safety. Even run-of-the-mill Democrats who want to take guns away from everyone else will unhesitatingly put up the phone and call the police if they feel threatened -- so that a man with a gun can show up and make them safe.

But, if a man in a bad neighborhood wants a gun to make his family safe, a rape victim wants a gun to be protected, or just the average Joe wants a gun in case his life is endangered by a burglar, thug or the next Adam Lanza, these same people want to take their guns away. Pro-gun control Democrats may think we have an "upper class" that deserves to be protected with guns while it's okay if the "peons" get shot, but that goes against the core of what America is supposed to be. If your child's life is in danger, you should have every bit as much of a right and opportunity to defend his life as the Secret Service does to defend the President of the United States when he's threatened.

Unfortunately, there are some people in this country who apparently believe they're so special, so elite, so much better than the rest of the "riff-raff," that they should have a right to be protected even if you don't.

1) The Journal-News: The Journal News printed "the names and addresses of gun permit holders in Rockland and Westchester counties" as its way of taking a dig at gun owners. But, this attitude about guns certainly did change when the shoe was on the other foot.

2) Dianne Feinstein:

3) Mark Kelly, the husband of Former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-AZ):

4) Shania Twain:

5) Rosie O'Donnell:

6) Sarah Brady:

7) Michael Moore:

Yet, Michael Moore has an armed bodyguard. We know because that bodyguard was arrested carrying his weapon.


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7 Liberal Hypocrites Who Call For Gun Control While Being Protected By Guns - John Hawkins - [page]
What's hypocritical about it? Are you equating gun control and gun banning? That would seem to make you guilty of lying.
What's hypocritical about it? Are you equating gun control and gun banning? That would seem to make you guilty of lying.

Isn't that the ultimate goal of Progressives like you? You continually point to the UK and Australia as examples while leaving out the consequences that the people pay by being made defenseless.
Thank you for the illustration of liberal hypocrisy. They want everyone to be defenseless except them.

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