7 States Sue over Contraception Mandate. It's not just the Catholics, OBUMMER!

If they are subject to regulation, why are you whining about this.

There's a regulation. YOu have to provide reproductive health coverage to your employees. We're done here.
The only thing a company is supposed to provide is a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

Look, I think that employer provided health insurance is an awful idea, but theres reluctance to go to single payer in this country. Private Health insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy and support. Medicare Part C, SCHIPP, tax credits, and so on.

This isn't an issue of cost. This is an issue of the Churches wanting to impose their religion on their employees in the part of their business that has nothing to do with religion.

The Bishops were all for ObamaCare when they realized it would subsidize a lot of new customers for them. They just saw the big dollar signs and said, "Oh, yeah!"

And now there's a string attached they don't like. can't feel sorry for them.
Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.
You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.
My first laugh out loud of the morning.

Until you get a job shut the fuck up.

I have a job. A union job. I make good money and have great healthcare coverage and a good pension coming,

very very soon. So the joke's on you, Corky.

Well junior then you are clueless the only thing a company is regulated to provide is what I said earlier. Now if you have a contract that's a different issue, but a company cannot be forced to doing anything other than provide a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.
Until you get a job shut the fuck up.

I have a job. A union job. I make good money and have great healthcare coverage and a good pension coming,

very very soon. So the joke's on you, Corky.

Well junior then you are clueless the only thing a company is regulated to provide is what I said earlier. Now if you have a contract that's a different issue, but a company cannot be forced to doing anything other than provide a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

A company that provides health insurance can be 'forced' to comply with all laws/regulations that apply to employer provided health insurance.
The only thing a company is supposed to provide is a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

Look, I think that employer provided health insurance is an awful idea, but theres reluctance to go to single payer in this country. Private Health insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy and support. Medicare Part C, SCHIPP, tax credits, and so on.

This isn't an issue of cost. This is an issue of the Churches wanting to impose their religion on their employees in the part of their business that has nothing to do with religion.

The Bishops were all for ObamaCare when they realized it would subsidize a lot of new customers for them. They just saw the big dollar signs and said, "Oh, yeah!"

And now there's a string attached they don't like. can't feel sorry for them.
Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.
You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.

Companies are required to pay payroll tax. They are required to withhold taxes. They are required to comply with all mandated standards on their products. They are required to comply with labor laws beyond min. wage and comp. If they are publicly traded they are subject to whole other layer of regulation/laws. They must comply with hiring regulations regarding such things as discrimination.
I have a job. A union job. I make good money and have great healthcare coverage and a good pension coming,

very very soon. So the joke's on you, Corky.

Well junior then you are clueless the only thing a company is regulated to provide is what I said earlier. Now if you have a contract that's a different issue, but a company cannot be forced to doing anything other than provide a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

A company that provides health insurance can be 'forced' to comply with all laws/regulations that apply to employer provided health insurance.
A company does not have to provide healthcare coverage even with obamacare they don't.
Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

Look, I think that employer provided health insurance is an awful idea, but theres reluctance to go to single payer in this country. Private Health insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy and support. Medicare Part C, SCHIPP, tax credits, and so on.

This isn't an issue of cost. This is an issue of the Churches wanting to impose their religion on their employees in the part of their business that has nothing to do with religion.

The Bishops were all for ObamaCare when they realized it would subsidize a lot of new customers for them. They just saw the big dollar signs and said, "Oh, yeah!"

And now there's a string attached they don't like. can't feel sorry for them.
Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.
You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.

Companies are required to pay payroll tax. They are required to withhold taxes. They are required to comply with all mandated standards on their products. They are required to comply with labor laws beyond min. wage and comp. If they are publicly traded they are subject to whole other layer of regulation/laws. They must comply with hiring regulations regarding such things as discrimination.
Well shit you know I wasn't talking about taxes, but a tax hungry bitch like you wouldn't understand that.
what if christians sceintists want the same specail treatment?

This is what liberals do when you bring up their attacks on religious freedoms, they bring up a hypothetical.

"Why if you allow these guys to have religious freedom, ALL THE RELIGIONS MIGHT WANT THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!" :eek:

It tells you more about how liberals think than anything else.


I've got news for you, I have never seen any evidence that the particular progressive in question thinks at all, so really it doesn't tell you anything at all about how progressives or liberals think.

Well junior then you are clueless the only thing a company is regulated to provide is what I said earlier. Now if you have a contract that's a different issue, but a company cannot be forced to doing anything other than provide a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

A company that provides health insurance can be 'forced' to comply with all laws/regulations that apply to employer provided health insurance.
A company does not have to provide healthcare coverage even with obamacare they don't.
thanks for the eye opener captain obvious
The only thing a company is supposed to provide is a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.

Why should they provide those things if they should be allowed to provide the others?

I mean, if you "logic" that requiring a business to follow common sense laws is imfringing on their freedom, why should they be required to provide minimum wage or workers comp or a safe working environment? (There are exemptions to all of those rules, by the way.)

I frankly like drinking clean water and I like breathing clean air and I like the fact that when I pay money into health insurance as a condition of my employment, I'm not going to find out I've been cheated when I get sick or need care.

This law makes sense.

Here's the dirty little secret. The modern workplace is based on the ability of women to control WHEN they get pregnant. So most sensible businesses have no problem with family planning as part of the coverage.

A pregnant worker costs a company a lot more than one on the pill.

Case in point. - Our HR director went out for a pregnancy last year. They had to pay her medical expenses, had to hire a temp to cover for her for those three months and for one month after and before she left. She took her vacation time for some of that leave and I think there was some paid leave involved there, but I'm not entirely sure.

Making this an argument of "capitalism" vs. "socialism" is just laughable. And Freedom? Sorry, that's a joke.
Well junior then you are clueless the only thing a company is regulated to provide is what I said earlier. Now if you have a contract that's a different issue, but a company cannot be forced to doing anything other than provide a safe working environment, workers comp. and minimum wage.

A company that provides health insurance can be 'forced' to comply with all laws/regulations that apply to employer provided health insurance.
A company does not have to provide healthcare coverage even with obamacare they don't.

TRue enough. But they also don't get the benefits of providing health insurance.

Frankly, no one is going to take a job without health insurance these days. It's too risky, and the kind of person who'd take that job is one you wouldn't want to hire, anyway.

If you are going to INSIST on retaining this awful system of employer provided health care, which doesn't really even cover more than half the population, then you should at least provide standards.
OMG... you're one of those?

That explains a lot.

Always knew Carbonated was a thug.
is that jealousy in the air....

Always something that amazes me about some on the right.

They give up their unions, agree to dumb ass free trade treaties, trade a pension for a 401K, and instead of being mad at the people who cheated them, they are mad at the people who didn't go along with the gag.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, but instead of demanding the arsonist be brought to justice, you insist they have to burn down your neighbor's house, too.
Always knew Carbonated was a thug.
is that jealousy in the air....

Always something that amazes me about some on the right.

They give up their unions, agree to dumb ass free trade treaties, trade a pension for a 401K, and instead of being mad at the people who cheated them, they are mad at the people who didn't go along with the gag.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, but instead of demanding the arsonist be brought to justice, you insist they have to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

One sided idiocy..

is that jealousy in the air....

Always something that amazes me about some on the right.

They give up their unions, agree to dumb ass free trade treaties, trade a pension for a 401K, and instead of being mad at the people who cheated them, they are mad at the people who didn't go along with the gag.

It's like an arsonist burns down your house, but instead of demanding the arsonist be brought to justice, you insist they have to burn down your neighbor's house, too.

One sided idiocy..


Dude, I would love to go back to what my Father had. he belonged to a union, brought home good union wages, was able to raise five kids in a nice Chicago Neighborhood, and own a little fishing place in Wisconsin. Mom only had to work part time, she could spend time with the kids. OH, yeah, and his insurance was top-notch.

I'm really not sure why you think this was sooo horrible, or why you think destroying those middle class wages so the rich could get greater returns on their investment was good for the middle class, family values or the country as a whole.

I am personally horrified that we have record numbers of people on food stamps, but I'm even more horrified that 40% of those people have jobs. They are making the effort.
Or whatever else we as a society decide they should.

You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.

Why should they provide those things if they should be allowed to provide the others?

I mean, if you "logic" that requiring a business to follow common sense laws is imfringing on their freedom, why should they be required to provide minimum wage or workers comp or a safe working environment? (There are exemptions to all of those rules, by the way.)

I frankly like drinking clean water and I like breathing clean air and I like the fact that when I pay money into health insurance as a condition of my employment, I'm not going to find out I've been cheated when I get sick or need care.

This law makes sense.

Here's the dirty little secret. The modern workplace is based on the ability of women to control WHEN they get pregnant. So most sensible businesses have no problem with family planning as part of the coverage.

A pregnant worker costs a company a lot more than one on the pill.

Case in point. - Our HR director went out for a pregnancy last year. They had to pay her medical expenses, had to hire a temp to cover for her for those three months and for one month after and before she left. She took her vacation time for some of that leave and I think there was some paid leave involved there, but I'm not entirely sure.

Making this an argument of "capitalism" vs. "socialism" is just laughable. And Freedom? Sorry, that's a joke.

Sorry, but there is a difference between being able to offer such a benefit and being forced to do so. I would agree that it costs less to provide BC coverage than for a certain percentage of the staff to be pregnant at any given time, but then that certain percentage is going to happen naturally anyway.

I'm sorry you think "freedom" is a joke. Maybe that is why this country has gone to hell in a hand basket.

You just came out of the fucking closet with this post.
In a free market system society doesn't get to decide a damn thing how a private sector company is run, with exception to what I said. You're a fucking socialist.

Why should they provide those things if they should be allowed to provide the others?

I mean, if you "logic" that requiring a business to follow common sense laws is imfringing on their freedom, why should they be required to provide minimum wage or workers comp or a safe working environment? (There are exemptions to all of those rules, by the way.)

I frankly like drinking clean water and I like breathing clean air and I like the fact that when I pay money into health insurance as a condition of my employment, I'm not going to find out I've been cheated when I get sick or need care.

This law makes sense.

Here's the dirty little secret. The modern workplace is based on the ability of women to control WHEN they get pregnant. So most sensible businesses have no problem with family planning as part of the coverage.

A pregnant worker costs a company a lot more than one on the pill.

Case in point. - Our HR director went out for a pregnancy last year. They had to pay her medical expenses, had to hire a temp to cover for her for those three months and for one month after and before she left. She took her vacation time for some of that leave and I think there was some paid leave involved there, but I'm not entirely sure.

Making this an argument of "capitalism" vs. "socialism" is just laughable. And Freedom? Sorry, that's a joke.

Sorry, but there is a difference between being able to offer such a benefit and being forced to do so. I would agree that it costs less to provide BC coverage than for a certain percentage of the staff to be pregnant at any given time, but then that certain percentage is going to happen naturally anyway.

I'm sorry you think "freedom" is a joke. Maybe that is why this country has gone to hell in a hand basket.

I agree. Freedom is not a joke and must be defended BY the people at all times...the cost of being a citizen...the Founders warned us. Shame it had to come to such monumental circumstances for some to wake up.
Sorry, but there is a difference between being able to offer such a benefit and being forced to do so. I would agree that it costs less to provide BC coverage than for a certain percentage of the staff to be pregnant at any given time, but then that certain percentage is going to happen naturally anyway.

I'm sorry you think "freedom" is a joke. Maybe that is why this country has gone to hell in a hand basket.


Well, no, it's going to hell in a handbasket because stupid people think that the rich getting away with fucking murder (literally) needs to be allowed in the name of "Freedom".

The Catholic Church (an organization that knowingly sheilded pedophiles for decades) is insisting that it has a right to impose its moral beliefs on its employees. Even if said employees are not working specifically in the religion end of their business or are even members of their faith.

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