7 ways Obama called the GOP BUMS today...and no lie. Lois also telling the obvious...

''Obama didn't hold himself totally blameless though -- "there's no doubt that I can always do better on everything," he acknowledged in his remarks in the White House briefing room.

But it was clear the president was in the mood for a summer scolding. Here are seven ways the president basically called Republicans bums today:

1. 'They're Not Even Trying'

“We all agree that there is a problem that needs to be solved in a portion of our southern border. And we even agree on most of the solutions. But instead of working together, instead of focusing on the 80 percent where there is agreement between Democrats and Republicans, between the administration and Congress, House Republicans as we speak are trying to pass the most extreme and unworkable versions of a bill that they already know is going nowhere, that can't pass the Senate and that if it were to pass the Senate, I would veto. They know it. They're not even trying to actually solve the problem.”

2. So Sue Me?

”Keep in mind that just a few days earlier, they voted to sue me for acting on my own, and then when they couldn't pass a bill yesterday, they put out a statement suggesting I should act on my own because they couldn't pass a bill.” "

The GOP is so scared of the loudmouth, ignorant, racist far right...
“So now we have a short-term crisis with respect to the Rio Grande Valley. They say we need more resources, we need tougher border security in this area, where these unaccompanied children are showing up. We agree, so we put forward a supplemental to give us the additional resources and funding to do exactly what they say we should be doing. And they can't pass the bill. They can't even pass their own version of the bill. So that's not a disagreement between me and the House Republicans. That's a disagreement between the House Republicans and the House Republicans.”

Shitting BUll in 2010 the Nigga was saying that he could not in good conscience condone amnesty...what happened?
Very nice, racist moron. He's just following the law, if you're talking about the children. If you're talking about the immigration bill that would FINALLY end our illegal alien worker mess with a good ID card, it has so many hoops to jump through, calling it amnesty is brainwashed loudmouth idiocy...getting into the crack a little early, aren't you?
ok, well yawn

he said the same shit he has for six frikken years

you think that might be why his disapproves are in the shitter?

oh well....you had an orgasm over it that's all that matters
Very nice, racist moron. He's just following the law, if you're talking about the children. If you're talking about the immigration bill that would FINALLY end our illegal alien worker mess with a good ID card, it has so many hoops to jump through, calling it amnesty is brainwashed loudmouth idiocy...getting into the crack a little early, aren't you?

For example, there are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. And often this argument is framed in moral terms: Why should we punish people who are just trying to earn a living?
I recognize the sense of compassion that drives this argument, but I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision. And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally.

Patterico's Pontifications » President Obama On Illegal Immigration: Then And Now

Eat shit franco.
Pure racist hatred is hardly the way to go. You chumps are megarich Pubs' perfect dupes. They love cheap, easily bullied labor, and distract you fools with useless, un-American Berlin Walls and harassment laws, and impossible, stupid mass deportations that can never happen. You have to have a good ID card to stop illegal immigration, period.

The children now are only being processed as the law impels, you STUPID BRAINWASHED HATER DUPES.
Pure racist hatred is hardly the way to go. You chumps are megarich Pubs' perfect dupes. They love cheap, easily bullied labor, and distract you fools with useless, un-American Berlin Walls and harassment laws, and impossible, stupid mass deportations that can never happen. You have to have a good ID card to stop illegal immigration, period.

The children now are only being processed as the law impels, you STUPID BRAINWASHED HATER DUPES.

Thats what yo nigga said....what changed spick?
What a stumbling, mumbling fool. Good lord, where was the hook for this bozo?

Obama- " Pause........ Um... Congress does nothing...... Pause......... Um............ Something we all agree..... Pause......... Um.........they left on vacation and I'm here........ Um... Pause..... Citizens in Gaza are being killed......... Pause.... Um...."

What a stupid POS Obama is

Hater dupes are now down to just pure hate....hilarious. And makes the GOP look only worse and worse....
And yet you and him expect people to work with him. In reality though what you both want is people to do as they are told. Ain't working buddy.

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