70 Nations that will meet in Paris on Jan. 15th are going to publicly commit to dividing Israel


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The 70 Nations That Will Meet In Paris On January 15th Are Going To Publicly Commit To Dividing The Land Of Israel
A draft of the summary statement that will be released at the conclusion of the 70 nation conference in Paris on Sunday has been leaked. As you will see below, this communique is going to call for the division of the land of Israel, for the establishment of a Palestinian state, for the 1967 borders to serve as the basis for final negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and for the condemnation of any officials that refuse to support a two state solution. Of course this comes on the heels of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which many believe represented America’s greatest betrayal of Israel. Israeli government officials are publicly warning that there is a possibility that the principles agreed upon at this conference may form the basis for another Security Council resolution before January 20th, and this is something that we should all be watching for very closely.
Well can't wait to see what this will bring. Should be interesting. As many blame Israel for some bs they have no idea about nor how they too have been blamed like Russia , and no that is not to say they are perfect or haven't screwed up but man Obama sure screwed with them bad.

The sob probably has probably set up a nice war that will fall right into Trump;s hands and then the trendy nut jobs will just love to blame him.
I've lost count of the posters on this site telling me how irrelevant was the UN Security Council Resolution.

“We find ourselves only a few days before the Paris conference and, only a few days later, a Security Council debate,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. “We are making a great effort to prevent another Security Council resolution.”
read more: http://www.haaretz.com
I've lost count of the posters on this site telling me how irrelevant was the UN Security Council Resolution.

“We find ourselves only a few days before the Paris conference and, only a few days later, a Security Council debate,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. “We are making a great effort to prevent another Security Council resolution.”
read more: http://www.haaretz.com

That's because you can't understand or see through their covered up bs. They are not a humanitarian group. They are about population control. Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 is where it tells people right to their faces what the plans are the problem is the average person doesn't question it, doesn't understand it because they once again Glamorize their moves.
I've lost count of the posters on this site telling me how irrelevant was the UN Security Council Resolution.

“We find ourselves only a few days before the Paris conference and, only a few days later, a Security Council debate,” Netanyahu said at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday. “We are making a great effort to prevent another Security Council resolution.”
read more: http://www.haaretz.com

As I discussed earlier this week, the globalists want to use “sustainable development” as an excuse to micromanage the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire globe.

We are told that individual liberty and freedom are “dangerous” because when everyone just runs around doing whatever they want it is “bad for the planet”.

For example, one of the goals of the sustainable development crowd is to push the human population into giant “megacities” and to allow nature to recapture much of what has already been settled by humanity.

The following map that comes from America 2050 is one example of what they want to do. A recent piece by Dave Hodges alerted me to this map, and it shows what the United States may look like in a few decades if the globalists have their way…

And of course this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Eventually, the globalists want to fundamentally transform virtually everything about our society. This includes our economy, our government, our entertainment, our social interactions, our families and even our religious beliefs.

So don’t let all of the nice language fool you.

This “new universal Agenda” is far, far more dangerous than Agenda 21 ever was, and it is a giant step forward into a one world system governed by bureaucratic control freaks.

In September 2015, Agenda 21 Will Be Transformed Into The 2030 Agenda
The land that Israel is on was called Judea at the time of Christ. Guess that should let everyone know just who has the right to be there.+

Oh and the UN can kiss Israel's ass.
The 70 Nations That Will Meet In Paris On January 15th Are Going To Publicly Commit To Dividing The Land Of Israel
A draft of the summary statement that will be released at the conclusion of the 70 nation conference in Paris on Sunday has been leaked. As you will see below, this communique is going to call for the division of the land of Israel, for the establishment of a Palestinian state, for the 1967 borders to serve as the basis for final negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians, and for the condemnation of any officials that refuse to support a two state solution. Of course this comes on the heels of UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which many believe represented America’s greatest betrayal of Israel. Israeli government officials are publicly warning that there is a possibility that the principles agreed upon at this conference may form the basis for another Security Council resolution before January 20th, and this is something that we should all be watching for very closely.
Well can't wait to see what this will bring. Should be interesting. As many blame Israel for some bs they have no idea about nor how they too have been blamed like Russia , and no that is not to say they are perfect or haven't screwed up but man Obama sure screwed with them bad.

The sob probably has probably set up a nice war that will fall right into Trump;s hands and then the trendy nut jobs will just love to blame him.
Great news! I can't wait....gonna suck listening to every Cuckservative news site whining about it for days on end but will be a great thing to see.
This means nothing until those countries to commit to invading Israel to enforce their split.
The land that Israel is on was called Judea at the time of Christ. Guess that should let everyone know just who has the right to be there.+

Oh and the UN can kiss Israel's ass.
Yep. It's called "The Land of Israel."

The Romans called it "Palestine" to spite the Jews. The Nazis have always sided with Israel's enemies.
The land that Israel is on was called Judea at the time of Christ. Guess that should let everyone know just who has the right to be there.+

Oh and the UN can kiss Israel's ass.
Yep. It's called "The Land of Israel."

The Romans called it "Palestine" to spite the Jews. The Nazis have always sided with Israel's enemies.
Lol's. Its called the land of israel in a book of fiction you tard. We live in the real world not fantasy like you xtians do.
That's because you can't understand or see through their covered up bs. They are not a humanitarian group. They are about population control. Agenda 21/ Agenda 2030 is where it tells people right to their faces what the plans are the problem is the average person doesn't question it, doesn't understand it because they once again Glamorize their moves.
Who are 'they'?
The land that Israel is on was called Judea at the time of Christ. Guess that should let everyone know just who has the right to be there.+

Oh and the UN can kiss Israel's ass.

We can't make decisions based on what a religious text says.

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