70% of workers are likely to quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle

If nobody applied for 7.25 per hour jobs employers would increase their pay. So simply don't apply. It's a win for the worker and a winning situation all around.

Unemployment is so cool.
50% of workers made less than $28,000 a year in 2015. That's around $13 an hour. 71% make less than $50K a year, around $24 an hour, but we also know most households work more than one job to make that $50 K a year. $24 an hour is less than $1 an hour in 1972 dollars. I know the shills here hate reality, and they hate people with real jobs, so they can keep whining about barely being able to beat out traitors and deviants by a couple of percentage points every election cycle rather than admit they're stupid and can't help themselves since they're just as much socipaths as their left wing buddies.

If the right wingers and Wall Street shills were really all for laissex faire n stuff thye would be demanding an end to limited liability protections and limites on short sales and a whole raft of big bennies for corporations instead of whining about minimum wage like good little puppets. But we all know right wingers wouldn't be caught dead supporting laissez faire, they're just big phonies like their fellow Wall Street shills on the left these days.

$24 an hour is less than $1 an hour in 1972 dollars.

View attachment 281108

CPI Inflation Calculator

BLS says you're way off.

BLs is ly8ing as usual; the government has a vested interest in claiming inflation is much lower than it really is, as do employers and clueless tards like yourself. Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats.com have much better claculators, and foreign banks also calculate theriown stats when analyisng American markets and disposalbe incomes. This info is for the Peanut Gallery, since it's over your head like most arithmetic.
Employers today don't want to retain their best employees anyway as there are so many highly qualified hard working young people to fill those positions.
If nobody applied for 7.25 per hour jobs employers would increase their pay. So simply don't apply. It's a win for the worker and a winning situation all around.

There is no labor shortage, nevre has been, eithe skille dor unskilled. Some employer wanting to get rich in one month instead of in two months if he could hire another employee isn't a lavor shortage, it's just some tard who wants to make money faster, is all. We don't need green cards, we don't need imigration, and we certainly don't need 340 million college degrees, not with most job creation being shit part time service industiry jobs.
Employers today don't want to retain their best employees anyway as there are so many highly qualified hard working young people to fill those positions.

Most tech companies dump employees over 35 to 40 years old. Average career spans for programmers is about five years, hardly enough time to get any real experience; never been a shortage of those either. These companies should be forced to pay for all those college loan sharking scams they genereate by lying to the public about fake 'labor shortages'.
50% of workers made less than $28,000 a year in 2015. That's around $13 an hour. 71% make less than $50K a year, around $24 an hour, but we also know most households work more than one job to make that $50 K a year. $24 an hour is less than $1 an hour in 1972 dollars. I know the shills here hate reality, and they hate people with real jobs, so they can keep whining about barely being able to beat out traitors and deviants by a couple of percentage points every election cycle rather than admit they're stupid and can't help themselves since they're just as much socipaths as their left wing buddies.

If the right wingers and Wall Street shills were really all for laissex faire n stuff thye would be demanding an end to limited liability protections and limites on short sales and a whole raft of big bennies for corporations instead of whining about minimum wage like good little puppets. But we all know right wingers wouldn't be caught dead supporting laissez faire, they're just big phonies like their fellow Wall Street shills on the left these days.

$24 an hour is less than $1 an hour in 1972 dollars.

View attachment 281108

CPI Inflation Calculator

BLS says you're way off.

BLs is ly8ing as usual; the government has a vested interest in claiming inflation is much lower than it really is, as do employers and clueless tards like yourself. Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats.com have much better claculators, and foreign banks also calculate theriown stats when analyisng American markets and disposalbe incomes. This info is for the Peanut Gallery, since it's over your head like most arithmetic.

BLs is ly8ing as usual;

Post your "better than government" source.

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats.com have much better claculators,

Figures. You're dumb enough to think that Shadowstats actually calculates anything.

Why don't you tell me how many data points (items) he uses so we can exam your claim?
There was a time that workers wages were a lot closer. Our employee system is fragmented. Employees are overcompensated....

It is for what we really could afford. I am in this group. Government employees were raised because we were supposed to get much better employees. The corruption was supposed to be near eliminated. That did not happen. We have smarter people in jobs that pay less then privileged people who were hired not on ability alone.
Another dumb fuck opinion piece, News flash needle dicks.....

1. Who makes minimum wage and stays at minimum wage for months or years at end?



70% of workers quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle

70% of workers are likely to quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle
  • A survey of tens of thousands of small businesses reveals that the employee turnover rate is more than double the national average when employees are paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour.
  • With a nationwide movement to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour, the research shows that turnover rates would decline as a result, though with a diminishing impact once wages pass $15.
Matthew Castillon, data scientist at Gusto
Published 3 Hours Ago Updated
Fast-food workers and supporters fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
For the more than 6 million small businesses nationwide, employee turnover can be a brutal expense.

In fact, nearly 1 in 3 (32%) employees will no longer be at their current employer one year from now. For a team of 20, where each person earns $50,000, that turnover rate can cost a business more than $100,000 a year. That's why reducing turnover is essential for keeping costs down as it relates to hiring, onboarding and training employees.

In a recent analysis of why employees leave small businesses, the research team at payroll, HR and benefits company Gusto found a strong correlation between hourly wage thresholds and the rate of turnover.

According to the data from tens of thousands of small business employers who work with Gusto across the U.S., employees earning $7.25/hour (the current federal minimum wage) have a 70% chance of leaving within a year, more than double the average turnover rate of 32%.

This finding comes alongside the recent passage of the Raise the Wage Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill proposes a gradual increase to the federal minimum wage from $7.25/hour to $15/hour by 2025. The Senate hasn't considered the bill at this point, yetnearly all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates support the legislation.
There aren't even jobs here in KC that pay minimum wage lol. McDonald's and all the others advertise starting wages at 9
BLs is ly8ing as usual;

Post your "better than government" source.

lol Todd is now rattled and can't even read, yet posts ....

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats.com have much better claculators,
Figures. You're dumb enough to think that Shadowstats actually calculates anything.

Why don't you tell me how many data points (items) he uses so we can exam your claim?

Figures you never fail to keep posting stupidity, not even once.
Another dumb fuck opinion piece, News flash needle dicks.....

1. Who makes minimum wage and stays at minimum wage for months or years at end?



70% of workers quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle

70% of workers are likely to quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle
  • A survey of tens of thousands of small businesses reveals that the employee turnover rate is more than double the national average when employees are paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour.
  • With a nationwide movement to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour, the research shows that turnover rates would decline as a result, though with a diminishing impact once wages pass $15.
Matthew Castillon, data scientist at Gusto
Published 3 Hours Ago Updated
Fast-food workers and supporters fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
For the more than 6 million small businesses nationwide, employee turnover can be a brutal expense.

In fact, nearly 1 in 3 (32%) employees will no longer be at their current employer one year from now. For a team of 20, where each person earns $50,000, that turnover rate can cost a business more than $100,000 a year. That's why reducing turnover is essential for keeping costs down as it relates to hiring, onboarding and training employees.

In a recent analysis of why employees leave small businesses, the research team at payroll, HR and benefits company Gusto found a strong correlation between hourly wage thresholds and the rate of turnover.

According to the data from tens of thousands of small business employers who work with Gusto across the U.S., employees earning $7.25/hour (the current federal minimum wage) have a 70% chance of leaving within a year, more than double the average turnover rate of 32%.

This finding comes alongside the recent passage of the Raise the Wage Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill proposes a gradual increase to the federal minimum wage from $7.25/hour to $15/hour by 2025. The Senate hasn't considered the bill at this point, yetnearly all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates support the legislation.
There aren't even jobs here in KC that pay minimum wage lol. McDonald's and all the others advertise starting wages at 9

Which of course is way below what minimum wage would be if adjusted to reflect real inflation, which you class warfare advocates keep hoping to ignore.
BLs is ly8ing as usual;

Post your "better than government" source.

lol Todd is now rattled and can't even read, yet posts ....

Seeking Alpha and Shadowstats.com have much better claculators,
Figures. You're dumb enough to think that Shadowstats actually calculates anything.

Why don't you tell me how many data points (items) he uses so we can exam your claim?

Figures you never fail to keep posting stupidity, not even once.

Can't wait to see your "Shadowstats calculator" DURR.
Another dumb fuck opinion piece, News flash needle dicks.....

1. Who makes minimum wage and stays at minimum wage for months or years at end?



70% of workers quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle

70% of workers are likely to quit at current $7.25 federal minimum wage in 'brutal' turnover cycle
  • A survey of tens of thousands of small businesses reveals that the employee turnover rate is more than double the national average when employees are paid the federal minimum wage of $7.25/hour.
  • With a nationwide movement to raise the minimum wage to $15/hour, the research shows that turnover rates would decline as a result, though with a diminishing impact once wages pass $15.
Matthew Castillon, data scientist at Gusto
Published 3 Hours Ago Updated
Fast-food workers and supporters fight to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour.
For the more than 6 million small businesses nationwide, employee turnover can be a brutal expense.

In fact, nearly 1 in 3 (32%) employees will no longer be at their current employer one year from now. For a team of 20, where each person earns $50,000, that turnover rate can cost a business more than $100,000 a year. That's why reducing turnover is essential for keeping costs down as it relates to hiring, onboarding and training employees.

In a recent analysis of why employees leave small businesses, the research team at payroll, HR and benefits company Gusto found a strong correlation between hourly wage thresholds and the rate of turnover.

According to the data from tens of thousands of small business employers who work with Gusto across the U.S., employees earning $7.25/hour (the current federal minimum wage) have a 70% chance of leaving within a year, more than double the average turnover rate of 32%.

This finding comes alongside the recent passage of the Raise the Wage Act in the U.S. House of Representatives. The bill proposes a gradual increase to the federal minimum wage from $7.25/hour to $15/hour by 2025. The Senate hasn't considered the bill at this point, yetnearly all 2020 Democratic presidential candidates support the legislation.
There aren't even jobs here in KC that pay minimum wage lol. McDonald's and all the others advertise starting wages at 9

Which of course is way below what minimum wage would be if adjusted to reflect real inflation, which you class warfare advocates keep hoping to ignore.
I have two nuts, one for both of your IQ points.
Another needle dick, look at the job boards, show me where manufacturing pays the federal minimum wage in red states? Hell you can even work at McDonald's in Greenville South Carolina @ $12 bucks an hour to start.

Another math challenged meth head who doesn't realize $12 an hour is still way below minimum wage adjusted for inflation, but class warfare is all most ideologues, left or right, really have to spread around. $17 an hour would be the most conservative estimate, with around $27 an hour being the base if using the gokd standard.

Btw just reading another asinine blog

An $18.42 Minimum Wage? (graph)

The purchasing power of the minimum wage peaked in the late 1960s at $9.54 an hour in 2014 dollars. That is over two dollars above the current level of $7.25 an hour. While raising the minimum wage to $9.54 would provide a large improvement in living standards for millions of workers who are currently paid at or near the minimum wage, it is worth asking a slightly different question: what if the minimum wage had kept in step with productivity growth over the last 44 years? In other words, rather than just keeping purchasing power constant at the 1968 level, suppose that our lowest paid workers shared evenly in the economic growth over the intervening years.

Another abuse of math here. Guess what, when you outsource your highest productivity jobs to Red China and Mexico, of ocurse productivity drops. Duh. Productivity gains themselves don't generate higher wages, not when you can get green cards out the wazoo and get indentured servants and not have to hire Americans. Same with criminal illegal aliens and the construction industry. Import some 30 million illegals over 40 years, then snivle when there are few American citizens who apply when the crackdown comes. Just because employers cry and demand instant gratification fo rtheir whims doesn't mean there is a geniune labor shortage; that's just ideoligical rubbish.

This should not seem like a far-fetched idea.
Of course it's a far fetched idea you ever hear of companies, I dont know investing in computers you stupid fucks, worker productivity went up because the companies invested in technology.... god damn the workers didn't all of a sudden work harder compared to a worker in the 1880s.


Actully they work much longer hours than they used to, and for far lower wages, but I guess you stupid fucks can't wrap your tiny frontal lobes around that.

As for tech, it's another government subisidy employers feel like they're entitled to get for free as well.

You stupid fuck, you still dont know the cost of living huh shit for brains.

And guess what $12 an hour is $4.75 over minimum wage your buying power goes waaaay more then if minimum wage was $12 bucks an hour.

You still cant figure it out can you economic illiterate, raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour then instead of 2% of workers making minimum, over 30% of WORKERS would make minimum wage

And the 40 hour work wee didn't start till the 1900's


you sound like one of those tards who hates any increase in minimum wage because it will make you look like a moron for pretending your $14 an hour job makes you Speshul and much better than someone who makes less, never mind you're just sucking ass and hoping nobody notices you're 'skilled labor' isn't really worth shit in real life. If you really beleive your math, then why run to your boss and demand a pay cut, show him what a total suck ass you are and how you'r willing to out your money where your mouth is, in your case far less money.

Say what?

No I dont want to pay more for the same thing, all it is raising the national minimum wage is a tax on the rest of us, you cant figure it out huh?

In your pea brain you think your sticking it to the man and he will eat the extra cost...

Once again minimum wage is the bottom, you will never ever get ahead by raising the national minimum wage you economic illiterate.

50% of workers made less than $28,000 a year in 2015. That's around $13 an hour. 71% make less than $50K a year, around $24 an hour, but we also know most households work more than one job to make that $50 K a year. $24 an hour is less than $1 an hour in 1972 dollars. I know the shills here hate reality, and they hate people with real jobs, so they can keep whining about barely being able to beat out traitors and deviants by a couple of percentage points every election cycle rather than admit they're stupid and can't help themselves since they're just as much socipaths as their left wing buddies.

If the right wingers and Wall Street shills were really all for laissex faire n stuff thye would be demanding an end to limited liability protections and limites on short sales and a whole raft of big bennies for corporations instead of whining about minimum wage like good little puppets. But we all know right wingers wouldn't be caught dead supporting laissez faire, they're just big phonies like their fellow Wall Street shills on the left these days.

Exactly you tard raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour means over 30% of Americans will be fucking making minimum wage..

Trickle up poor/ trickle up misery/ 1960s communism where people make the same wage and no one wants to work hard, because lazy fucks like you will waste half your time playing candy land or upgrading your FB status.

50% of workers made less than $28,000 a year in 2015. That's around $13 an hour.

Did you consider that many of those jobs are part-time? (I didn't think so.)

P.S. Your ideological diatribes are off topic.
Employers today don't want to retain their best employees anyway as there are so many highly qualified hard working young people to fill those positions.

Most tech companies dump employees over 35 to 40 years old. Average career spans for programmers is about five years, hardly enough time to get any real experience; never been a shortage of those either. These companies should be forced to pay for all those college loan sharking scams they genereate by lying to the public about fake 'labor shortages'.

It is illegal to discriminate against people over 40. However, laggards of any age can and should be fired. Like you.
The truly sad part is that someone paid to find out that there is a strong correlation between hourly wage thresholds and the rate of turnover....something any of us could have told them for free.

And why would anyone stay in a minimum wage job if they don't have to?

Because there is nothing else available.
Obviously there is or we wouldn't be seeing the high turnover we are. Bolsters the idea that MW jobs are supposed to be temporary.
At 7.25 employers don't expect much productivity if any at all. So people don't take those jobs seriously at all. They walk away whenever they want...as it should be.
Why should they stay?
They have nothing to lose
Life for a single mother who
gets no help at all
------would be arduous

She would also be eligible for an array of welfare benefits, including food, housing, medical care.

But don't let facts get in the way of your narrative.
Also remember these kids who the jobs are meant for also are still on their parents insurance. So they don’t have that expense.

They have the expense of trying to start out in life

Get a car, pay for gas and insurance
Pay for a college education
Eventually move out of their parents house

$7.25 doesn’t cut it

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