70 year old grandmother may lose home,business and life savings...

Keep in mind that Stutzman does not refuse service to gay people. Indeed she had been selling flowers to this gay couple for nine years. She has also employed gay people in her flower shop. She had a friendship with the man suing her and cared for him personally and wished for her relationship with him to continue. She simply could not defy her conscience and lend her creative talent to help celebrate what her faith says she cannot celebrate. She had no idea that staying true to her faith would end up threatening her entire livelihood and savings.

Why not have the gay people who work in her shop do it then. Talk about hypocritical. I can take your money for flowers but if you get married don't come to me. Now I am anti gay marriage, but where do we draw the line.

I also have a problem with the gay man who sued her I guess, why not just go elsewhere? Why can't gays realize that while straight people still like them, we have an issue with them marrying? Why not go to a gay flower shop instead of making problems for this woman.

Her discrimination did not harm or cost the gay couple. However gays can discriminate against her flower shop & support her gay loving competitor, harming her financially. Then they sued her causing her anguish & financial ruin. That is flat out wrong.
I remember about 10 years ago, listening to Michael Medved's show. A old gal in Seattle wouldn't make wedding invitations for the gays in Canada and Seattle already had the militant homosexual laws in place. They we fining her for every occurance and the gays piled on. Some called the show and bragged about how they are putting her out of business. Sick motherfuckers.
Can a gay person refuse to work for a heterosexual organization? Can they only cater to gays? This lady is simply refusing to be work at a gay wedding. That in no way causes harm to gays, she is only harming her business & herself, unless serving gays cost her to lose more hetro business.
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Can a gay person refuse to work for a heterosexual organization? Can they only cater to gays? This lady is simply refusing to be work at a gay wedding. That in no way causes harm to gays, she is only causing to her business & herself, unless serving gays cost her to lose more hetro business.

Was she invited to the wedding?
What happened to separation of church and state?
What happened to "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"?
What happened to separation of church and state?
What happened to "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"?
Political correctness has become more important than freedom of association and religion.
This is sad :( Every tiny little thing can get you fucked in this country besides acting like a sicko.
What happened to separation of church and state?
What happened to "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"?
Political correctness has become more important than freedom of association and religion.

It isn't the America that once stood for freedom. We've been transformed into a police of sickness and we will become nothing more then a shit hole.

Both parties want darkness for our country.
What happened to separation of church and state?
What happened to "we have the right to refuse service to anyone"?

we through that out the window when we forced people to accept others or else. One reason I hate the civil rights act was it took our freedom to refuse away. A massive power grab that seeped into every corner of our rights..
Well, the scales of justice are skewered when one is allowed and the other is not (of the same perceived rights).
This man was friends with this woman. But he sued her. To me, gay or straight, he is a major asshole. She accepted his lifestyle as long as she didn't have to "celebrate" it. Selling him flowers, employing gays, etc. is far different than being involved IN the celebration itself.

Kinda like selling an antique rug to a customer is fine. But taking that persian rug and designing where it goes in his home and his home is a whore house..is another and maybe not so fine. Especially if it is against the sellers religion or beliefs. Want a persian rug? Great! I have one! But don't ask me to take it to your whore house and rearrange the furniture to make the couches look more nice while being fucked on.

I know. Strawman. But sometimes...straw is needed to understand where someones opinion comes from.
It also kinda falls in line with that pediatrician story. Fine if she does not want to treat the baby of the lesbian couple. Not a problem. What the problem IS, is she wrote " I PRAYED on it". Okey dokey. She prayed and decided not to be their doctor. Again, that is fine. But why are HER prayers ok, but this grandma's are not???
And fucking furthermore......what the FUCK is going on with gays going to businesses they KNOW or MIGHT not agree with whatever business they want done and instead of supporting a gay florist or doctor or whatever, they instead choose to FIGHT someone else and SUE?

Blacks gave Ferguson a really bad name. Gays are giving other gays a really bad name too, where NOBODY wants to do business with them at all.

Reap what ya sow, says I.
A florist loses religious freedom and much more - CNN.com

You let it happen America...the fag brigade backed by the fed gov are now attacking 70 year old grandmothers for not condoning their degeneracy

She is being sued because of her violation of anti-discrimination laws.
She is being harassed,intimidated and forced at the point of a gun to give up her livelihood,home and savings...If I was her I would remove ALL savings from bank and leave the state and or country if I could...it doesn't surprise me the gay brigade supporters are trying to rationalize this and make it seem OK.Its these cases where I wish I owned a business. Let the faggots sue me. My business,I can deny service to anyone if I so choose. And there was no "discrimination" if there was "discrimination" she would have NEVER sold them flowers...for any reason.As usual the faggots are trying to force everyone to accept their lifestyle and in reality all they are doing is making more enemies.

Nobody is forcing her to accept a damn thing. There are anti-discrimination laws. If you disagree with them, then work to get them changed or removed. If you own a business you follow the laws or you pay. It is that simple.

She was not asked to condone or celebrate a gay marriage. She had sold them flowers before, so her moral high ground was already gone. The fact that she is a 70 year old grandmother is not relevant at all.
The laws were written to force people to except abnormal behavior.

Well, lucky for you.
I am talking the abnormality of being gay.
Nobody is forcing her to accept a damn thing. There are anti-discrimination laws. If you disagree with them, then work to get them changed or removed. If you own a business you follow the laws or you pay. It is that simple.

She was not asked to condone or celebrate a gay marriage. She had sold them flowers before, so her moral high ground was already gone. The fact that she is a 70 year old grandmother is not relevant at all.
Nobody is forcing her to do anything but if she doesn't do them she will pay hell for it. How does that makes sense to you? Just because government has passed laws it doesn't make them right. There's no hypocrisy to selling flowers to gays but not for a wedding if you believe marriage is a holy union. Your contributing to the marriage is an endorsement of the event.

Government is too involved with our lives, we need to trim it down back to a manageable level.

Gay marriage is not against her religion. It is homosexuality that is against her religion. But she didn't have a problem with that before.

Either she follows the laws or she catches hell for breaking them. No, it does not make it right. But it does make it the law of the land.
I disagree, I believe gay marriage is against her religion, as it is against mine. Yet I respect homosexuals as much as I do heterosexuals, for it is not any of my business to what they do in their own homes, yet when they promote homosexual acts, they make it my business. There is a reason why adulterers hide their acts from as many people as possible, you know, and yes, a sin is a sin, and homosexual acts are every bit a sin, as a married person cheating on their spouse, but, being a homosexual is no more a sin, than being a widow is.

As far as discrimination goes, if a business says no guns, are they not discriminating against legal gun owners with concealed carry permits?

If you respect homosexuals, why wouldn't you respect their rights to be married?
God forbids it, that is why.
Nobody is forcing her to accept a damn thing. There are anti-discrimination laws. If you disagree with them, then work to get them changed or removed. If you own a business you follow the laws or you pay. It is that simple.

She was not asked to condone or celebrate a gay marriage. She had sold them flowers before, so her moral high ground was already gone. The fact that she is a 70 year old grandmother is not relevant at all.
Nobody is forcing her to do anything but if she doesn't do them she will pay hell for it. How does that makes sense to you? Just because government has passed laws it doesn't make them right. There's no hypocrisy to selling flowers to gays but not for a wedding if you believe marriage is a holy union. Your contributing to the marriage is an endorsement of the event.

Government is too involved with our lives, we need to trim it down back to a manageable level.

Gay marriage is not against her religion. It is homosexuality that is against her religion. But she didn't have a problem with that before.

Either she follows the laws or she catches hell for breaking them. No, it does not make it right. But it does make it the law of the land.
I disagree, I believe gay marriage is against her religion, as it is against mine. Yet I respect homosexuals as much as I do heterosexuals, for it is not any of my business to what they do in their own homes, yet when they promote homosexual acts, they make it my business. There is a reason why adulterers hide their acts from as many people as possible, you know, and yes, a sin is a sin, and homosexual acts are every bit a sin, as a married person cheating on their spouse, but, being a homosexual is no more a sin, than being a widow is.

As far as discrimination goes, if a business says no guns, are they not discriminating against legal gun owners with concealed carry permits?

If you respect homosexuals, why wouldn't you respect their rights to be married?
because marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

This argument could done be over, if homosexuals had pressed for a government recognized union, between 2 consenting adults, instead of trying to bring the word 'marriage' into the discussion. I would not approve of such a union, however, like most people on the opposed to gay marriage side, I would not fight to stop it.

Trying to shove the word 'marriage' into the argument, and trying to force it down people's throats(no pun intended), has made this a legitimate fight for the homosexual community and their supporters.

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