70 Years Ago, Zionist Militias Hid Weapons Among Civilians In Underground Tunnels


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
During the struggle to establish a Jewish state, the Haganah and other Zionist militias used underground tunnels called ‘Sliks’ for arms caches and weapons manufacture. The Sliks were located under schools, synagogues, kibbutzim, and anywhere else the British were not likely to look or attack.

When Jewish militants dug underground tunnels
And like the Hamas militants of today, each and every pre-state Zionist militant group — be it the Haganah, Etzel, or Lehi — operated against the British and the Palestinians by building secret weapons factories or hiding weapon caches — known in Hebrew as slikim — among the civilian population.

Jews, Just Like Arabs, Hid Weapons in Immoral Places
Haganah,the Irgun, and the Stern Gang, which operated against the British government and the Arabs in Palestine, used similar tactics to those implemented by Arab militants.

It is not surprising as every insurgency in history has done the same thing, using the civilian population from which it arose as cover. The IRA in Ireland, the ANC in South Africa, and the partisans in Europe in WW2, to name a few recent examples.

Zionists. The original terrorists. Murdering women and children for decades.
And then they hijacked planes and crashed them into buildings. And they blew up random people all over the globe with suicide bombs. Those damned zionists!
One has to wonder at just how filthy a person is who attempts to justify war crimes and holding up babies in front of guns to save their own skins.

Such a person, losing an argument, will go looking for instances of the other side doing what they are trying to defend and will, naturally, grasp at any indecent and morally corrupt outlet that will try and justify their own filth.

It is enough to actually consider legalizing violence against those who would hide behind civilians.
The OP needs to be happy that his Islamic pals control EVERYTHING surrounding Israel. But he won't, because as with all Islamists, they want every square inch.
Anyone who does this should not then whine, bitch, piss and moan about the civilians being killed where they stashed the weapons.

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