Zone1 700 years after they disappeared...


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
...James writes them a letter.

James 1:1
"James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting."

What was that all about? And did Martin Luther actually call this letter the "epistle of straw" because he didn't believe the tribes existed at that time?
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They were scattered but not vanished. I wonder by what means he used to get his message out to them.
The book of James is one I read often.

They were scattered but not vanished. I wonder by what means he used to get his message out to them.
The book of James is one I read often.

I think the ones James wrote to were in the area of Galatia. Many had already migrated into Europe by that time as well.

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