7000-1. Guess Who Won

LOL as opposed to NBC ABC CBS CNN PBS MSNBC and most US newspapers? Not to mention Twitter Facebook and most internet sites, I dont know about New Zealand but Australia is a dictatorship in regards the virus. Actually rounding people up and putting them in camps.

You missed the part where I said " the MSM being hopelessly biased" is the original LIE of the Republican Party. All of those outlets you're watching are not telling you the truth, but the left wing sources are all factually reliable because they use standard journalistic standards of story verification.

  • Overall, we rate NPR (National Public Radio) Left-Center Biased based on story selection that leans slightly left and Very High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing and very accurate news reporting.

  • Overall, we rate NBC News Left-Center biased based on story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record.

  • Overall, we rate The Washington Post Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. Due to two failed fact checks, they earn a Mostly Factual rating.

  • Overall, we rate ABC News Left-Center biased based on story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing, and a reasonable fact check record.

None of the right wing outlets are "right center biased". They're all on the extreme end of the right. None of the are give you the facts.

This is the FOX News report:
  • We rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories.
And Breitbart:
  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.

and Sinclair Broadcasting:
  • Overall, we rate Sinclair Broadcast Group Right Biased based on political affiliation with the Republican Party and the direction of network news programming. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to airing news shows with poor fact check records.

Every single one of the major right wing outlets, has a MAJOR problem telling the truth. When the information you're basing your beliefs and votes on, is false, how can you make the right decision. If you can't trust these people to tell you the truth, why are you listening to them at all.

History has a left wing bias. History tells us the world progresses when liberals overcome conservative objections to new right and freedoms for individuals. The Founders were hair on fire leftist radicals ready to go war to take control of their own country. A sizeable number of people fled the new country due to their loyalty to the British Crown - those were the conservatives of their day.

Today, you try to paint your leftist Founders as conservatives. That's because the whole world has moved on from racism and slavery, and now the principles that were radically leftist in 1776, seem very conservative by today's standards.

The billionaires get richer when YOU vote Republican. You do not. Guess why they're lying to you.
You missed the part where I said " the MSM being hopelessly biased" is the original LIE of the Republican Party. All of those outlets you're watching are not telling you the truth, but the left wing sources are all factually reliable because they use standard journalistic standards of story verification.

  • Overall, we rate NPR (National Public Radio) Left-Center Biased based on story selection that leans slightly left and Very High for factual reporting due to thorough sourcing and very accurate news reporting.

  • Overall, we rate NBC News Left-Center biased based on story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing and a reasonable fact check record.

  • Overall, we rate The Washington Post Left-Center biased based on editorial positions that moderately favor the left. Due to two failed fact checks, they earn a Mostly Factual rating.

  • Overall, we rate ABC News Left-Center biased based on story selection and word choices that moderately favor the left and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing, and a reasonable fact check record.

None of the right wing outlets are "right center biased". They're all on the extreme end of the right. None of the are give you the facts.

This is the FOX News report:
  • We rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to editorial positions and story selection that favors the right. We also rate them Mixed factually and borderline Questionable based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories.
And Breitbart:
  • Overall, we rate Breitbart Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, the publication of conspiracy theories and propaganda as well as numerous false claims.

and Sinclair Broadcasting:
  • Overall, we rate Sinclair Broadcast Group Right Biased based on political affiliation with the Republican Party and the direction of network news programming. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to airing news shows with poor fact check records.

Every single one of the major right wing outlets, has a MAJOR problem telling the truth. When the information you're basing your beliefs and votes on, is false, how can you make the right decision. If you can't trust these people to tell you the truth, why are you listening to them at all.

History has a left wing bias. History tells us the world progresses when liberals overcome conservative objections to new right and freedoms for individuals. The Founders were hair on fire leftist radicals ready to go war to take control of their own country. A sizeable number of people fled the new country due to their loyalty to the British Crown - those were the conservatives of their day.

Today, you try to paint your leftist Founders as conservatives. That's because the whole world has moved on from racism and slavery, and now the principles that were radically leftist in 1776, seem very conservative by today's standards.

The billionaires get richer when YOU vote Republican. You do not. Guess why they're lying to you.
LOL a left leaning site makes a claim ad you parrot it like it is fact go figure.
Equipment is Equipment. Why is a server different from a router?

He is removed from 80% of the social media audience. Would you be OK with him being banned from 80% of the television audience?

What the different between your car and the road you drive on?

I would be OK with Donald Trump never being allowed to speak in public for the rest of his life. I would be OK if they had taken him out behind the White House on January 7th and shot him, although I would prefer that he be sent to prison for the rest of his life. They can take his golden toilet out of Trump Tower and put it in his cell for him.
Why is a server different from a router?

Jesus, that's a stupid question to anyone who has any idea how the internet works. Do you really need me to explain the difference between a router and a server?

Property is property, isn't that what you said before?
Because the ISP is carrying the information and the websites are creating and storing it.

It's the difference between the person you call on the phone and the phone company connecting you two.

but property is property right?

You keep digging your hole deeper and don't even know it.
What the different between your car and the road you drive on?

I would be OK with Donald Trump never being allowed to speak in public for the rest of his life. I would be OK if they had taken him out behind the White House on January 7th and shot him, although I would prefer that he be sent to prison for the rest of his life. They can take his golden toilet out of Trump Tower and put it in his cell for him.

Shot for not being like you politically?

Hey colfax_m this is who you are agreeing with.

At least she has the balls to admit it, along with wanting to silence political opposition.

THIS is what you are supporting.
but property is property right?

You keep digging your hole deeper and don't even know it.
Dude, you just asked what the difference between a server and a router was, so don't tell me what I do and don't know. You're clueless.

The idea behind common carriage for ISPs lies primarily in their natural monopoly status since few people have more than one or two options for broadband coverage. If an ISP starts blocking websites, people may have very few options to circumvent that, limiting their ability to access certain information.

Trump's administration and Republicans in general felt this was too intrusive of regulation on private industry.

As much as you like to talk about high market shares of social media companies, it's also completely irrelevant. What's really relevant is access to competition. When it comes to the internet, as long as we keep ISPs from blocking websites, there are NO limits to competition. That's why I say that people have exactly as much access to Trump's speech on his website as with Twitter. If they can go to Twitter's website, they can go to Trump's website. There's equal access.
Dude, you just asked what the difference between a server and a router was, so don't tell me what I do and don't know. You're clueless.

The idea behind common carriage for ISPs lies primarily in their natural monopoly status since few people have more than one or two options for broadband coverage. If an ISP starts blocking websites, people may have very few options to circumvent that, limiting their ability to access certain information.

Trump's administration and Republicans in general felt this was too intrusive of regulation on private industry.

As much as you like to talk about high market shares of social media companies, it's also completely irrelevant. What's really relevant is access to competition. When it comes to the internet, as long as we keep ISPs from blocking websites, there are NO limits to competition. That's why I say that people have exactly as much access to Trump's speech on his website as with Twitter. If they can go to Twitter's website, they can go to Trump's website. There's equal access.

Not technically, but when viewed as property. Property is property right?

If twitter and facebook control 80% of the social media spectrum, aren't they a monopoly?
Not technically, but when viewed as property. Property is property right?

If twitter and facebook control 80% of the social media spectrum, aren't they a monopoly?
Do they prevent anyone from accessing any other website?

Do they force anyone to visit their website?

No. They don't. It's extremely hard if not impossible to have a monopoly on the internet. There aren't really physical limitations on the internet. You can't control the supply of the internet.

You wanted candidates to have equal access. I just showed you that anyone can access Trump's website at any time. There. Equal access.
Do they prevent anyone from accessing any other website?

Do they force anyone to visit their website?

No. They don't. It's extremely hard if not impossible to have a monopoly on the internet. There aren't really physical limitations on the internet. You can't control the supply of the internet.

You wanted candidates to have equal access. I just showed you that anyone can access Trump's website at any time. There. Equal access.

They have one on social media, which is the part of the internet we are talking about.

80% of the traffic is banned to Trump for political reasons, not for violating the TOS.

And you get your echo chamber, because you know you can't win when the playing field is level.
Do they prevent anyone from accessing any other website?

Do they force anyone to visit their website?

No. They don't. It's extremely hard if not impossible to have a monopoly on the internet. There aren't really physical limitations on the internet. You can't control the supply of the internet.

You wanted candidates to have equal access. I just showed you that anyone can access Trump's website at any time. There. Equal access.
And yet providers kick off right leaning sites for no other reason then politics, And most providers are left of center. And you claim it is fair cause they dont prevent just what they prevent.
They have one on social media, which is the part of the internet we are talking about.

80% of the traffic is banned to Trump for political reasons, not for violating the TOS.

And you get your echo chamber, because you know you can't win when the playing field is level.
What's so special about social media? You said you wanted people to have access to Trump, they have it on his website.
And yet providers kick off right leaning sites for no other reason then politics, And most providers are left of center. And you claim it is fair cause they dont prevent just what they prevent.
As far as I'm aware, there is no internet service provider which blocks any website.

Undoubtedly, you are thinking about web hosting services which are totally different.
A book isn't the speech of a book store, but they're sure as hell within their rights to take things off the shelf they don't want to be selling. The speech exists on their platform and they have a first amendment right not to disseminate it.

You only care about the bans because they're people you agree with. If it weren't your heroes being banned, you might recognize that this is government that is violating the constitution. Instead, you'll support authoritarian government thugs because it suits your political goals.
So you are saying that wedding cake makers have the right not to make cakes that they don't agree with? How did that go with the gay community and the courts? Hypocrite.
At first, I thought the property owner would lose a court case but I reviewed some literature and now I think they'd probably prevail.

I think the city is probably acting unconstitutionally.
Flip flop. Especially when you realize you are wrong, again.

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