72% Of Americans Disapprove Of Republicans In Congress

Ouch :itsok:

72% Of Americans Disapprove Of Republicans In Congress

An astounding 72% percent of Americans say they are unhappy with Republicans in Congress, according toa recent poll.

President Obama and the Democrats fared a bit better. The poll, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News and released last week, found that only 54% and 61% said they disapprove of Obama and Democrats respectively.

Kiinda flies in the face though doesn't it since we will soon have a Republican Senate as well as a Republican House. But you go right ahead and dream on.
Dream on about what? Those are the numbers. I didn't make them up. Whether the GOP controls congress or not, they have a worse approval rating than both Obama and congressional Democrats
100% of Americans want Obama impeached and the DNC dissolved
first i have heard of that....100%?.....got something backing that up?....

even the libtard media no longer supports the "darkie" and that's 100% of the voting.
"The darkie". Nice. That right there is why the GOP is on its way to obscurity. Crawl back under your sheet, boy. The modern world doesn't care for your antiquated, racist views.
Ouch :itsok:

72% Of Americans Disapprove Of Republicans In Congress

An astounding 72% percent of Americans say they are unhappy with Republicans in Congress, according toa recent poll.

President Obama and the Democrats fared a bit better. The poll, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News and released last week, found that only 54% and 61% said they disapprove of Obama and Democrats respectively.

Kiinda flies in the face though doesn't it since we will soon have a Republican Senate as well as a Republican House. But you go right ahead and dream on.
Dream on about what? Those are the numbers. I didn't make them up. Whether the GOP controls congress or not, they have a worse approval rating than both Obama and congressional Democrats

yeah those communists are doing a bang up job

Congress Democrats
100% of Americans want Obama impeached and the DNC dissolved
first i have heard of that....100%?.....got something backing that up?....

even the libtard media no longer supports the "darkie" and that's 100% of the voting.
"The darkie". Nice. That right there is why the GOP is on its way to obscurity. Crawl back under your sheet, boy. The modern world doesn't care for your antiquated, racist views.

Reid called it a light skined negro without the heavy negro accent.

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

thanks to you he is the laffin' stock of the world
Repubs are not on the golf course, they are in the 19th hole...


But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.

We know they are much better than WND...

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.
It's a Washington Post/ABC News poll. I'm guessing you'd be singing its praises had the numbers been reversed. Carry on, hack.

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.
It's a Washington Post/ABC News poll. I'm guessing you'd be singing its praises had the numbers been reversed. Carry on, hack.

ABC and Warsh post are libtard news media. forget your meds today ???

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.

Send it COD..
Ouch :itsok:

72% Of Americans Disapprove Of Republicans In Congress

An astounding 72% percent of Americans say they are unhappy with Republicans in Congress, according toa recent poll.

President Obama and the Democrats fared a bit better. The poll, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News and released last week, found that only 54% and 61% said they disapprove of Obama and Democrats respectively.

Well, here's the little bit folks like you always forget: Congress is not elected in Nationwide voting.

On a local basis, most incumbents have fairly favorable ratings with their constituents...which is why they get re-elected.

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:
so is 55%
100% of Americans want Obama impeached and the DNC dissolved
first i have heard of that....100%?.....got something backing that up?....

even the libtard media no longer supports the "darkie" and that's 100% of the voting.
but you said every voter in the country wants the guy impeached.....and you know thats bullshit....so why say it?....

But still more support than the GOP has :bye1:

the GOP doesn't spend all day on the golf course do they???
unfortunately the poll didn't ask about golf. Care to address the GOP's dismal numbers or are you just going to deflect with "but Obama" all day?

anyone who takes the Station with the LOWEST ratings of all them and then thinks we are suppose to ADDRESS what they say.
It's a Washington Post/ABC News poll. I'm guessing you'd be singing its praises had the numbers been reversed. Carry on, hack.

like I said, two of the lapdogs for the DNC spin it however it make's you feel good
Ouch :itsok:

72% Of Americans Disapprove Of Republicans In Congress

An astounding 72% percent of Americans say they are unhappy with Republicans in Congress, according toa recent poll.

President Obama and the Democrats fared a bit better. The poll, conducted by the Washington Post and ABC News and released last week, found that only 54% and 61% said they disapprove of Obama and Democrats respectively.

Well, here's the little bit folks like you always forget: Congress is not elected in Nationwide voting.

On a local basis, most incumbents have fairly favorable ratings with their constituents...which is why they get re-elected.
and in a lot of cases thats even if they think their person is not very good at being a Congress person....because....they cant vote for the other guy even if he is better.....he aint my party... what ya gonna do?.....:dunno:

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