76% Of Americans Have Had To Curb Their Spending Due To Inflation

The people's standard of living is down the toilet because the Washington Establishment's appetite for OUR wealth is insatiable. They exist to rob us in order to enrich themselves. Incredibly, the left adores and worships them.
Data shows Americans are incredibly bad at understanding the state of the economy.
Is there an economics test you have to pass to vote? The electorates perception of the economy is more important to someone running to keep their job than what the actual state of the economy is.
I'm ready to divorce the Democrats, divide up the property and live apart from the Dem filth.
You obviously, dumbass
If you say so.

At least I’m aware that real consumer spending is up and was by far the biggest driver in last quarter’s GDP growth, accounting for nearly half of the 5.2% annualized growth rate.

But maybe you’re right. I’m the dumb one and you guys are just so well informed.
Reason for that is idiots like yourself spend way too much time lying and BSing about the economy. We understand the state of our household economy quite well.
People say one thing and do another. I’m just pointing out the discrepancy.
If you say so.

At least I’m aware that real consumer spending is up and was by far the biggest driver in last quarter’s GDP growth, accounting for nearly half of the 5.2% annualized growth rate.

But maybe you’re right. I’m the dumb one and you guys are just so well informed.
Not to worry, that credit card bill will be in the mail before you wake up.

The U.S. dollar has lost 16% its value since 2020​

Updated: November 14, 2023
$100 in 2020 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $118.88 today, an increase of $18.88 over 3 years. The dollar had an average inflation rate of 5.93% per year between 2020 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 18.88%.

This means that today's prices are 1.19 times as high as average prices since 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index. A dollar today only buys 84.118% of what it could buy back then.


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